Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pope-ing around

Not much going on. I feel guilty if I don't post because of all the blogs I read, I get mad when someone doesn't post for a couple of days...not that there is anyone else reading this besides me. However, I think it is good to write down your thoughts, kind of a mental purging if you will.

So the weather here is finally starting to clear up. Last week it was 70 degrees and then all the sudden this weekend it FUCKING SNOWED, giant wet heavy flakes. Now Mother Nature is teasing us again with gorgeous 65 degrees, hopefully here to stay this time. I have a lot of painting outside to do so I am looking forward to nice weather.

So the Pope died. Which is crazy because I am 28 so we have had the same Pope basically my whole life. I'm not catholic so I am not really into the Pope, but I am fascinated with the fact that he is so highly regarded and held in society. And he actually was not bad looking for an old man. Is that bad to say that? I'm not saying I'm hot for Pope, I am just saying he was pleasant to look at. I saw that Pope when I was in Italy in 1995. It was a Saturday in Rome and there was a children's day and the Pope came out on a golf cart type thing and they drove him around. It's pretty brave of him to not use the Pope-mobile after he got shot like that. But it was nice because he was waving at the kids and touching them and they were all singing and waving those giant foam fingers. But my friend that I was with (3rd corral back) got shit on by a bird while we were there, and I was like "Dude, that is not a good sign." Haha. I also thought it was hysterical that you could buy t-shirts not even 90 feet away from the Pope that said "I like the Pope, the Pope smokes dope." Maybe he has one. :)

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