Friday, February 25, 2005

Time for a Martini

So today was my last day at work. And it was very anti-climactic. So it is time for a drink. Onward and Upwards, right? Then again, I better start off with a shot...Here's to TNZ, you weren't worth much, but hey I got the experience. *sigh*
"I'll have the 1800..."

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Happiness is...

A honeybaked ham sandwich and knowing that you only have 2 more days left at this shitty job. And then you are FREE! FREE! FREE! Well, until Monday when you start your new (hopefully not shitty) job.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cough Cough

So I have been sick for two weeks. My ears and my face (nose? head?) feel like they are going to burst. And now the coughing. And coughing. And coughing. And coughing. And the hoarse voice. I don't know what to do to make it go away, but I gotta get rid of this bug!

I am packing up my Mac tomorrow at work for transport to it's new home. I am going to miss it and I know it sounds weird but I am so attached to it. Not as much as my laptop but I looked at the thing everyday for the last three years. I think being a designer you tend to feel that way because without that computer and those files you are nothing. I guess I just have to accept that that is not my problem anymore, that is no longer my work. Oh and I already copied all my files anyways ;P

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nuttin' Much

The game was good. I found out that the Hawks are from Atlanta, not Seattle (whoa, way off on that one) and that it is hard to properly admire the boots because the shorts are so baggy. I also learned that NBA basketball players are tall drinks of water. The shortest guy was 6'3", the tallest 7'3". My God, man! What are you feeding those guys? When you find out, let me know so I can make sure my future spawn gets a good injection cause Momma needs a new pair of shoes! Oh and the Cavs won.

On another note, one of my very best friends recently suffered a break up. And it makes me want to kick the girl's ass, even though he broke up with her, I hate to see anyone hurting. I know that doesn't make sense but I am biased, ok? And I admit it! My friend is awesome, and adorable, and he just needs a good woman. Any one who fits that description and is in the JAX area, or if you want to know more about him, give me a holla and I will try to set something up! I could be a matchmaker! *cue "Fiddler on the Roof" music* And he just hooked me up with a g mail account so there could be that benefit thrown in there too!

I am still a little sick, I have a scratchy throat and a slight headache. I am sure all the birthday chocolates and cookies I ate and the Mountain Dew (hey, it was at least diet- and I got a free song off Itunes! Well not really free because it cost 99 cents for the pop and I could have just bought a song for that...?) that I drank for breakfast aren't helping...but I will power through it. The weekend is almost here! YAY! Happy Birthday, Z! And many more :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

When it rains...

Why is it that the day I accept a job, 3 other companies call me telling me that they want me to come in for an interview? *sigh* I'm just going to go with what I've got and thank the Jeezus for that opportunity.

So Valentine's day was good over all, my husband and I went to see Josh Groban, which = "zzzzzz...wake up!" Surprisingly it was me on the end of that. The man has a beautiful voice and he is a cutie, but whoa! 10 o'clock at night in a warm auditorium and call me sleeping beauty! I did get a really cute card from my dog (via my dude) that had 3 golden retrievers on the front and said "I thought love was only true in fairy tales...I'm a retriever." OK, so I am a cheeseball but I thought that was heart melting. It doesn't hurt that my baby doggie is just the cutest! I don't know how to post pics to this yet, but when I do, watch out world!

I sent out a mass email today telling everyone that my email will be changing next week when I leave my job and I got lots of nice feedback, about how people will miss me, and I did good work. It made me feel good, but I wonder why people don't tell you those things when you are still around?

This week is birthday extravaganza, my niece turns one on Wednesday and my girl Z celebrates her day on Thursday. Tomorrow, I am going to see King James and the Cavs take on the Hawks (where are the Hawks from? Seattle?). I have never been to a pro basketball game so I am interested in seeing what all the hype is about and checking out the players cute boots. Peace Yo.

Monday, February 14, 2005


And it has happened! I am so excited! After 3 months of looking I have managed to remain a working member of society. And the perfect thing is my company still has to pay me severance and vacation days, and I won't even miss a beat with the money and then to have all that extra money. I feel like I won the lottery. Unfortunately all that money will go to bills because I am poor. *sigh* But I got a job!! Woohoo! And to my special plutonic valentine Z, I will miss you so much, you don't even know. You made being here bareable, and I know it won't be long til you are free too. I look forward to our emailing and extra curricular activities. I am so happy you guys are now our "neighbors" and I can't wait til Jarts season. Lots of Love, bitches! :) I love valentines day!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

So you wanna be a Rock Star?

What is metrosexual? I know it is the term of the minute, saying that men can be interested in hygiene and shopping and other girly things without being flamingly gay. However, shouldn't everyone just be hygenic? I mean we aren't 5 years old anymore. There is not reason to not be hygenic other than if you are homeless, and even then most of those guys at least pour some vodka (or colt 45 or mad dog 20/20) on a rag and wipe their asses with it every once and awhile.
So back to the metrosexual thing. Gay guys that are flaming are called "Queens". Gay guys that are not flaming are apparently running around disguised as metrosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I love me some gays, but all you straight dudes masquerading out there...we're on to you. You are gay. Come out of the closet. It will make you and everyone around you feel better. Be who you are. I'm here for you.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The end of the beginning

I've tried this blogging thing before, but now that I am heading into unemployment I think it is a good time to try again. Hopefully every post won't be this boring, but let's start off on my favorite subject–me...
I am:
28 years old
a graphic designer
soon to be unemployed
slightly overweight
approaching my 10 year class reunion.
If that doesn't paint a picture of a desperate woman, I don't know what does. In all actuality, it's not really that bad and I am secretly looking forward to a few days off. Today, I have to leave early to take my dog to the vet. Here's to hoping this thing gets better!