Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Baited Breath

I know you are all on the edge of your seats...8 tickets, baby! I rock! I went to ticketmaster at 9:30 (they went on sale at 10) and they were drawing for a lottery. I was 3rd in line and i got 6 tickets, behind the stage. My dude got on the internet at home and scored us 2 KICK ASS AWESOME seats right near the stage. Who loves me, baby? U2 here we come! Now, just to wait until December....
In the meanwhile, I am going to sell two of them on ebay, hopefully I can make enough money to pay for the others. :) WOOHOO! Sucess!

St. Pat's was cool, I was the last one there (work) but proceeded to get drunk as a skunk and then i went home and enjoyed girl scout cookies (Tag-a-longs). Those things are like crack! YUM! Back on FATKINS for the time being. :(

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