Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Money for Nothing...

I was excited today because I got a check in the mail for my first ever invoice I sent out on my own as a freelancer. In the past I have piggy backed onto other companies and in turn got paid through them. So, hurrah! Hopefully the start of something good!

One week and counting til my vacation. I am super psyched and I hope to be able to have some time to post from down there via my wireless at a Starbucks. My dude and I are addicted so he shouldn't mind a little extra time in there. And then my reader (supposed to be singular...hahaha) can check up on our trip. I also think it might be nice for myself to read through later on.

My birthday was this past weekend, hard to believe I am 29. Where has the time gone? We celebrated in the proper way, eating eating and more eating. Fat Cats on Friday, then on to Zanna and Chris', the next night out with mom and dad to Ponte Vecchio...YUM! Super Bowl I lazed around while my dude went out with his buddies. This friday we continue the extravaganza at the Melting Pot...fondue...mmmmm.

I played volleyball last night with my old boss. I am sore today. I guess 29 makes me an old lady. haha. There were 2 leagues going on at the same time, the A league-ers all looked like straight out of highschool/college with their long thin legs, buns (super as short hot pants like things), and killer spikes. I am used to ruling the school when it comes to co-ed but those girls would put a whipping on not only me but any dude. I am looking forward to playing more in the upcoming weeks, hopefully I will get back in A-League shape! Until then, I'll have to relive my glory days playing "hit me with your best shot" on my itunes.

*side note...i think my sister reads this sometimes. At first when I thought she might be, I worried what she might think. I mean, only 3 of my friends have seen this site and less then half of my total friends even knows I write online, let alone knows what a blog is. But now that she is gone, I like to think she is reading this. I miss you and I miss seeing you everyday. It makes me feel good that you are a part of my everyday life. So if you are there...welcome :)

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