Friday, March 28, 2008

With my own two hands

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't read about a child or baby being killed or abused. I see Trey in every face of every child in these stories. What is wrong with people these days? Why would you think for two seconds that it is okay to hit a child? It breaks my heart. I don't know what I can do to help these children, but if anyone knows anything, tell me. It makes me want to vomit thinking that there is a child out there, locked in a closet, being held underwater in a bath tub, being burned with cigarettes, thrown off overpasses, stabbed by their own parent, and I could go on, which is really fucking sad. 

These people deserve the death penalty. There is no excuse for abusing a child. All those people that stand out on Center Ridge Road protesting people getting birth control (not abortions, I don't know why they can't figure out that that particular Planned Parenthood is not an abortion clinic and that PP is trying to prevent it from getting that far by providing free birth control), need to go protest outside these people's homes. Maybe it would be better for that child to have never been born at all then to be put in a situation of suffering and abuse? They are fighting for children's rights to live, let's fight for the ones that are already alive.

I know it is a cliche to say you want to change the world. But if there is one thing I could change it would be this. How can we make a difference?

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