Trey got his picture taken with Donald Sutherland Santa at Beachwood Mall before Christmas. Both Nonnie and Grandmere came and I think he was overwhelmed because my normally happy supermodel clammed up and freaked out a little bit. I think the picture is funny because if it was in black and white it would pretty much be impossible to tell the date. See?

After the picture taking, he joined the ladies for a big boy lunch at Maggianos, where he had grilled chicken and showed off his wonderful table manners.
Trey's birthday is coming up so fast! It's not until the 27th, but we are having the party early because Grandmere and Poppy are coming to town. I can't believe a year almost has gone by and before that 9 months. Which means I have had thoughts and ideas about trey for over a year and a half now. Things have changed in our lives, we are too busy to do anything. I see why people say time flies, and I think adding more kids to the mix would just make it wiz by.
On the upside...I am super excited as Trey and I will be visiting Aunt Aimée, Uncle Tim, Brielle and TJ in February. Brad has consented to let us go as a birthday gift to us and I am sure he will miss us, but I think he needs a rest too! I hope to get the camera cable way before then so I can post lots of pictures with the cousins!
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