Friday, October 19, 2007

Deep Dark Secret

I can't believe I am admitting this, but we have a mouse in our house.

I have been in denial for about 2 weeks now. We found some potatoes in the cupboard that had some little nibbles out of them, I cleaned out all the lower cabinets with bleach (CLOROX hard surface spray, I love you), threw away the food, made sure all the snacks were in tins and tuperware. As an animal lover, I guess I hoped that he (she? God forbid-them?) would be dismayed by the lack of food and go back to the wild. And happened.

I was making cookies for the OSU tailgate tomorrow, and by making cookies, I mean opening the pre-made dough package and placing them on the cookie sheet, when I saw a blur out of the corner of my eye. I stopped what I was doing and looked over by the garbage can and there IT was. Grayish and quick, it darted behind the can and to God knows where behind the wall. I am terrified and disgusted, which is probably the way it feels about me.

In a panic, I called Brad, because you know even being clear across town, he should come home and KILL THAT MOUSE DAMN IT! After offering me the sage advice of trying to trap it under a can or bucket, I decided to make the dog come in and guard me while I finished up what I had to do in there and have avoided that room for the rest of the night. I have been assured that traps will be set and the problem will be solved. I really don't want to kill them but they can not be in here. I just can't have it. I am grossed out because even though I am not the neatest person, we were never DIRTY around here. Clutter yes, food particles and garbage, no. But now underneath it all, we are dirty. Dirty with little mouse feet all over the house. I think I need to go take a shower.

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