Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Why Don't You Love Me?

Dear Job,

I've been here for about a year now and despite the ups and downs I was really starting to feel like I know you. I still haven't gotten to the point where I was with my last job, when I would dread getting up in the morning, and I thank you for that.
I think we need to have a talk, though.

Here's the thing, I think you're tolerable, I really do. And I really like the money you get me. Folding things and watching Oprah, I mean that part is awesome. The busy work you give me makes the days fly by. And you know I love designing things for you, just for you. I especially love it when you let me go home early and I appreciate the fact that when I do go home I don't think about you until the next day and you don't call me.
It's just, this is really hard for me to say, but I feel like your smothering me.

I'm sorry! I feel like you need to hear this though. All of the advertising you make me call about, and the deadlines, and the events along with people not responding until the day before, it's really bogging me down. I am getting chest pains and starting to stress royally. You promised me you would be unstressful and I like a fool believed you. I need some "Me" time. I hope you understand. I want to continue seeing you, I really feel like we are starting to connect.

All I'm asking is that you back off a little. I don't want to be with someone who is needy and co-dependent, okay? I know you are a major chunk of my life, I spend more time with you then anyone else. I'm just asking you to be a little more pleasant and stop making me feel like I am losing my shit.

So just think about what I said. I'm counting down the days til my vacation. I know you won't blame me.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Let's get SIRIUS

Howard Stern broadcasted from his new channel today. Yeah, baby! Unfortunately for me (or possibly fortunate) my commute to work is only about 20 minutes so I just got the little taste of it. Sounded like the same old Howard with the f word thrown in here and there. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

This weekend I went to Columbus to visit some friends and attend a going away party for my friend Jenn* who is moving to Arkansas, down to the land of Wal-mart. Now, I don't think I have ever really confessed my hatred of Wal-mart to Jenn and I will probably continue to hide it for her sake, but I am not a supporter. I used to design retail packaging and I have seen first hand their goal of driving out all small business in America just to get the consumer rock bottom prices, even if that means strictly only buying from china, Mexico, and Pakistan. I know everyone is all about getting the best deal, but don't cry to me when you can't find a job. Our economy is like a hamster on a wheel and it will be interesting to see what it takes to make it better again. People don't get paid enough so they have to bargain shop. Bargain shopping drives down the need for American made (ie. Union) goods. So they in turn get laid off for trying to save money.

It was good seeing Jenn and all my high school friends though. Sometimes I feel more like I fit in down there then I do with my friends up here, but we don't live there and I think seeing anyone in small doses is better then all the time. I'll miss her. Now onto this week's worth of good-byes, I am seeing my niece tonight for the last time before their big move. I'm going to try not to be too sad but we shall see. Brad has promised to fill the void and entertain me whenever I need it. Plus I just got a bunch of new stampin' up stamps to keep my busy. Filling to void with shopping. If I had a therapist they would be proud.

*the story of Jenn:
Jenn and I met when we were 4. Her mom came over for welcome wagon when my parents moved to Ohio. We emptied out the toy box and Jenn's mom thought Jenn should stay and help clean up and least to say she never left. All the way through out college and until now we have retained that friendship. I like to tell her she is one of the handful of people that HAS to love me. She claims she doesn't have to, she just does. Whatever the situation is I am grateful to be loved by such a wonderful person. Oh and I get free doritos out of the deal too. :) Just kidding.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Four for Four

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays...not too thrilled to be back at work today. My sleeping pattern is all messed up and I am one tired chicky. Plus I started the Abs diet today and although I am not even hungry there is always that moment of panic when you worry there will be nothing to eat. Well hopefully it will pay off...and now for your enjoyment, a "quiz".

Four Jobs You’ve Had in Your Life:
Waitress/Bartender in Put-in-Bay, OHIO
Waitress/Bartender in Key West, FL
Graphic Designer
Project Manager-sounds the most glamorous but by far is not :(

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Stand by Me
Forest Gump
Billy Madison
I am such a girly girl except for that last one.

Four Places You’ve Lived:
Fremont OH-shout out F-town
Bowling Green, OH
Key West, FL
Cleveland, OH

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
Any reality show on MTV.

Four Places You’ve Been on Vacation:
Disney World
NYC, Baby

Four Websites You Visit Daily:
City Rag
Socialites Life

Four of Your Favorite Foods:
Filet Mignon
Tuna steak

Four Places You’d Rather Be:
At home sleeping
Anywhere with a beach
In my car listening to Howard 100

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without:
How about bands, you can limit me to the greatest hits compliations if you are really going to take away all my music...
The Beatles
James Taylor