Thursday, February 28, 2008

My two Brads

My guys are sick. Trey went to the Dr. today and we found out he has a cold in his eye (conjunctivitis) and the beginnings of an ear infection. To top it all off, he got shots too so he was miserable. Brad has the flu, he is aching all over, freezing, and exhausted. And me? a splitting headache so far and exhausted trying to keep up with these two!
Right now we are all lying in our bed, both the Brads finally asleep. Brad number one collapsing in a heap and Brad number 2 crying in my arms while I rocked him and sang until finally giving into motrin induced sleep. Let's hope tomorrow brings a better day.

I was sad tonight watching AMERICAN IDOL. I really liked Alexandrea and thought she would go far. Instead, eliminated. Also in television viewing tonight, I remembered why I don't watch the Celebrity Apprentice any more. As I was flipping past, I saw they were working on ads for new dial soap with yogurt. The designer in me found their naked cowboy and in the sheets ads very boring. I would have used the slogan, What's good for your insides, now great for your outsides. How hard is that?

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