Tuesday, May 31, 2005


This weekend was pretty good. My dude went to a NASCAR race in NC with his dad. WHY? Don't ask me. The important thing was I was not expected to participate. I'm all for some camping, but not in the middle of a race track with 165,000 drunks running around and that horrible race car noise for 6 HOURS STRAIGHT. That's right. How can anyone sit there for 6 hours and listen to that noise? But, they liked it. They may even go again next year. All in all, my husband came back with a neck that was just a little bit redder then before...he blamed it on the sun, time will tell!
So onto my weekend. I was alone most of the time which was not necessarily a bad thing. I spent some time with my sister, I bought plants, I mulched the beds. On Saturday, I went to my friend Zanna's house for a cookout which was awesome and spent time bitching about how much I hate George Bush, which is one of my favorite topics. I drank two bottles of Pinot, got some hiccups, and went home and passed out. GOOD TIMES!

And....as a special favor to all you (2) readers, my girl Z had an adventure on Thursday. Here it is in her own words...
EMAIL from Z sent on 5/24/05.
"Listen to what happened to me yesterday!!! I was driving home from work on Route 2 on the shoreway less than a mile from my exit, coming around a couple of curves and I see cars ahead of me swerving and slamming on brakes. Just about when I started wondering what was going on, I see a bunch of men running across the highway and one of them was right in front of my car!! At that moment, I KNEW there was nothing I could do! I slammed on my breaks from 50 miles an hour, covered my face to shield it, and thought "I'm about to kill a man! Right now! With my car! I'm killing somebody!!!!" It took what seemed like an eternity- for a split second I thought I missed him - but then I heard him hit! I opened my eyes and still saw cars swerving, people running up to us, and the other guys run off towards the woods on the other side of the soap box derby. I stayed in my car completely FREAKING out, but I saw the man I hit was up and staggering around, so I knew I didn't kill him - THANK GOD! I saw a woman in what looked like a nurse's uniform talking to him telling himto get on the ground and not to move. I called 911. Then I got out of my car to make sure everyone was ok. I'm still shaking typing this. The woman who was talking to the guy I hit was a physical therapist, so she knew better what to do with the guy than I did. He was trying to smoke a cigarette. He was a vagrant and smelled like alcohol. I went up to a guy -a witness - and he started telling me how he saw the whole thing and that there was no way I could've avoided hitting that guy. The vagrant and his buddies ran across three lanes of traffic on the highway during rush hour. The witness said there were two other guys with him and they ran off
towards the woods with a cooler. We waited for the ambulance and the police. The guy I hit was put in a neck brace and taken on a board into the ambulance. Before they put him in, he looked me right in the eyes and said "I'm sorry ma'am. It was all my fault." His nose was bloody and broken. The police showed up and said I wasn't in trouble. They were going to the hospital to cite the man. They sent me home. My car has two dents in the hood and the windshield is cracked like crazy. I took off work today because of the car, and because I didn't get much sleep last night. I am OK. I am still shaken up."

Can you believe that? Now that is a great story if I ever heard one. I decided she needs a t-shirt that says "BUM KILLA" so I photoshopped her into one so she can hang it by her desk at work and all the drones can come by the cube and get the old autograph.

Now back to my (non) exciting weekend. I rounded it out with some laundry and cleaning. My dude got home right on time for us to make the Rib Off for dinner, which I will be paying for shortly, probably in another 20 min. HAHA. That's all folks. I'll try harder next time.

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