It's hard to believe it has been a year since the first time I "met" Trey. I still have a hard time thinking that I am someone's MOM. It has been a crazy 12 months and because of that little guy, I would not trade it for the world. Yesterday, Brad and I were watching Trey walk around the living room, occasionally stopping to feed himself a goldfish cracker. We marveled at the fact that just one year ago he was a helpless little baby, refusing to breast feed, miserable to be out of the warm womb and into the cold, bright world. Now he changes every day, developing his personality, likes and dislikes. He smiles with his 8 teeth (and Grandmere says he smiles with his eyes), he babbles and sometimes even says a word (momma, caycee, ball, and his favorite; daddy). He is so happy and so beautiful it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

We celebrated Trey's birthday with an early (February 10) birthday party, and tonight we went out to dinner with the Thomases (it's Larry's birthday too-kindred spirits those two). Trey goes to Nonnie's tomorrow for his first swimming lesson and then Brad is taking him to the Dr's for his 12 month checkup. This weekend we will travel to the Tooman's for Dominic's first birthday, where I am sure Trey will enjoy playing. Here is a video of Dominic and Trey at Trey's birthday party. Apparently the way babies communicate is by shrieking and head shaking. CUTE!
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