After we got back from Atlanta, We went to Cooper Thomas' baptism, where Brad and I served as God parents. Trey got some holy water thrown on him and we hope that will hold him off until Aunt Aimée and Uncle Tim get up here and we get him baptized.

Right after that, Trey and Brad got sick and we had a blizzard (17 inches of snow, it took us (well, Brad) 2 hours to dig both cars out and luckily then he flagged down a guy with a plow who was kind enough to finish the job for 30 dollars). Brad had the flu, Trey had crazy high fevers (105˚+ and 2 trips to the hospital), and I was losing my mind. After a week worth of being terrified and worried, Trey got this crazy rash all over and we discovered the culprit, a virus called Roseola. Basically cold like symptoms and high fevers, then a rash when it is all over. Poor T. Still cute even when covered with a rash.

Then came St. Patrick's day, which we celebrated with the Surface's for the 3rd year in a row. We made Corned Beef and Colcannon and even ended the evening with a whiskey pie, which turned out pretty good. How can you go wrong with caramel, chocolate chips, walnuts, and liquor?
On Easter weekend, we went to Fremont on Saturday to visit Aunt Christy, The Hudsons, Uncle Charley, and Grandpa. We also had lunch with some of my friends from High School, Thatcher and Gerner at the restaurant I used to work at, the Time Out. On Sunday, Trey got his first Easter basket at home, and we went to brunch out at the Hall's where Trey had fun throwing the Easter grass around. On the way home we stopped at the Brede's and got to see all the kids and especially Landry, who is 5 months younger than Trey and bigger already!
Other than all the stuff we have had going on, Trey really enjoys home time and his favorite food right now is definitely ravioli. Here he is enjoying his leftovers from going out to dinner with Poppy at Carrabas. I also gave him his first haircut with my stampin's scissors, the curls were cute but we decided the mullet had to go.

We can't believe it is almost April already and are looking forward to going to Florida to see my mom and dad's new house and to attend Fred's wedding...oh and the warm weather ;)