Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Things I like right now

1. That song "True" by Ryan Cabrera. Don't ask me why. So cheesy. His hair is very intersting. So big, yet so tall. Ashlee Simpson must be some crazy fuck monkey to keep that boy.

2. U2 (but I like them all the time, does that count?)
3. The season finale of Carnivale. FANFUCKINGTASTIC. It was so good. Damn you HBO! Now I have to wait like 3 years to find out what happens to everyone next season.
4. The fact that 6 feet under is starting soon. YAY!
5. Electric Hybrid cars. We are seriously considering getting one when the lease is up on the Jeep. The only issue is there are no recharging stations around here like there are in Cali. We could go like 150 miles but where would we plug in at? Then you have to use gas and what is the point? Although I did find out you get a 1500 dollar tax return for energy conservation. I am thinking the Ford Escape Hybrid although I am hoping they come out with the Jeep Grand Cherokee version by then.
6. The paint color I chose for my office. It is called "Aggie" and is a Martha Stewart color courtesy of Sherwin Williams. It is like a dusty blue green.
7. My husband.
8. Coffee. Lately I can't get enough although I know it is bad for my teeth.
9. The anticipation of my new ring coming (hopefully) next week.
10. Spending time with my girlies this weekend.
11. Going out for lunch today!
12. Seeing my niece tonight.

I am sure there are a ton more, but that should tide over posting for now. Tomorrow *GASP* I will post some of the things I don't like, which should be easy because there are a ton of them.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Getting into the groove

I think I am getting the hang of my new job. I won't really talk about it or the people I work with because you never know when big brother is watching! Ha! But seriously...I was reading an article about people that have been fired for writing shit about their work in their blogs (check out www.dooce.com). Is this not like a "diary"? Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Am I not allowed to have my own thoughts?

Today I had a lunch meeting at a pretty expensive private club right here in the middle of downtown. The people there want us to have events there so they had us in for lunch to schmooze. I totally cheated on my diet and had (but did not finish any of it): Cup Lobster Bisque (too much red pepper), Tuna Tempura roll on field greens (a little "fishy" and not as rare as I would have liked), 1 and a half dinner rolls with that awesome sweet cream butter, a cappucino, and espresso creme brulee. YUM! I have pretty much been craving coffee lately, i think it is because it is the only thing I normally get that is not meat or cheese. Those things don't go great with coffee either. Back to the grind. I see you rolling your eyes there!

What the f is up with American Idol. I thought almost all of them sang awesome last night. I also like it that when they do the montage of them singing in the end you can basically be like "x!" (imagine that sound they used to make on family feud when someone got something wrong) on the ones you know are just wasting your time. I can't believe they are making them all sing again tonight. It will be interesting to see if any of them change the way they sang their songs.

On an up note, my friend from JAX (Hi, Fred!) may be coming up for U2 which would be hella cool and would verge on putting too many of my favorite things in one room at one time. Add a McDonald's cheeseburger and we are almost home, brothers and sisters (Sorry-too much Carnivale! and I can't wait til next Sunday!). Thank God for tivo. Tonight I am going "stamping" (no, not like those step groups-great visual though!, but with ink) so I will be able to catch up on my American Idol on Sunday when I do most of my tivo watching. Happy Tubing :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Baited Breath

I know you are all on the edge of your seats...8 tickets, baby! I rock! I went to ticketmaster at 9:30 (they went on sale at 10) and they were drawing for a lottery. I was 3rd in line and i got 6 tickets, behind the stage. My dude got on the internet at home and scored us 2 KICK ASS AWESOME seats right near the stage. Who loves me, baby? U2 here we come! Now, just to wait until December....
In the meanwhile, I am going to sell two of them on ebay, hopefully I can make enough money to pay for the others. :) WOOHOO! Sucess!

St. Pat's was cool, I was the last one there (work) but proceeded to get drunk as a skunk and then i went home and enjoyed girl scout cookies (Tag-a-longs). Those things are like crack! YUM! Back on FATKINS for the time being. :(

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Forgot to Mention

I have the iMac. It is beautiful. I love it and I will hug it and hold it and cherish it forever. It is literally just a flat screen with a stainless steel base. The screen is the computer, and there is a slot in the side where cds spit in and out. Insanity. What will they think of next? Oh, I forgot about the Mac Mini...

Off to get some sleep, I have a big day of work and then drinking ahead of me :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Temper Tantrum

Tickets go on sale this Saturday, and even though I have a plan to send my dude to ticketmaster and I am going to try on line, I have a feeling I might not get tickets. The concert isn't til December. Do you know how jacked up the price is going to be by then? I will just die if I can't go. Die, I tell you. *sigh* I guess I should just wait and see...but that's no fun. Oh, the drama!

I am excited for St. Pat's. I am going to go out down here on our famous "W. Sixth". I don't know about green beer but I would love to drink some cider and some guiness. I'll think I'll stick to the vodka though, more FATKINS friendly. I have only lost 6 pounds. Which I think is a failure, but when I look at it, it's only been a week and a half so that is not bad. No more meat! AUGH!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My husband said it wasn't broken...

He lied. And this picture makes it look a lot better than it is. The bruising is much darker. I am starting to worry.
And yes, I am aware that I have freaky feet. But my tat is pretty awesome.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


No, the mac did not come yet, apparently it shipped from China so hopefully Thursday...

The awesome news is...
U2 IS COMING TO CLEVELAND!!!!!!! They released new dates today and they will be here December 10th! I am so going. And it is on a saturday night. WOOOOHOOOO! I think you can tell I am excited. I saw U2 in Philly in 2001 for the Elevation tour. It was un-fucking-believeable. I had chills the whole time. My husband doesn't get it I don't think but he's going too. I am going to make a believer out of him yet. Now, to wait til they go on sale and go wait in line at a ticketmaster. I hate that crap. It takes forever and you have to be prepared if they sell out. I couldn't accept that, I am going!! Here I come Bono baby!

And on a not so exciting note, I once again fell down my stairs this morning and managed to break some toes. I know you aren't sympathetic to that but my foot is twice it's normal size and all black, it is really bad at the base, where the toes connect to the foot. And it hurts like a bitch.

But...U2 is coming, so I can get over the foot. SMILES!

Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm back from outer space

So my mac is not here yet. *sigh* I am so lost without it. Where are you? Why are you taking so long? I will love you and hug you and play with you. I need you. I can't do my job without you. Damn PC and the damn keyboard. If you have ever used both you know the difference. This thing is hella hard to type on. And crappy to look at. I did use the Photoshop the other day though and it seems to be pretty much the same. But I will never use this computer for design. It is a matter of principle. I am such a mac dork that everytime I see one on tv (which is every show they ever show someone using a computer) I get all warm and fuzzy and I tell everyone (normally my husband, who has heard it a million times) "look, a powerbook/ibook/ipod!" just to prove that the world is/should be taken over by the coolest computers ever, macs.

So, I forgot to mention about my friend from JAX earlier, he can cook. And I'm not talking spaghetti o's from the can, I am talking yum yum awesome food. He's still out there, waiting for you, although he doesn't know it yet. Speaking of yum food, ha ha, i started FATKINS again last week and so far seem to be doing pretty good. My goal is to go until St. Patty's when I cheat on my diet all day and get ragingly drunk. And I bet I will gain back all the weight I lost from one fucking guiness. I can't win. But so far 6 lb. and it has only been 5 days.

I am getting a new wedding ring. And engagement ring. Don't worry, I am keeping the husband. My stuff was stolen a few months ago from the damn jeweler and we are just now getting the money (through my insurance!) so we have started on a new adventure. Just a note for anyone (anyone? beuller?) out there, if you fellas wanna get buckwild, insure your shit on your own. The jewelry store acts like they have no idea what to do. And this wasn't a shitty store, peeps. That was today's lesson. Tune in tomorrow and see if I write another one, oh and if I don't that is tomorrow's lesson...don't believe a word I say ;)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Where am I?

The new job is good. Not too much going on yet, but I have a feeling things are going to speed up a little. The best part about my old (back-breaking) job is that compared to that everything else seems very S L O W. I have been cleaning out my office, which is tough because I have no fucking idea what everything is. But hey, it's an office! And it's mine. So I better get a big giant trash bin and start cleaning house. Nah, I'm not that brave. I'll box it up like a good girl and put it in the hall closet. I can't wait to paint. And to get my new desk. And my new Mac arrives either Friday or Monday. Feels good to be in a place where people want to do nice things for you, at least to try to keep you here...