Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Selling stuff, not myself

So yesterday I went down to Tower City to get some lunch. I stopped in the music store to check and see if they had a cd for my dude's b-day coming up (Eurotrip soundtrack-it is so wrong I have to buy a whole cd just to get the song Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra). There I am, wandering around, and then this:
"Hey girl, you got some pretty blond hair."
Me: *?* "Uh, thanks."
"I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you sure look good, girl."
Me" "Ummm. My colorist must do a great job!" *Just keep walking, Erin*
"Hey, come back here, I gotta question for you."
Me: *starting to panic*
"What's your name?"
Me: "Uh, Erin?" *I couldn't even think of a fake name*
"You look like a Stephanie"
Me: *???????*
Here is my future boyfriend:

I know that is Fat Joe, but I didn't really want to excite the guy more by asking if I could take his picture. You know, for under my pillow at night, and stuff like that.

So the car is still for sale. The bidding on craigslist has gone into a frenzy. I am amazed by how many people keep offering me cash. That's some crazy shit. The original offer-ee emailed me today, he came from Cali and maybe he appreciates a good German luxury vehicle. He is going down there today to check it out. Fingers crossed, peeps.
Speaking of money, money, money. I gotta get rid of these U2 tickets. They are burning a hole in my pocket. Check them out on ebay hopefully next week. Bid!! See you at the show.

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