Friday, August 26, 2005

Like, Oh My God, Y'all!

I heard on the radio this morning that Britney Spears was out drinking while pregnant. Apparently, she had a glass of white wine and some margaritas and told the waiter at the restaurant that her doctor said it was okay to "get drunk" in your last tri-mester. God help her.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Inlaws and Outlaws

Brad's birthday is this weekend. I got him a dvd for his birthday, The Dancing Outlaw. ( It is a documentary our friends Z & C had us watch that is CRA-ZEE. Hillbilly-ville. Well Brad was so into it and he totally wanted to see the follow up. This will be a classic in our family for years to come. I didn't spring for the "Limited Addition". Not sure what is in that bonus track, but I don't think it is worth an extra $50.00. Here is a description:
"Nestled deep within the heart of the mountains of Boone County, West Virginia reigns a King. The King - Jesco White, The Dancing Outlaw. Jesco is a living legend. The last of the Mountain Dancers, his style is unique to the mountain culture. Resembling tap dancing, it's a tradition passed down from father to son - as were his dancing shoes. His dance floor? An 8 by 4 piece of plywood or the roof of his canine companion Duke's doghouse.
His venue? The front yard, the den of Jesco's and Norma Jean's trailer, or any place the spirit moves.
But dancing isn't the only phenomenon that emanates from the cabin. On quiet nights, legend has it, you can hear the echoes of vintage Elvis tunes careening off the walls of Jesco's Elvis room and through the mountains of Boone county. Jesco belts out Elvis tunes as only a true King can."

My friend Jenn came to town last night and we went to dinner and sushi-ed it up. It was good to see her.
On the ebay front, I bid on an ottoman/coffee table that was most perfect yesterday.

I waited until the last 10 minutes it was up for auction and there was a frenzy. I was given a second chance to bid today, because I think the seller is a manufacturer and they have tons of them in stock. We shall see. Brad told me it was my last purchase of '05. :( Good thing it is september already!!

PS. Is everyone surprised I didn't talk about the finale of Six Feet Under? It was phenomenal. And the song in the end, Breathe Me by Sia, awesome. I actually found a place to download it off the internet, damn you itunes. Couldn't get it there, because you can't just buy that one song, big mistake. Some people thought the ending was cheesy, but I liked it because there was closure. Now to wait for the Sopranos....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Selling stuff, not myself

So yesterday I went down to Tower City to get some lunch. I stopped in the music store to check and see if they had a cd for my dude's b-day coming up (Eurotrip soundtrack-it is so wrong I have to buy a whole cd just to get the song Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra). There I am, wandering around, and then this:
"Hey girl, you got some pretty blond hair."
Me: *?* "Uh, thanks."
"I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you sure look good, girl."
Me" "Ummm. My colorist must do a great job!" *Just keep walking, Erin*
"Hey, come back here, I gotta question for you."
Me: *starting to panic*
"What's your name?"
Me: "Uh, Erin?" *I couldn't even think of a fake name*
"You look like a Stephanie"
Me: *???????*
Here is my future boyfriend:

I know that is Fat Joe, but I didn't really want to excite the guy more by asking if I could take his picture. You know, for under my pillow at night, and stuff like that.

So the car is still for sale. The bidding on craigslist has gone into a frenzy. I am amazed by how many people keep offering me cash. That's some crazy shit. The original offer-ee emailed me today, he came from Cali and maybe he appreciates a good German luxury vehicle. He is going down there today to check it out. Fingers crossed, peeps.
Speaking of money, money, money. I gotta get rid of these U2 tickets. They are burning a hole in my pocket. Check them out on ebay hopefully next week. Bid!! See you at the show.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I know everyone is tired of hearing it.

I am very depressed about the finale of Queer As Folk. The ending was fine, it is just the fact that it is over. I can't take it. I don't know if it was because I don't know anyone else that watched it so I have no one to talk to about it or what. I confessed to Brad last night that I was very very sad about it still and he told me I was pathetic. I can go back and watch all the episodes on Showtime InDemand. I can buy the dvds off of ebay. I even heard there were books that someone wrote (fan-fiction). I downloaded some songs from iTunes from the soundtrack.
"Cue the Pulse to Begin" Burnside Project
"Proud" Heather Small
They are in constant rotation on my iTunes. Am I making it worse on myself? I need to move on. I need something better. How did a television show become so much of my life? More over than that, the character of Brian Kinney (see my post L-O-V-E). At work sometimes when we are folding stuff, I watch Oprah. I can't stand it when those women in the beginning go ape shit and are screaming like they just saw Jesus. But you know what, I would probably do that if I ever saw Gale Harold. Sad, so sad. Sometimes I think there is a direct correlation between my time in Key West and the show. When I left there and moved here, that show was the one thing that let me visit there once a week from my own snowy living room. I know QAF takes place in Pittsburgh, but the club scenes reminded me so much of that time in my life.

Well, I am going to look for another hobby. I've got some stained glass that needs finishing and then there is the whole stamping thing, and the house. Maybe I needed it to end so I could do what they did in the end, move on with my life. Find vindication, make myself proud. Make myself "the best homosexual I can be". Ha.

I look into the window of my mind
Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
Still so many answers I don't know
Realise that to question is how we grow
So I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
We need a change
Do it today
I can feel my spirit rising
We need a change
So do it today
'Cause I can see a clear horizon
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
'Cause you could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today
You could be so many people?
Just make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?

Friday, August 05, 2005

100 Things I Like

1. fortune cookies
2. sushi
3. edamame
4. Pretty much all things asian!
5. breezy days
6. fall time
7. osu football
8. the beach
9. crystal blue water
10. wet sand between my toes
11. the smell of clean laundry
12. a freshly mowed lawn
13. veggies from the garden
14. homemade salsa
15. being alone at work
16. the internet!!
17. ebay
18. garage sales
19. my husband's kisses
20. sleeping in
21. an ice cold dirty martini
22. my dog
23. puppies
24. stampin' up!
25. my niece's emerging personality
26. my parent's house
27. my parents
28. my sister and brother in law
29. my friends
30. all things apple/macintosh
31. cell phones
32. suvs
33. electric hybrids
34. empty trash cans
35. clean house
36. reality television
37. mtv
38. queer as folk
39. cable programming
40. harry potter
41. mcdonald's
42. getting my hair cut
43. getting my nails done
44. flip flops
45. tattoos
46. george clooney
47. gale harold (see last post)
48. silence
49. loud music
50. venus hum
51. the beatles
52. adobe products
53. not waiting in line
54. smelling the roses
55. flowers
56. eliptical trainers
57. rib offs
58. bbq
59. vacations
60. key west
61. sunsets
62. margaritas
63. cornonas
64. bloody marys
65. put-in-bay
66. great restaurants
67. booths
68. rubber boots
69. tank tops
70. hipster underwear
71. red bull
72. starbucks!
73. van gogh
74. don li leger
75. sledding
76. warm winter jackets
77. old navy
78. sun dried tomato wheat thins
79. down filled pillows
80. cake
81. smores
82. speeding
83. passing a cop and not getting pulled over
84. being free
85. lying in the grass
86. throwing things away
87. short car trips
88. matinee movies
89. popcorn
90. no phones ringing
91. my wedding ring and what it means
92. lying on the couch
93. allman brothers
94. itunes
95. living in the city that was built on rock and roll
96. being able to say cleveland rocks and mean it
97. indians games
98. working downtown
99. going out to lunch
100. being me