The awesome news is...
U2 IS COMING TO CLEVELAND!!!!!!! They released new dates today and they will be here December 10th! I am so going. And it is on a saturday night. WOOOOHOOOO! I think you can tell I am excited. I saw U2 in Philly in 2001 for the Elevation tour. It was un-fucking-believeable. I had chills the whole time. My husband doesn't get it I don't think but he's going too. I am going to make a believer out of him yet. Now, to wait til they go on sale and go wait in line at a ticketmaster. I hate that crap. It takes forever and you have to be prepared if they sell out. I couldn't accept that, I am going!! Here I come Bono baby!

And on a not so exciting note, I once again fell down my stairs this morning and managed to break some toes. I know you aren't sympathetic to that but my foot is twice it's normal size and all black, it is really bad at the base, where the toes connect to the foot. And it hurts like a bitch.
But...U2 is coming, so I can get over the foot. SMILES!
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