Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy 2010! I'm going to attempt a year in review!

Time is flying with Trey. He's getting so smart. He didn't grow much this year, but is completely a little person with his vocabulary and cute expressions. Let's see how well I remember 2009...

We started the New Year in Venice at my parent's house with my sister and her family. I started a new job as a Marketing Coordinator. B is still working at Mastertech.

In February, I got furloughed. I celebrated a birthday (32), and we had some crazy snow storms. We took Trey to see Sesame Street LIVE and I shipped my first international trade show exhibit to Mexico, with a lot of frantic calls to my spanish-speaking Mother and major stress. I decided my theme for that was, "I booked a Mexican Trade Show", to the tune of Mexican Radio. We ended the month celebrating Trey's birthday at the Cleveland Children's Museum and spending time with my aunts and cousin, finding out that my cousin Jack and his wife Kate were expecting their first baby!

In March I went on a girl's weekend with the Compound ladies to Cincinnati to visit Brandi. The weather was great and we were teased with 70 degree temperatures. Bex got us a suite at the Westin and we had an amazing time!!

We kicked off April by celebrating Easter with my Aunts and my Mother-in-Law in Fremont. Trey had a good time hunting for eggs. The Thomas family joined us for the Rutherford B. Hayes Easter Egg Roll. Brad and I rocked out to the U2 Incident at the HOB in Cleveland and then Brad headed to Columbus for the OSU spring game...GO BUCKS!

In May I travelled a little bit for work (Richmond, IN). My grandfather, Dan H. Lease, was posthumously inducted in the Fremont Ross Sports Hall of Fame and we attended that banquet in Fremont where my dad and my uncle spoke. We had a busy Memorial Day weekend, going to Maumee for fireworks, the Surfaces' cookout, hosting my parents for dinner, and eating our way through the Berea Rib Off with the Surfaces and the Halls.

In June, Brad went with me to Louisville for a business trip. We stopped in Cincinnati on the way, Jungle Jim's and a visit with Brandi and Brian. In Louisville, we went to a winery, and the Slugger Bat Factory. Trey stayed in Fremont with Grandmere and Poppy. We had a brief visit with Fred during pick up and 3 days later I headed out to Chicago to celebrate Kelli's birthday with the Compound Girlies. While there, we kayaked the Chicago River, had an oyster happy hour with my parents, segway tour, and did a John Hughes Scavenger Hunt! Meghan and I went to the Boston Mills art festival with Trey and then we visited the Tooman's and took the kids to dinner and a concert at the boat basin.

My sister and her family joined us in July and we all travelled to Maumee for the annual 3rd of July celebration. We went to the CIC with my aunts and did our yearly trip to the Zoo with the Toomans. Although it rained, we got all the kids to nap and still had a good time in the afternoon! I went on another girl's trip to PIB for Laura's birthday and Brad got to go to the island too, with Kevin. We finished the month with Mary Poppins and Lewis Black and added in some horse racing for good measure (Go Dawn of Trey!). Brad also decided this month to join Big Brothers Big Sisters. I am so proud of him and he has been paired with his little, Christian, for almost 5 months now!

In august, we took the Surfaces to PIB for the first time and it was a blast! Brad played a lot of golf, we had the Compound Picnic at the Bredes, and I joined a book club. We went to a wedding in Fremont (Congratulations, Sean and Tressa!), hung out with my high school friends and went to an Indians game with my Mom and Dad. We celebrated Brad-a-palooza this year with a Cleveland wide Scavenger Hunt and Cookout. We finished the month with a trip to Columbus for some family time and a baby shower for my cousin-in-law, Kate!

The Buckeyes kicked off the season in September and we did a lot of tail gating. Brad and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary apart, he went to Columbus to see the USC game, and I headed to Chicago to see U2 with Jennifer. We did another segway tour before the concert, and then I headed to Indianapolis for work. We had a garage sale, and a pre-game brunch before the UT-OSU game held in Cleveland! Two babies were born, my friend Nicole (Marshall) and my cousin-in-law Kate (Ruth). My Aunt Christy came up and we went to the zoo with Trey.

In October we watched a lot of football. Jennifer came to visit. I went to Detroit and took Trey to the pumpkin patch with Christy and Mom. I went to a charity luncheon with my Mother-in-law, and hosted our annual Hall-o-ween brunch! Trey dressed as Diego and went trick-or-treating with all the Halls. It was COLD!

In November, my friends and I did yet another girls night out in Fremont. Our family headed to Chicago (me for work, Brad and Trey to keep me company) and stayed with Jennifer. We took Trey to the Chicago Children's Museum and the Shedd Aquarium! We watch OSU beat Illinois in a very cool backer bar. The month was finished up with Thanksgiving at our house with all the Halls and a friend of mine from work! 3 kinds of turkey-smoked, oven roasted, and deep fried!!

We celebrated Christmas all month long in December! Dinner with the Surfaces, a trip on the Polar Express, and Christmas with my parents and aunts. I participated in my first Bizarre Bazaar and sold screen printed onesies and flower pins. We went to Toldeo Zoo to see the lights before Christmas and out to dinner with my aunts and uncles. We had a nice dinner with Brad's office and I got to see my friend Eric at his surprise party, all before heading out to Florida to have Christmas with the Halls, and later catch up with my parents and sister's family. We spent an amazing NYE with our families...the guys did a seafood boil and we stuffed ourselves full of stone crab, lobster, mussels, clams, crab legs, shrimp, sausage, and potatoes. It was awesome watching Trey play with his cousins.

We went all over this year! I'm looking forward to spending some time on the house and truly enjoying 2010. So far we have a lot of stuff planned, the Children's Museum, a cruise, going to see Chicago and In the Heights, celebrating my birthday karaoke style, and of course Trey's birthday at the Science Center! I can't wait to see what 2010 brings!

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