Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Accidents will happen?

So today on my way home from work I was minding my own business when the huge black chevy suburban in front of me skidded to a halt. The pavement was wet because it has been raining all day. My antilock brakes grinded as I pushed down on the pedal. At last my car came to a stop about 3 feet behind the suburban. I was so relieved and then I heard it, "crunch". The sickening sound of plastic bumper grinding against metal. I quickly realized how lucky I was to have avoided the accident, as the suburban in front of me had rear ended the car in front of them.

As fast as it happened, I watched in horror to see the suburban's reverse lights come on. I laid on the horn, but it was useless. The SUV came back so fast and I sat there in disbelief as it came up on to the hood of my car and then screeched off down a side street. I was the victim of a hit and run. It was bad enough that the guy rear ended someone but then to cause yet another accident while trying to run from the crime??

Luckily, this all happened in Fairview so the cops were there in about 2 minutes. They spread the word, and it seemed impossible but they caught the guy about 10 minutes later. He denied being part of an accident, despite witness reports, identifications, and the damage to both ends of his car. The police scraped paint off of the vehicles and asked the other woman involved in the accident to take her car down to the station where they were holding the suburban and it's driver. It took 1 minute to identify the damages to both cars fit together like a sadistic puzzle. My car was patiently waiting for the tow truck, leaking fluid all over the ground and awaiting it's transportation to the garage for the diagnosis.

Even more luckily, Trey was not with me. I was on my way to pick him up when all this went down. I don't think he would have been hurt, but the stress of worrying about that would have horrible. So I thank God for that.

So tomorrow, the third day of my new job, aka one week until I leave for Atlanta, aka 5 days until my baby's HUGE birthday party, I am hitching a ride to work with my husband and then picking up a rental car, AGAIN. I will also be wondering once again why me, and what happened to yet another one of my new cars?

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