Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So you are probably wondering what happened to my Disney recap. Well, I'm pregnant! I knew I was when we went to Disney, hence the rescheduling of the trip from October to April, thanks Mom and Dad and Aimee and Tim for being so accomodating!! Things started out rocky but have turned to be fantastic. We are having a girl and she is due in October.

After an amazing week with my sister and her family and my extended family along with my parents at their house for 4th of July festivities, my mom came up to Cleveland and we finally bought some things for the baby and started setting up her room. It's been sad taking down all Trey's old things but he loves his new room and even is (finally) sleeping in his own bed.

So, I've been busy with that and of course work. Not to mention my work-aholic hubby has been burning the midnight oil at the office so T and I have been on our own at home a lot and least to say I don't feel like doing much, although there is a lot to be done. Hard to get motivated in this heat and of course I am still tired a lot.

Can't believe it but I am headed camping this weekend with my best friend from HS and his family. We had such a great time last year crashing their family weekend at Mohican that of course we said we wanted to go again this year. They are so great, setting up a tent for us so when we get there Friday all we have to do is relax and have FUN! Not sure what I will participate in this year other than the S'more eating (YUM) but I am going to give it my best.

Keeping in the rustic frame of mind, I'm then headed the last weekend in July to a cabin in the woods with my girlfriends. The place we rented has an in ground pool so I am looking forward to hanging, lounging, relaxing, and laughing.

Back on the pregnancy front, someone at work told me yesterday that another co-worker had mentioned that I have been "really packing on the pounds". Co-worker 1 responded with. "well, I hope so, she's pregnant!" I guess not everyone has got the memo. Something I saw on another blog I totally agree with:

A pregnant woman is like a bride on her wedding day (whether you actually believe these words or not does not matter) - the ONLY appropriate words for her are


You look wonderful/most beautiful bride ever

Under NO circumstances, should these words be

Wow, only 6 months! You are already so big, you have so long to go!

How can you be 6 months, you are too small - where is the baby??

Is that a normal dress or maternity??? Underlying message - dress is too small for your growing self!

LOL! I have gotten the "Wow, only 6 months! You are already so big, you have so long to go!" a few times which is quite irritating because I think I look fine, my doctor thinks I look fine, my husband thinks I look amazing (thanks, babe), and I wasn't a tiny girl to begin with, so a lot of this was already there! :)

I have a dr. appt today and I hope to keep updating the blog along with finish that d*amn disney post. One of my goals this year is to start finishing things! Too many good intentions :)

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