Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brielle's Birthday

Here is a video of Uncle Tim taking Trey down the slide at Brielle's 4th birthday party at Pump it Up. Trey had a good time, and I am sure when he is more mobile we will try it out again in Cleveland. Brielle had a great birthday, the kids went crazy and they really enjoyed the cupcake cake.

This morning we went to Baby Power which is like My Gym, a gym just for kids. There is lots of things to crawl, rock, and balance on. Trey liked jumping on the trampoline, rocking on the horse and crawling over the foam blocks and going down the slide. He really is very adventurous and I have to keep a close eye on him because what he sees, he does!

I am having a good time visiting my sister, yesterday she was nice enough to drive me out to Villa Rica to visit my friend Eric and his family. I was a little afraid of the Atlanta traffic and it was good company for the hour long drive. We had dinner at a fun mexican restaurant, checked out their new house, and headed back. Tomorrow we are going to Imagine It! The Children's Museum of Atlanta and then onto the airport for me and Trey.

I found out today that I am going back to Akron on Thursday. I wasn't really sure about my new assignment, and I guess they realized that they needed someone with more of a AV/video background, so things worked out good that my previous client was looking for someone now for the next month. So once again, without missing a beat, I have changed directions. Other than the drive, I really am looking forward to going back there again!

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