Thursday, December 07, 2006

Rainbows and Pots of Gold

It seems that sometimes when things are really not going well, they some how make a turn for the better. I think that I am fortunate that this is my experience, because I know when some people hit rock bottom, it only gets worse.

B has been unhappy with his professional life for awhile. It kills me to see someone with so much drive and dedication feel that they are useless and unrespected. We had a little talk about it the other day and I know that he doesn't really like me to commentate on his work life, but I told him not to let it get to him. My last job was like that, you would give and give and just get shit on all the time. It really is a backwards mentality when you think about it, because the less respected you are, the less you care about the company, and the more you slack off. When we would go to our supervisor and ask why these things happened all the time, she would just sigh and say "it's like that everywhere." Well, you know what? It's not. No one should ever feel like they aren't worth it. In June, I went on a bachelorette party, had a few too many martinis and told all my girlfriends just that. They all looked at me like I was drunk and crazy but, I really think that is the most important message that people need to hear. You CAN do ANYTHING. You respect people, so people should respect you.

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