Monday, October 22, 2007

Get up, stand up

Well, the Tribe let us down. It was a good season with a predictable Cleveland ending. We went down to Columbus with the Thomas' this weekend and least to say, Saturday was a nail biter. The Buckeyes started out strong and struggled a little towards the end of the 3rd quarter. Before the game, we got to check out Thatcher's new house and catch up with some of my high school friends. It was really too brief of a visit, but it seems everyone is doing well down there. I really miss everyone and I always appreciate the warm welcome. It seems like such a different world down there. After the game, we tailgated for awhile at the garage to wait for the traffic to clear out and headed over to the hotel to check in and figure out where to watch the game. Least to say, other then the company, the night was pretty much a wash.

Trey stayed with Nonni and Grandpa at our house. They were instructed to entertain the kid and kill the mice, which they did. And yes, I said mice, not mouse. I am taking back my house, nature. Stay away! You stay out and I will stay in, although that will be hard with our current beautiful weather.

Trey is pulling himself into the standing position now. I will upload the video that Brad took when he caught him doing it for the first time when I get a chance to dowload the camera. I'm glad we have the means to tape things as I feel like I miss everything now that I am working again and so far away.

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