Monday, October 08, 2007


So I start my new gig on Wednesday. It will only be 10 days since I was "let go" and I think that may be a record of some sorts. I'll let you know how it goes.

We went to Fremont this weekend and it was a good time. My friend from HS had a housewarming party and they have a beautiful house located on the outskirts of Fremont. Being outside in the backyard with the stars so clear and plentiful made me miss "country" living a little bit. That and the fireworks display that here in Cleveland would have had the cops there in 2 seconds. We watched the game and were glad the Buckeyes won.

I briefly was flipping channels today and Rachel Ray was on. I don't normally watch her show but she was talking about an open casting call for BabyGap models. Brad and I know we are biased but I might upload a picture of our little angel just to see what happens. What do you think?

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