Tuesday, February 15, 2005

When it rains...

Why is it that the day I accept a job, 3 other companies call me telling me that they want me to come in for an interview? *sigh* I'm just going to go with what I've got and thank the Jeezus for that opportunity.

So Valentine's day was good over all, my husband and I went to see Josh Groban, which = "zzzzzz...wake up!" Surprisingly it was me on the end of that. The man has a beautiful voice and he is a cutie, but whoa! 10 o'clock at night in a warm auditorium and call me sleeping beauty! I did get a really cute card from my dog (via my dude) that had 3 golden retrievers on the front and said "I thought love was only true in fairy tales...I'm a retriever." OK, so I am a cheeseball but I thought that was heart melting. It doesn't hurt that my baby doggie is just the cutest! I don't know how to post pics to this yet, but when I do, watch out world!

I sent out a mass email today telling everyone that my email will be changing next week when I leave my job and I got lots of nice feedback, about how people will miss me, and I did good work. It made me feel good, but I wonder why people don't tell you those things when you are still around?

This week is birthday extravaganza, my niece turns one on Wednesday and my girl Z celebrates her day on Thursday. Tomorrow, I am going to see King James and the Cavs take on the Hawks (where are the Hawks from? Seattle?). I have never been to a pro basketball game so I am interested in seeing what all the hype is about and checking out the players cute boots. Peace Yo.

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