Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm back from outer space

So my mac is not here yet. *sigh* I am so lost without it. Where are you? Why are you taking so long? I will love you and hug you and play with you. I need you. I can't do my job without you. Damn PC and the damn keyboard. If you have ever used both you know the difference. This thing is hella hard to type on. And crappy to look at. I did use the Photoshop the other day though and it seems to be pretty much the same. But I will never use this computer for design. It is a matter of principle. I am such a mac dork that everytime I see one on tv (which is every show they ever show someone using a computer) I get all warm and fuzzy and I tell everyone (normally my husband, who has heard it a million times) "look, a powerbook/ibook/ipod!" just to prove that the world is/should be taken over by the coolest computers ever, macs.

So, I forgot to mention about my friend from JAX earlier, he can cook. And I'm not talking spaghetti o's from the can, I am talking yum yum awesome food. He's still out there, waiting for you, although he doesn't know it yet. Speaking of yum food, ha ha, i started FATKINS again last week and so far seem to be doing pretty good. My goal is to go until St. Patty's when I cheat on my diet all day and get ragingly drunk. And I bet I will gain back all the weight I lost from one fucking guiness. I can't win. But so far 6 lb. and it has only been 5 days.

I am getting a new wedding ring. And engagement ring. Don't worry, I am keeping the husband. My stuff was stolen a few months ago from the damn jeweler and we are just now getting the money (through my insurance!) so we have started on a new adventure. Just a note for anyone (anyone? beuller?) out there, if you fellas wanna get buckwild, insure your shit on your own. The jewelry store acts like they have no idea what to do. And this wasn't a shitty store, peeps. That was today's lesson. Tune in tomorrow and see if I write another one, oh and if I don't that is tomorrow's lesson...don't believe a word I say ;)

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