Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Update

It has been awhile since I have posted about Trey because I keep meaning to download our photos and can never seem to find the time. So now that I have finally done it, I will make this a catch-up photo post of the last few months! When Trey and I went to Atlanta in February, we not only celebrated Brielle's b-day but I also painted the Leeth's guest bathroom. I enjoy painting and wish I had just one more day to paint because I was a little sloppier than usual. I am sure Tim enjoyed cleaning the paint off of the ceiling in 4 places after I was done. It turned out pretty good though, check it out.

After we got back from Atlanta, We went to Cooper Thomas' baptism, where Brad and I served as God parents. Trey got some holy water thrown on him and we hope that will hold him off until Aunt Aimée and Uncle Tim get up here and we get him baptized.

Right after that, Trey and Brad got sick and we had a blizzard (17 inches of snow, it took us (well, Brad) 2 hours to dig both cars out and luckily then he flagged down a guy with a plow who was kind enough to finish the job for 30 dollars). Brad had the flu, Trey had crazy high fevers (105˚+ and 2 trips to the hospital), and I was losing my mind. After a week worth of being terrified and worried, Trey got this crazy rash all over and we discovered the culprit, a virus called Roseola. Basically cold like symptoms and high fevers, then a rash when it is all over. Poor T. Still cute even when covered with a rash. 

Then came St. Patrick's day, which we celebrated with the Surface's for the 3rd year in a row. We made Corned Beef and Colcannon and even ended the evening with a whiskey pie, which turned out pretty good. How can you go wrong with caramel, chocolate chips, walnuts, and liquor?

On Easter weekend, we went to Fremont on Saturday to visit Aunt Christy, The Hudsons, Uncle Charley, and Grandpa. We also had lunch with some of my friends from High School, Thatcher and Gerner at the restaurant I used to work at, the Time Out. On Sunday, Trey got his first Easter basket at home, and we went to brunch out at the Hall's where Trey had fun throwing the Easter grass around. On the way home we stopped at the Brede's and got to see all the kids and especially Landry, who is 5 months younger than Trey and bigger already!

Other than all the stuff we have had going on, Trey really enjoys home time and his favorite food right now is definitely ravioli. Here he is enjoying his leftovers from going out to dinner with Poppy at Carrabas. I also gave him his first haircut with my stampin's scissors, the curls were cute but we decided the mullet had to go.

We can't believe it is almost April already and are looking forward to going to Florida to see my mom and dad's new house and to attend Fred's wedding...oh and the warm weather ;)

Friday, March 28, 2008

With my own two hands

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't read about a child or baby being killed or abused. I see Trey in every face of every child in these stories. What is wrong with people these days? Why would you think for two seconds that it is okay to hit a child? It breaks my heart. I don't know what I can do to help these children, but if anyone knows anything, tell me. It makes me want to vomit thinking that there is a child out there, locked in a closet, being held underwater in a bath tub, being burned with cigarettes, thrown off overpasses, stabbed by their own parent, and I could go on, which is really fucking sad. 

These people deserve the death penalty. There is no excuse for abusing a child. All those people that stand out on Center Ridge Road protesting people getting birth control (not abortions, I don't know why they can't figure out that that particular Planned Parenthood is not an abortion clinic and that PP is trying to prevent it from getting that far by providing free birth control), need to go protest outside these people's homes. Maybe it would be better for that child to have never been born at all then to be put in a situation of suffering and abuse? They are fighting for children's rights to live, let's fight for the ones that are already alive.

I know it is a cliche to say you want to change the world. But if there is one thing I could change it would be this. How can we make a difference?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Little Pink Houses

Tonight after work I braved the weather and headed out to vote. And for those of you not in Ohio, braving the weather is no joke! We got some crazy freezing rain and sleet tonight that made the drive home a wreck, and it is supposed to be worse tomorrow morning. But voting today was important, it is the first time we got the chance (if you are a Democrat) to vote for a woman or black man that could be the potential president.

Voting brought back memories of a time when I was in elementary school. The big election of 1988 was underway, George Bush Sr. vs Michael Dukakis, a Massachusetts senator and son of Greek immigrants. The school divided into the two political parties, Elephants vs. Donkeys (hey, I was in elementary school. It all comes down to which animal is cooler, and let's face it, donkeys just don't cut it, especially against elephants). All the cool kids were Elephants. We had a mock debate (really what did we know??) and went to the "polls". The Elephant party won by a landslide. When I got home that evening, I remember watching TV and in particular a special on Dukakis. I found myself feeling guilty that I voted against him simply because he was a donkey. And that my friends, was my first tentative toe dip into the Democratic pool.

Politics was never forced on me in my house growing up. For years I was not sure how my parents voted and I still don't ask, it seems like prying. We have had some fun discussions, especially with my aunts, and we love to tease my cousin for not following the family (donkeys, sheep, we're all alike). I find it interesting how discussing who you are voting for has become somewhat taboo. Today at work, we all talked about voting, but of course no one dared utter their candidates name. My friends really don't even discuss who they are voting for. Well, camaraderie or not, there comes a time when we all need to make our own decisions. I am comfortable with mine, I was really okay with the outcome either way. We are just ready for a change up here in struggling Cleveland.

If you really want to know who I voted for....highlight to read: Hillary, or should I say Billary. I was a big Clinton fan, despite the blow job scandal. She's got the experience, and I can't say that the thought of a President, and an ex-President, and a man and woman at that, making the decisions is a bad one. If she loses, I will jump on the Obama train and look to the future.

btw...American Idol commentary-Danny Noriega looks just like Jessica Alba, agree or disagree?