Friday, September 07, 2007

Rockin' and Rolling

Trey is getting ready to crawl. He is up and rocking. We'll let you know when it happens.

Speaking of rock, my newest guilty pleasure is Rock of Love with Brett Michaels. It is so bad, it's good. They are down to the finale and I can't wait to see who "wins"!

OSU football season has started, and we are big fans. Brad is going down to the game tomorrow with the boys. Trey and I are going to go to Fremont to visit his grandparents as we can't watch the game anyways. I figure I may be able to catch some of it on the radio on the way there. I think tomorrow I will take Trey to the pool, which will be easier now that he can wear sunscreen.

Brad is still looking hard for a job, if anyone knows of anything, let him know. We are willing to relocate! Well, to Columbus, at least. That's all for now, I have been busy with work and we just finished a major event last night, now onto the next. When do I get to have summer vacation??

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