Thursday, November 06, 2008

MTv for Old People

After years of working in bars that the music was too loud, cranking the itunes on my headphones at work, and driving around with Howard Stern blaring at full volume, I think my hearing is going on strike. The main problem with this, other than saying "What?" every other sentence, is that it is seriously cutting into my television time. Now this is embarrassing to say, but I am a 31 year old who likes to watch reality television, Mtv, and shows on The-N. Engaged and Underage, America's Next Top Model, Degrassi, I like them all. For some reason on these shows every scene must have a musical back drop making it virtually impossible to hear the mumbling teenage characters in these shows. No wonder why kids have ADD. Between the music, the drama, and the scrolling ads running along the bottom of the screen, I am losing my mind. Maybe it's time to grow up...I never have any issues watching Law and Someone please invent a way to fade these out! Or MTv, turn the music down so I can hear already! Or maybe I should just give up and go to the store and buy some depends already ;)

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