Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is going on around here?

We had many changes last year, and 2008 seems to be no different. As Trey approaches his first birthday at a rapid pace, the changes keep coming. Trey is starting to walk, he has been "cruising" for awhile, and now he is taking those first brave stumbles forward. He crawled at an early age, so I am not sure when he will become a bipedal, because he really has no problem getting around now. He has been talking a lot (like his mother) but so far none of it makes sense (also like his mother). Brad and I really enjoy him though, everyday he is a delight and a really good baby. He's always doing something new or cute, for instance, his new trick is that he likes to sit on the floor radiator and let the air blow his hair around.

Last night we took him to a bar (only from 7:00-8:00, don't judge) because my friend from high school was in town with his girlfriend who is a singer. Trey loved the performance, clapping his hands and jumping around. He really is a big fan of music!

This weekend we are going to Columbus to see my cousins and take a trip to COSI. I think it will be fun to take Trey on a little overnight and hopefully he will enjoy the science center. I've got a lot of stuff planned for this week too, it may be my last week of freedom for awhile, but I'll talk more about that later.

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