Friday, November 17, 2006

Someone I know has issues

A person I know told me the other day that he won't eat at a certain restaurant because he saw a man with aids eating there once. He also won't eat at another restaurant because on thanksgiving they serve free food to homeless people and aids patients. He said he won't drink coffee at the office because they don't wash the pot in a dishwasher and only hand wash it. He sits in his office and cuts his toenails and fingernails while he is on the phone with people. In the summertime, he never wears shoes in the office and does not hesitate to itch his bare feet. Every time he comes into my office he rubs his back against my wall and door frame because "it itches." He is making a big grease stain on the wall too where he keeps leaning against it. Whenever he wears black he has dandruff all over him and scratches his head and you can see it fly all over.

But yet he talks on his cell phone while he poops (every day for 20-30 minutes at a time- and how can you wash your hands and wipe properly while on the phone?) and sticks his hand into MY bag of chips and takes fries off of MY plate (and I doubt he washes his hands because the soap in the bathroom hardly ever runs out), chews with his mouth open , and picks his nose constantly. He also leaves his nasty starbucks cups in the refrigerator with coffee and rancid cream in it for days and reheats it or leaves it in there until other people throw it out. He never takes the garbage out, he just leaves it by the door for others even though he walks right past the chute on his way to the elevator. His office is disgusting and looks like a pig sty but he does not hesitate to tell people to clean up the rest of the office, which is his papers and discarded mail that he can't bother to throw in the garbage can.

So other people's germs aren't good enough for him but apparently his are good enough for everyone else. GROSS.

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