Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What is a libtard?

Is that you, George?

Bush Divorce Rumors

So I read a rumor online recently that speculated that the President and the first lady would be getting a divorce after his term is over. On YAHOO answers a lot of people had voiced their opinions on this matter and one person stated this

"First off if ( and this is a big if) they are having marital problems it is not my business. Not yours either. Secondly if they were to get divorced it would not be the end of the world. It would not change my opinion of him or of Laura. It also would have no effect on how I feel about his presidency. I would feel very sorry for both of them as divorce is a very painful thing especially in a long term marriage. Sure makes me glad I don't read the tabloids."

While I agree many things are not our business, if it is not our business why were all these same people up in arms when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs from Lewinski? Why does Bush get to pass a law about homosexual rights to marry because of his beliefs in the "sanctity of marriage"? I know rumors are just that, rumors. But when in America are we going to look at the laws and rule out the grays? The law should either be black or white, right or wrong. How does the separation of church and state=we get to say who can love who and how and why because some religion says we can or can't? Why can Pamela Anderson get married and divorced and subject her children to a multitude of trashy dads and not be penalized? Is that not disrespecting the sanctity of marriage? And don't even get me started on Britney Spears 16 year old sister getting knocked up.

It's late and this probably doesn't make too much sense, but sometimes just wonder where we will be in 20 years?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Makes you wonder...

Brad and I are watching a show on the food network about Holidays at Walt Disney World. I know that it is the most magical place on Earth and all but when people are starving in the world, do we really need to create an actual entire life sized house made of gingerbread and a village made entirely of chocolate? I mean, you know no one eats that. I bet some starving people would even eat that month old gross display.
And when I say starving people, I am not even thinking of our own backyards. This year Cleveland was rated one of the poorest cities in America. I think I can say I am grateful for the fact that we managed to stay afloat this year, and I think if we have another year like this one anytime soon, we'll be out of here. Maybe we'll move to Florida and live in that discarded gingerbread house.
On another note, I am working again the next two weeks so that should be chaotic, but good with Christmas coming and all. I still need to find new daycare for Trey starting in January and will be working on that this week too. I am looking forward to the New Year and hopefully the stability it will bring, if there is one thing we learned this year, it is to always expect the unexpected!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

9 month check-up

Trey went to see Dr. Kherani last week for his 9 month check-up. He is right on track for average in the 50th percentile across the board. Trey continues to be super happy all the time which makes life a lot easier for me. He is learning to wave, crawling like crazy, standing up with the aid of something to pull up on, "cruising" around the furniture, and calling everyone "daddy." He is quickly out growing the baby food, and although he still LOVES fruit, much more enjoys feeding himself at dinner time. He eats pasta, veggies, turkey, and chicken, and it is nice that he can eat what we eat and when we eat. He has 4 teeth already and has earned the nickname "slimer" from his dad because of all the snot and drool. We are excited to see what he learns next and looking forward to Christmas!

trey got elf-ed!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Cutie Pie

One more thanksgiving picture...