Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What's New?

The old adage no news is good news has been instilled in me from an early age…but does it apply to the media?

My friend Zanna told me about a year ago that she used to get up every morning and watch the news while getting ready for work. Day after day the news was depressing and sad, children starving, people fighting, jobs lost. So one day, she changed the channel. She now watches cartoons every morning and said they start her day off on a much better note.

I read CNN.com everyday at lunch and periodically throughout the day. As you can probably tell from my post on child abuse, I too am tired of bad news. It seems these days there is no good news, and if there is, it normally stems from bad news, ie., a child surviving from having a butter knife stabbed into his skull, a lady walking through a gun fight and managing not to get shot (and not even noticing the gun fight), someone coming back from war, physically safe (but who knows about mentally?). It is hard to turn a blind eye to the bad news, after all it seems it is what makes up our society these days. But is it bad to be too educated on these tragedies, or would I feel better (or make it easier to see some bad news as good news) if I knew all the gory details?

I am ready for some good news. From now on when I post I will try to find something good, and maybe that will brighten my day and hopefully yours. Until then, I am going to keep working on my own good news…enjoying my life, and working towards a better tomorrow.

Good News of the Day: Economic Stimulus checks!

Disclaimer: there actually was no good news on cnn.com today that did not revolve around bad news or celebrities. I decided to include this link seeing that today is tax day, however, while reading about the checks we will be getting, ignore the sidebar of bad news about why we are getting the checks. I can’t win sometimes, but I am still trying

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