So I think it is pretty funny that my boss doesn't tell me when he's not coming in. I get here this morning and I have had no phone calls or any sightings of him. I think he does it because God forbid if I know he isn't going to be here, I'll come in drunk or throw like a party or something. HAHA. Actually it IS better being here alone, I have the Neil Young cranked up, I am getting tons of work done, and I can blog! At my last job (cubicle factory), my manager was always riding me with a whip and crop demanding me to work more! harder! Telling me I was a slacker when I was doing 3 times the work of my co-workers. She always told me it was the same stress and pressure and pay as everywhere else. Well I hate to break it to you, I make more now, I work less hours, I have my own office and someone who could care less how much I am on the internet or working on my own stuff as long as what I need to do for him gets done first. I know I have bitched about this job, but I can't think of a better work environment for me. Oh, except if my office was in the middle of my living room. I can dream, can't I?
Tonight I am off to a Jell-O Shot, Flip Flop party. My mom told me on the phone last night not to get drunk, but with less then a cup of liquor for 35 shots, I don't think that will be an issue. (Except for that sixer of Corona I am taking with me!) I have never made Jell-O shots before, so I decided to get crafty and make my own recipe up...I'll share it with you, my guinea pig (Brad) said they turned out A-OK. I maybe could of added more rum, I was scared because I thought they wouldn't gel.
Strawberry Daquiri Jell-O shots
You will need:
little plastic cups, or if you want to go crazy, make it in a big dish
1 large packet strawberry flavored gelatin
2 cups boiling H2O
3/4 cup Captain Morgan's rum, I bet Bicardi or whatever would work too
3/4 cup cream
1/2 cup cold H2O
Add the boiling water to the Jell-O powder, stir til melted, add in the Capt. Morgan's and the cream, whisk it up. Add in 1/2 cup cold water, pour into little cups, put in fridge. When these solidify, the top half will be creamy pinkish and the bottom will be clear red. Not sure why this happens. Top with whip cream and a strawberry. Eat whole batch and maybe you will catch a buzz. And it is fat free!! Enjoy!
Here is a picture I found of Jell-O shots on the internet. So that is what the lids are for! Easy transport. So do like the picture and get lids.

Love, E
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