Thursday, June 30, 2005

Some Vacation Haikus

I can't wait anymore
Sit on the beach by the shore
North Carolina

The annoying noise
Of cell phones ringing loudly
Replaced by seagulls

Salty taste and smell
Sea, magaritas and sweat
On my lips and skin

Better wear sunscreen
Bronzed goddess with tan limbs or
Red dry peeling skin

Week-long rented house
Maybe I will not return
Screw work and Cleveland

Monday, June 13, 2005

Have you ever seen a dead body?

I have only seen a dead body in pictures or at the funeral home. I often go to or it's sister site, (check it out, it is pretty funny sometimes). These two sites have tons of pictures from police files and curious bystanders. Pictures of dead bodies, crazy accidents, pictures of limbs with no torso, torso with no limbs, heads with no brains, heads with no bodies, okay you get the picture (literally, is it forming in your head right now??). I think it is amazing how you become desensitized to something like that. I am so curious to look, I am grateful for the pictures so I can sit and stare closely at every detail. It is also crazy how the body takes on the essence of a manequin almost, like it is not real and I am in some wax museum. I think if I came upon a dead body in it's first and natural state, my feeling would be different. My 2-D safety net would be broken and I think I might throw up or run away even. Isn't it weird how if it's a picture of something you can convince yourself that it is not real, some how staged? Is it the smell? The lingering heat of the body? The feel of the spirit in the air? Even at funerals, you look at the body with the waxy skin and too much make up and think "that's not real". To me, they never look like they are "sleeping". Maybe it is the knowing of the ins and outs now that I am older (and thanks to too much CSI & 6 Feet Under), the stitches that hold together the mouth and the eyes, the skin taught, the muscles and limbs stiff and unbending with rigor mortis. Just like anything that is dehydrated, dried, and in that stage right before decomposition, when you realize how important water can be. When I die, I would love it if I was just allowed to rot back into the earth like nature intended. Fuck the embalming, God forbid some freak will try to get busy with my corpse. Desecrate my body, but not my soul because it will be gone. An empty vessel, waiting for the fire that will engulf it and turn it into what it was from the beginning, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

"After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
there was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love"

Friday, June 10, 2005


Why doesn't Britney Spears wear a bra? She is so disgusting. I know you are pregnant and all but they are all over the place. Support the Twins! You'll regret it later! Oh wait, you'll just get another boob job...
Here are some great pictures of her and her boobs.
(under the starbucks post)
And on another note...MEXICAN FIESTA TIME TONIGHT!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Someone put a mickey into my drink...and I liked it.

My husband brought me flowers on Saturday. We did all kinds of stuff in the yard, attended a BBQ, and in general enjoyed each other's company. I think someone drugged him.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Why is it when I am at my desk and I feel the need to go to the bathroom, I continue to sit here like it's going to go away? I am killing my kidneys. It must have been all those times my mom locked me in the closet for days and told me if I wet myself I would have to drink it.
Just kidding.
Actually, I chalk it up to waitressing. Can't pee until the break, folks. And breaks are few and far between. Maybe it isn't that. Maybe I am so god damn lazy that I can't even get up to stop working to go to the bathroom. Oh, that's it then. I am a dedicated employee. Ha.
Whatever it is, I gotta quit doing it and get me some depends. I give up.