I have thought of coming here many times over the last month. I had nothing to write about. Is blogging a fad for me? Am I over it like I was my Cabbage Patch Kid, my Care Bear, my Glow Worm and my Pogo Ball? As I age do I have less to talk (bitch) about? Is careless broadcasting of my private life a figment of my misspent youth? I am still into the idea of it...even though as I type, I always worry what other people reading it are thinking. But then I remind myself, no one else reads this. I guess if I can entertain one bored cube monkey I have done my good deed for the day. Not to mention, this seems to help my typing and spelling skills (even as I typed that I misspelled the word spelling-oh the irony!).
Well, on to the show. Not much is new here, I already got my dose of the flu for this year and let me tell you it was not pleasant. I can't believe Christmas is coming and it is already the middle of November. I spend my days at work tolerating my boss and selling (and buying unfortunately) things on eBay. I am obsessed. My plan is to sell enough stuff that I can pay for our trip to the Keys in February. This weekend I am going to Columbus for a baby shower so I get to hang out with all pregnant ladies who love to talk about how they can't fit into their size 4 200 dollar jeans anymore and isn't it just a travesty. All my normal (sized) friends have some how found something else better to do that day. I knew I should have scheduled better...
I really can't complain, all this is trivial and over all things are going well. I am actually excited to unpack the decorations and get on with the holidays already.
BTW...I still have that Care Bear :)