Thursday, February 10, 2005

So you wanna be a Rock Star?

What is metrosexual? I know it is the term of the minute, saying that men can be interested in hygiene and shopping and other girly things without being flamingly gay. However, shouldn't everyone just be hygenic? I mean we aren't 5 years old anymore. There is not reason to not be hygenic other than if you are homeless, and even then most of those guys at least pour some vodka (or colt 45 or mad dog 20/20) on a rag and wipe their asses with it every once and awhile.
So back to the metrosexual thing. Gay guys that are flaming are called "Queens". Gay guys that are not flaming are apparently running around disguised as metrosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I love me some gays, but all you straight dudes masquerading out there...we're on to you. You are gay. Come out of the closet. It will make you and everyone around you feel better. Be who you are. I'm here for you.

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