Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Getting into the groove

I think I am getting the hang of my new job. I won't really talk about it or the people I work with because you never know when big brother is watching! Ha! But seriously...I was reading an article about people that have been fired for writing shit about their work in their blogs (check out Is this not like a "diary"? Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Am I not allowed to have my own thoughts?

Today I had a lunch meeting at a pretty expensive private club right here in the middle of downtown. The people there want us to have events there so they had us in for lunch to schmooze. I totally cheated on my diet and had (but did not finish any of it): Cup Lobster Bisque (too much red pepper), Tuna Tempura roll on field greens (a little "fishy" and not as rare as I would have liked), 1 and a half dinner rolls with that awesome sweet cream butter, a cappucino, and espresso creme brulee. YUM! I have pretty much been craving coffee lately, i think it is because it is the only thing I normally get that is not meat or cheese. Those things don't go great with coffee either. Back to the grind. I see you rolling your eyes there!

What the f is up with American Idol. I thought almost all of them sang awesome last night. I also like it that when they do the montage of them singing in the end you can basically be like "x!" (imagine that sound they used to make on family feud when someone got something wrong) on the ones you know are just wasting your time. I can't believe they are making them all sing again tonight. It will be interesting to see if any of them change the way they sang their songs.

On an up note, my friend from JAX (Hi, Fred!) may be coming up for U2 which would be hella cool and would verge on putting too many of my favorite things in one room at one time. Add a McDonald's cheeseburger and we are almost home, brothers and sisters (Sorry-too much Carnivale! and I can't wait til next Sunday!). Thank God for tivo. Tonight I am going "stamping" (no, not like those step groups-great visual though!, but with ink) so I will be able to catch up on my American Idol on Sunday when I do most of my tivo watching. Happy Tubing :)

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