Monday, February 14, 2005


And it has happened! I am so excited! After 3 months of looking I have managed to remain a working member of society. And the perfect thing is my company still has to pay me severance and vacation days, and I won't even miss a beat with the money and then to have all that extra money. I feel like I won the lottery. Unfortunately all that money will go to bills because I am poor. *sigh* But I got a job!! Woohoo! And to my special plutonic valentine Z, I will miss you so much, you don't even know. You made being here bareable, and I know it won't be long til you are free too. I look forward to our emailing and extra curricular activities. I am so happy you guys are now our "neighbors" and I can't wait til Jarts season. Lots of Love, bitches! :) I love valentines day!

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