Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nuttin' Much

The game was good. I found out that the Hawks are from Atlanta, not Seattle (whoa, way off on that one) and that it is hard to properly admire the boots because the shorts are so baggy. I also learned that NBA basketball players are tall drinks of water. The shortest guy was 6'3", the tallest 7'3". My God, man! What are you feeding those guys? When you find out, let me know so I can make sure my future spawn gets a good injection cause Momma needs a new pair of shoes! Oh and the Cavs won.

On another note, one of my very best friends recently suffered a break up. And it makes me want to kick the girl's ass, even though he broke up with her, I hate to see anyone hurting. I know that doesn't make sense but I am biased, ok? And I admit it! My friend is awesome, and adorable, and he just needs a good woman. Any one who fits that description and is in the JAX area, or if you want to know more about him, give me a holla and I will try to set something up! I could be a matchmaker! *cue "Fiddler on the Roof" music* And he just hooked me up with a g mail account so there could be that benefit thrown in there too!

I am still a little sick, I have a scratchy throat and a slight headache. I am sure all the birthday chocolates and cookies I ate and the Mountain Dew (hey, it was at least diet- and I got a free song off Itunes! Well not really free because it cost 99 cents for the pop and I could have just bought a song for that...?) that I drank for breakfast aren't helping...but I will power through it. The weekend is almost here! YAY! Happy Birthday, Z! And many more :)

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