Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gift of Gab

I'm glad even though I talk "too much", my friends are always there and keep listening...

This weekend I had a girls sleepover with 3 of my best friends. We traveled down to C-bus for the OSU game, did a little tailgating, a little football watching, a little shopping, some eating, Indians watching, wine drinking, and a lot of talking. It was a good old fashioned pj party and I am glad now that I am in my 30's we can still do that.

Of course I missed Trey and Brad, but when I got back on Sunday we went out to Burton for the Apple Butter festival. We met the Hall's and it was a beautiful day. It is so fun to watch Trey experience new things. He really liked the bubble machine, ponies, music, and kite display and I can't wait until next year when he is out twirling and dancing in the field among the bubbles.

Moments of clarity come at weird times. I have decided I am ready to move on with my life and focus pretty much soley on my friends and family. I feel like I have been really obsessed and angry the last few years and I know almost all of it had to do with my job. I love my friends and family and I don't want any more. I am ready to be satisfied with my life and live it to the fullest. I want a job where I go there, focus on work, and come home and have the all the comforts and contentment one person could have. I am done with the drama.

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