Friday, August 24, 2007


Well, I took the leap and let everyone know about my silly blog. Welcome! If anyone wants to check out Trey and the Hall's I hope you come back often :)

Trey will be 6 months old on August 27th. I can't believe summer is almost over and it has been six months since we had him! Time is really flying. Trey is on formula and baby food now, he gets a fruit and rice cereal in the morning and has a veggie at night. He really likes eating and cannot get enough. Takes after his parents that way, I guess.

The big Trey news this week is that he has a tooth! Right in the front on the bottom. I found out when we went down to Atlanta to see the Leeth family, upon landing the only thing that would calm him down was sucking on my finger. And that's when I felt it. It is coming in pretty steadily now and is super sharp. He goes to the doctor next week so we should have some idea then of his weight and height but he is very healthy and feels like a sack of potatoes.

On the Erin and Brad side of things, Brad is looking for work now and is staying at home being the "manny". I love it because who wouldn't want to come home to a nice cooked dinner and clean house, but we will need the money in the near future so I hope he finds something soon. I am still working at the same place, and freelancing when I can get it. We keep busy with my volleyball and other things, and are getting ready for Meghan and Kevin's wedding coming up quick in September.

It's time to start the weekend! Have a good one.

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