It seems that sometimes when things are really not going well, they some how make a turn for the better. I think that I am fortunate that this is my experience, because I know when some people hit rock bottom, it only gets worse.
B has been unhappy with his professional life for awhile. It kills me to see someone with so much drive and dedication feel that they are useless and unrespected. We had a little talk about it the other day and I know that he doesn't really like me to commentate on his work life, but I told him not to let it get to him. My last job was like that, you would give and give and just get shit on all the time. It really is a backwards mentality when you think about it, because the less respected you are, the less you care about the company, and the more you slack off. When we would go to our supervisor and ask why these things happened all the time, she would just sigh and say "it's like that everywhere." Well, you know what? It's not. No one should ever feel like they aren't worth it. In June, I went on a bachelorette party, had a few too many martinis and told all my girlfriends just that. They all looked at me like I was drunk and crazy but, I really think that is the most important message that people need to hear. You CAN do ANYTHING. You respect people, so people should respect you.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Someone I know has issues
A person I know told me the other day that he won't eat at a certain restaurant because he saw a man with aids eating there once. He also won't eat at another restaurant because on thanksgiving they serve free food to homeless people and aids patients. He said he won't drink coffee at the office because they don't wash the pot in a dishwasher and only hand wash it. He sits in his office and cuts his toenails and fingernails while he is on the phone with people. In the summertime, he never wears shoes in the office and does not hesitate to itch his bare feet. Every time he comes into my office he rubs his back against my wall and door frame because "it itches." He is making a big grease stain on the wall too where he keeps leaning against it. Whenever he wears black he has dandruff all over him and scratches his head and you can see it fly all over.
But yet he talks on his cell phone while he poops (every day for 20-30 minutes at a time- and how can you wash your hands and wipe properly while on the phone?) and sticks his hand into MY bag of chips and takes fries off of MY plate (and I doubt he washes his hands because the soap in the bathroom hardly ever runs out), chews with his mouth open , and picks his nose constantly. He also leaves his nasty starbucks cups in the refrigerator with coffee and rancid cream in it for days and reheats it or leaves it in there until other people throw it out. He never takes the garbage out, he just leaves it by the door for others even though he walks right past the chute on his way to the elevator. His office is disgusting and looks like a pig sty but he does not hesitate to tell people to clean up the rest of the office, which is his papers and discarded mail that he can't bother to throw in the garbage can.
So other people's germs aren't good enough for him but apparently his are good enough for everyone else. GROSS.
But yet he talks on his cell phone while he poops (every day for 20-30 minutes at a time- and how can you wash your hands and wipe properly while on the phone?) and sticks his hand into MY bag of chips and takes fries off of MY plate (and I doubt he washes his hands because the soap in the bathroom hardly ever runs out), chews with his mouth open , and picks his nose constantly. He also leaves his nasty starbucks cups in the refrigerator with coffee and rancid cream in it for days and reheats it or leaves it in there until other people throw it out. He never takes the garbage out, he just leaves it by the door for others even though he walks right past the chute on his way to the elevator. His office is disgusting and looks like a pig sty but he does not hesitate to tell people to clean up the rest of the office, which is his papers and discarded mail that he can't bother to throw in the garbage can.
So other people's germs aren't good enough for him but apparently his are good enough for everyone else. GROSS.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Some more thoughts on the weather
I was driving home from work yesterday, passing all the houses in West Park that have their pumpkins out. Due to the recent snow fall, they are all wearing little white yarmukles. I thought that was too cute. The little white hats almost look like toupees and make the pumpkins seem somewhat more alive and whimsical.
One perk of being from the "country" is that B and I go to an awesome pumpkin farm in Fremont every year. The pumpkins are huge and the prices are low. We fill up the back of the car with all the different sizes, gourds, and hay. The worker comes around and surveys our load and asks "30?" Which is always a more then fair price. This year we only got four large pumpkins and we sat them out on the porch to welcome trick-or-treaters. It was too cold to carve them and we like to make them last until Thanksgiving so they sat out there in all their natural glory. Sure enough, two days after Halloween, 2 were missing. Not smashed in front of our house like last year, but just gone. I like to be optimistic and think that someone who couldn't afford one now has one, but in reality it is probably smeared all over the road some where. Why people think they can take things that don't belong to them, I don't know. I remember being about 8 or 9 and someone smashed our pumpkins. I asked my dad why someone would do that and all he could tell me was "kids". I think when Trey is old enough we will tell him a story about the Pumpkin Fairy that comes and takes the pumpkins back to the patch on Halloween eve. If they aren't stolen, then I will have B throw them away and maybe we can turn something disappointing into something magical.
And next year, I am going to leave a sign on the porch telling anyone to take one if they can't afford one. Then maybe those kids might feel a little guilty. Instead of stealing from me, I will give them away.
One perk of being from the "country" is that B and I go to an awesome pumpkin farm in Fremont every year. The pumpkins are huge and the prices are low. We fill up the back of the car with all the different sizes, gourds, and hay. The worker comes around and surveys our load and asks "30?" Which is always a more then fair price. This year we only got four large pumpkins and we sat them out on the porch to welcome trick-or-treaters. It was too cold to carve them and we like to make them last until Thanksgiving so they sat out there in all their natural glory. Sure enough, two days after Halloween, 2 were missing. Not smashed in front of our house like last year, but just gone. I like to be optimistic and think that someone who couldn't afford one now has one, but in reality it is probably smeared all over the road some where. Why people think they can take things that don't belong to them, I don't know. I remember being about 8 or 9 and someone smashed our pumpkins. I asked my dad why someone would do that and all he could tell me was "kids". I think when Trey is old enough we will tell him a story about the Pumpkin Fairy that comes and takes the pumpkins back to the patch on Halloween eve. If they aren't stolen, then I will have B throw them away and maybe we can turn something disappointing into something magical.
And next year, I am going to leave a sign on the porch telling anyone to take one if they can't afford one. Then maybe those kids might feel a little guilty. Instead of stealing from me, I will give them away.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Some interesting things...
to me anyways.
Today as I was driving to work I noticed a bright yellow leaf stuck in the snow drift on the hood of my car. The seasons moved so fast this year there was no time for the leaves to even turn brown. I don't know where October went and I have a feeling November is going to be the same way.
The other day B and I had this conversation:
E: Did you hear Reese Witherspoon and her husband are getting divorced?
B: No! Really?
E: Yeah, I heard it today.
B: That's surprising, they seem like a good couple.
That conversation was spoken with the same passion as it would have been if it was our best friends or our next door neighbors. Weird how celebrities are like that. That must by why they get stalked all the time, people think they "know" them. Even more weird (but AWESOME for me), is that my husband and I have conversations like that.
B put a nail through his finger 2 nights ago. It went in through the front and out through the back as he was pulling boards off of the back porch getting it ready to be enclosed. The interesting thing about this--he claimed it didn't hurt AT ALL. Don't know if it was the shock or what, but crazy. I would have been in straight up hysterics. In fact I felt a little sick thinking about it and all the germs that could be in there. Guess this is preparing me for when my kids come in the house with their little bones sticking out of their skin after they fell off of the swing set. YUCK. B got a tetanus shot yesterday and all is right with the world again.
I have taken to referring to the Baby's Room as "Trey's Room". Don't know if it is because he is getting closer to getting here or the room is closer to done, but weird I think. Sometimes I think about how I don't even know him. But I guess I must know him more then anyone else because I am really the only thing he knows so far. I also like referring to my baby as "Fetus" and "Good Ole' Number 3". I think I am getting crazier and crazier as time goes on. Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery over there!
Today as I was driving to work I noticed a bright yellow leaf stuck in the snow drift on the hood of my car. The seasons moved so fast this year there was no time for the leaves to even turn brown. I don't know where October went and I have a feeling November is going to be the same way.
The other day B and I had this conversation:
E: Did you hear Reese Witherspoon and her husband are getting divorced?
B: No! Really?
E: Yeah, I heard it today.
B: That's surprising, they seem like a good couple.
That conversation was spoken with the same passion as it would have been if it was our best friends or our next door neighbors. Weird how celebrities are like that. That must by why they get stalked all the time, people think they "know" them. Even more weird (but AWESOME for me), is that my husband and I have conversations like that.
B put a nail through his finger 2 nights ago. It went in through the front and out through the back as he was pulling boards off of the back porch getting it ready to be enclosed. The interesting thing about this--he claimed it didn't hurt AT ALL. Don't know if it was the shock or what, but crazy. I would have been in straight up hysterics. In fact I felt a little sick thinking about it and all the germs that could be in there. Guess this is preparing me for when my kids come in the house with their little bones sticking out of their skin after they fell off of the swing set. YUCK. B got a tetanus shot yesterday and all is right with the world again.
I have taken to referring to the Baby's Room as "Trey's Room". Don't know if it is because he is getting closer to getting here or the room is closer to done, but weird I think. Sometimes I think about how I don't even know him. But I guess I must know him more then anyone else because I am really the only thing he knows so far. I also like referring to my baby as "Fetus" and "Good Ole' Number 3". I think I am getting crazier and crazier as time goes on. Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery over there!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Nothing on TV? Look out the Window...
When we decided to live in the Westpark neighborhood of Cleveland I was very excited. I thought “what a better way to get to know and love this city then live in it?”. We were charmed by the neighborhoods, the convenience to shopping, and the proximity to downtown. We love the West Side Market, Gunning Park Recreation Center, the hipster bars and multi cultural restaurants, and all of our cool diverse neighbors; Police, Fire, blue collar, white collar, white, black, Hispanic. The taxes are low, and our yard is huge. And then the sun went down….
Our beautiful neighborhood by day turns into a street-fighting arena at night. About 2 weeks ago, a party held by one of the local “youth” (I say youth because even though I am still in my 20s, 18 seems so far away) got out of hand about 2 am. Being summertime, the windows were open and we had just gotten home about an hour beforehand. Raised voices and arguing turned into a full-blown beer bottle throwing 10 on 1 fight in our front yard. My husband went out to “break it up” and after yelling for them to take it elsewhere, the fight dissipated leaving behind a bloody victim. The police (with all due respect and we love them dearly) were dealing with other problems elsewhere that evening and were unable to come out right away, so there were never any repercussions for the attackers. This evening, the people across the street got into it, and while it was at the more respectful hour of 10:30, I can’t help but wonder how these people don’t know that they are putting on a show for the whole neighborhood.
We love living in the city and I hope more people try to make a difference and make it a great place to live, unfortunately most people do not abide by the philosophy "don't shit where you eat" to be blunt. With a baby on the way, we are now questioning our longevity in a house that we love. Cleveland, prove me wrong and don’t make me move to the ‘burbs.
Our beautiful neighborhood by day turns into a street-fighting arena at night. About 2 weeks ago, a party held by one of the local “youth” (I say youth because even though I am still in my 20s, 18 seems so far away) got out of hand about 2 am. Being summertime, the windows were open and we had just gotten home about an hour beforehand. Raised voices and arguing turned into a full-blown beer bottle throwing 10 on 1 fight in our front yard. My husband went out to “break it up” and after yelling for them to take it elsewhere, the fight dissipated leaving behind a bloody victim. The police (with all due respect and we love them dearly) were dealing with other problems elsewhere that evening and were unable to come out right away, so there were never any repercussions for the attackers. This evening, the people across the street got into it, and while it was at the more respectful hour of 10:30, I can’t help but wonder how these people don’t know that they are putting on a show for the whole neighborhood.
We love living in the city and I hope more people try to make a difference and make it a great place to live, unfortunately most people do not abide by the philosophy "don't shit where you eat" to be blunt. With a baby on the way, we are now questioning our longevity in a house that we love. Cleveland, prove me wrong and don’t make me move to the ‘burbs.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Quote from Harvey Pekar
Harvey Pekar: My name is Harvey Pekar - that's an unusual name - Harvey Pekar. 1960 was the year I got my first apartment and my first phone book. Now imagine my surprise when I looked up my name and saw that in addition to me, another Harvey Pekar was listed. Now I was listed as "Harvey L. Pekar", my middle name is Lawrence, and he was listed as "Harvey Pekar" therefore his was a - was a pure listing. Then in the '70s, I noticed that a third Harvey Pekar was listed in the phone book, now this filled me with curiousity. How can there be three people with such an unusual name in the world, let alone in one city? Then one day, a person I work with, expressed her sympathy with me, concerning what she thought, was the death of my father, and she pointed out an obituary notice in the newspaper for a man named Harvey Pekar. And one of his sons was named Harvey. And these were the other Harvey Pekar's. And six months later, Harvey Pekar Jr. died. And although I've met neither man, I was filled with sadness, 'what were they like?', I thought, it seemed that our lives had been linked in some indefineable way. But the story does not end there, for two years later, another 'Harvey Pekar' appeared in the phone book. Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they do? What's in a name? Who is "Harvey Pekar"?
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sunset...a pictorial
I know...I've been terrible. Shit has really hit the fan around here work-wise. When it rains it pours! I didn't forget about you, my loyal reader. I am actually enjoying reliving our vacation, it will tide me over until the temperature creeps up about 10 more degrees around here and we get in the 70's! Enjoy, please email me with any questions/comments!

Friday, March 24, 2006
Key West Day Two Part 1
It's a good thing I have my pictures to remind me of what we did because I have been terrible at posting. Day 2 was a busy one, we walked all over the place, so this post will be kind of long!! If anyone is thinking of traveling to KW or has any questions, please email me through this blog. I love KW and I love sharing it with people!!
On Day 2, we got up early at the Blue Parrot Inn, identified the "cougher" at breakfast and decided to head out and see if we could either check into our next Bed & Breakfast (Marreros Guest or just drop our stuff off. I knew the location of the B & B was prime, but we could not have got any better. we were centrally located right off Duval in a quiet area...right at the end/beginning of US 1, so essentially the last Bed and Breakfast on US 1. Maybe some time Brad and I will make it to Maine and we can stay at the first!

Our room was ready and although it was pepto pink, it was huge! There was a great glass shower in the bathroom and we had a private enterance to the pool. And they have wireless!! You can see I really didn't take advantage of it, not to blog anyways :) The hotel is Victorian style and gorgeous. They offer continental breakfast each morning (great spread!) and happy hour every evening. We left the hotel and headed up to Duval Street.

This guy was right outside Fast Buck Freddie's Department Store. There used to be a lot more street entertainers and homeless people in KW but I guess the hurricanes must have driven some of them out. We continued on to Fat Tuesday's to have our first drink of the day-HEY! WE'RE ON VACATION!! Brad got a Rum Runner and when he was in the bathroom I ordered him the extra test tube shot of 151 and dumped it in there, I am such a great wife! I got a Bloody Mary and we were on our way to the Kino's Sandal Factory...

Kino's has been in KW for a really long time. They make these super comfortable leather sandals and they sell them for just 9 dollars a pair. I think it is the best deal you are going to get in KW!! I stocked up on a couple of pairs and we got some for Brad and his mom too. All in all we spent 99 dollars on sandals, but we got 10 pairs, unlike my Birks which cost that much for one pair.
Next we went over to the Wrecker's Museum where we learned about looting and rioting KW old school style.

KW used to be the richest city per capita and it was all because of Wrecking. Unlike Pirates (ARGH!), the Wreckers would just go out to salvage the goods on sinking boats and save the crew (yeah right). Pirates would post signs in the shallow waters around KW telling ships to go a certain direction where they would end up beaching themselves and then the pirates would loot and pillage. Can you see the difference between the two? We got to see lots of fun stuff they had pulled up from the boats and we climbed the tower and got a great aerial view of the island. I see Sloppy Joe's! Is it time for a drink yet??

And now it is only 2 o'clock! We walked up the Blond Giraffe and Brad had his first slice of Key Lime Pie in KW. They were rated the best a few years ago and did not dissapoint! Buttery crust as opposed to graham cracker and meringue to boot!

Here is The Story of Key Lime Pie from the travel channel website:
Back in the old days, there were no bridges or cars in the Florida Keys. In fact, there wasn't a whole lot of anything except chickens and lime trees. But you can't make pie with a chicken and a tree, so when Gail Borden invented condensed milk around 1858, locals took what they had and got busy.
The Original Key West Key Lime Pie
4 egg yolks
1 can condensed sweetened milk
1/2 cup fresh or bottled lime juice
9-inch-deep regular pie crust (not graham cracker)
For the meringue topping
4 egg whites
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
Mix egg yolks, milk and lime juice in a bowl. Bake pie crust at 325 degrees until golden brown (10 to 12 minutes). Pour egg-yolk mixture into crust and return to oven. Bake at 325 for 10 to 15 minutes (depending on the oven).
To make the meringue topping, beat egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar until mixture peaks. Take pie out of oven and place meringue over egg-yolk mixture. Return pie to oven and back at 325 degrees until meringue is golden brown.
I'll have to try this one out!
On to the Marina and the Wyland Whaling wall at the Market.

I used to love to shop here and they have great fresh fish. We wandered around and looked at the boats and headed over for a late lunch/early dinner at Alonzo's Oyster Bar....a place that was on my list not to miss. They have the best Fried Oyster Po'Boy and that is exactly what I ordered. We also had the true KW Bloody Mary experience...A Shrimpwreck Mary: Old Bay rim, awesome Bloody mix, Grey Goose Vodka, topped with a peel and eat shrimp, celery, an olive and a pickle!

But we better hurry...we're going to be late for sunset :)
To be continued....
On Day 2, we got up early at the Blue Parrot Inn, identified the "cougher" at breakfast and decided to head out and see if we could either check into our next Bed & Breakfast (Marreros Guest or just drop our stuff off. I knew the location of the B & B was prime, but we could not have got any better. we were centrally located right off Duval in a quiet area...right at the end/beginning of US 1, so essentially the last Bed and Breakfast on US 1. Maybe some time Brad and I will make it to Maine and we can stay at the first!

Our room was ready and although it was pepto pink, it was huge! There was a great glass shower in the bathroom and we had a private enterance to the pool. And they have wireless!! You can see I really didn't take advantage of it, not to blog anyways :) The hotel is Victorian style and gorgeous. They offer continental breakfast each morning (great spread!) and happy hour every evening. We left the hotel and headed up to Duval Street.

This guy was right outside Fast Buck Freddie's Department Store. There used to be a lot more street entertainers and homeless people in KW but I guess the hurricanes must have driven some of them out. We continued on to Fat Tuesday's to have our first drink of the day-HEY! WE'RE ON VACATION!! Brad got a Rum Runner and when he was in the bathroom I ordered him the extra test tube shot of 151 and dumped it in there, I am such a great wife! I got a Bloody Mary and we were on our way to the Kino's Sandal Factory...

Kino's has been in KW for a really long time. They make these super comfortable leather sandals and they sell them for just 9 dollars a pair. I think it is the best deal you are going to get in KW!! I stocked up on a couple of pairs and we got some for Brad and his mom too. All in all we spent 99 dollars on sandals, but we got 10 pairs, unlike my Birks which cost that much for one pair.
Next we went over to the Wrecker's Museum where we learned about looting and rioting KW old school style.

KW used to be the richest city per capita and it was all because of Wrecking. Unlike Pirates (ARGH!), the Wreckers would just go out to salvage the goods on sinking boats and save the crew (yeah right). Pirates would post signs in the shallow waters around KW telling ships to go a certain direction where they would end up beaching themselves and then the pirates would loot and pillage. Can you see the difference between the two? We got to see lots of fun stuff they had pulled up from the boats and we climbed the tower and got a great aerial view of the island. I see Sloppy Joe's! Is it time for a drink yet??

And now it is only 2 o'clock! We walked up the Blond Giraffe and Brad had his first slice of Key Lime Pie in KW. They were rated the best a few years ago and did not dissapoint! Buttery crust as opposed to graham cracker and meringue to boot!

Here is The Story of Key Lime Pie from the travel channel website:
Back in the old days, there were no bridges or cars in the Florida Keys. In fact, there wasn't a whole lot of anything except chickens and lime trees. But you can't make pie with a chicken and a tree, so when Gail Borden invented condensed milk around 1858, locals took what they had and got busy.
The Original Key West Key Lime Pie
4 egg yolks
1 can condensed sweetened milk
1/2 cup fresh or bottled lime juice
9-inch-deep regular pie crust (not graham cracker)
For the meringue topping
4 egg whites
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
Mix egg yolks, milk and lime juice in a bowl. Bake pie crust at 325 degrees until golden brown (10 to 12 minutes). Pour egg-yolk mixture into crust and return to oven. Bake at 325 for 10 to 15 minutes (depending on the oven).
To make the meringue topping, beat egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar until mixture peaks. Take pie out of oven and place meringue over egg-yolk mixture. Return pie to oven and back at 325 degrees until meringue is golden brown.
I'll have to try this one out!
On to the Marina and the Wyland Whaling wall at the Market.

I used to love to shop here and they have great fresh fish. We wandered around and looked at the boats and headed over for a late lunch/early dinner at Alonzo's Oyster Bar....a place that was on my list not to miss. They have the best Fried Oyster Po'Boy and that is exactly what I ordered. We also had the true KW Bloody Mary experience...A Shrimpwreck Mary: Old Bay rim, awesome Bloody mix, Grey Goose Vodka, topped with a peel and eat shrimp, celery, an olive and a pickle!

But we better hurry...we're going to be late for sunset :)
To be continued....
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Key West Day One Part 2
When we got into town we took the scenic route...around by Smathers Beach past where house boat row USED to be (?), past the airport where the people that can afford 500 dollar tickets fly into. We went past my old house on Washington (off White) which my man said looked like a dump, but hey! that was a great house and at $1800 a month for rent or roughly $22,000 a year it was a bargain! We got to our first hotel, the Blue Parrot Inn, a bed and breakfast on Elizabeth Street.

The room was small. REALLY SMALL. Double bed at the top of the stairs with a teeny tiny bathroom. And thin walls, but we wouldn't find that out til later...
So we took a nap, got gussied up and headed out to the southernmost side. We walked up to my old apartment on Duval, located above the Alan Maltz gallery. Brad approved of this one much more and after looking in the windows I could see that it was no longer used as an apartment but part of the gallery. There was a wine bar (Grand Vin) catty corner that I always liked so I headed over there. The people were great, lots of locals and wine talk. We sat on the porch and drank and bullshitted for an hour and then headed on over to the greatest restaurant on earth, Alice's. We had:
Dirty Martini w/ Bleu cheese olives of course!
Pure Passion Salad
Wild Baby Greens with Goat Cheese, Mango, Toasted Almonds, and Berries
Alice’s own Passion Fruit Vinaigrette
(Prepared at the James Beard House in New York City by Chef Alice)
Tuna Tempura Roll-actually a special appetizer but my FAVORITE!!

7 & 7
Cajun Spring Rolls, Hot & Sour Passion Sauce
Filled with Blackened Shrimp, Fire Roasted Corn and Goat Cheese

Tuna Steak special
I had hoped to go over to Flamingo Crossing for some homemade coconut ice cream but we were so full we were going to burst so we headed up duval for a short walk and then back to the room to crash. At about 5:20 in the morning some body decided they were going to cough up a lung and hacked outside of our room for an hour. I was going to kill someone!! I pulled out the ipod and struggled through the rest of the night (morning).

The room was small. REALLY SMALL. Double bed at the top of the stairs with a teeny tiny bathroom. And thin walls, but we wouldn't find that out til later...
So we took a nap, got gussied up and headed out to the southernmost side. We walked up to my old apartment on Duval, located above the Alan Maltz gallery. Brad approved of this one much more and after looking in the windows I could see that it was no longer used as an apartment but part of the gallery. There was a wine bar (Grand Vin) catty corner that I always liked so I headed over there. The people were great, lots of locals and wine talk. We sat on the porch and drank and bullshitted for an hour and then headed on over to the greatest restaurant on earth, Alice's. We had:
Dirty Martini w/ Bleu cheese olives of course!
Pure Passion Salad
Wild Baby Greens with Goat Cheese, Mango, Toasted Almonds, and Berries
Alice’s own Passion Fruit Vinaigrette
(Prepared at the James Beard House in New York City by Chef Alice)
Tuna Tempura Roll-actually a special appetizer but my FAVORITE!!

7 & 7
Cajun Spring Rolls, Hot & Sour Passion Sauce
Filled with Blackened Shrimp, Fire Roasted Corn and Goat Cheese

Tuna Steak special
I had hoped to go over to Flamingo Crossing for some homemade coconut ice cream but we were so full we were going to burst so we headed up duval for a short walk and then back to the room to crash. At about 5:20 in the morning some body decided they were going to cough up a lung and hacked outside of our room for an hour. I was going to kill someone!! I pulled out the ipod and struggled through the rest of the night (morning).
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Key West

So, we're back. I've actually been back for a week, but work has been so crazy there has been little time for nothing else. I really meant to recap while I was there, I swear. Yes, it was all it was cracked up to be and more. I loved every minute. I wish I could move back but that is a different time. I'll try to recap as best as possible...
Day One, Part One
We had to get up at 5:30 (after Brad spent the evening telling me I packed too much...who do you think was wearing my extra t-shirts I packed and running out of underwear?? Not me.) to get the plane, the cab was here in plenty o' time and we were off. When we landed in Miami, the weather was a chilly 65 degrees which was like bathwater to us 22 degree Ohioans. My dude called for the shuttle to the car rental place I had found on line that had "too good to be true" rates. The non-english speaking at all driver picked us up and I worked my spanglish magic on him to the point where he continued to talk to me in spanish for the entire ride even though I had no idea what he was talking about. We drove down into the ghetto-chickens, pitbulls, homemade empanadas....and there was the car rental. The man at the counter told my man that the price we had reserved on the internet was an "estimate" and quoted us another price, which was $100+ of the "estimate". My dude of course freaked and worked it down to only 30 dollars more then the price and we were off before gunfire could break out. We hoped in that Ford Focus (midsize car, my ass!!) and headed down the keys...
At about mile marker 70, we stopped to get gas and change into shorts and flip flops. We were on island time!! We got a big gatorade and a water (hydration prepping for mass alcohol drinking) and a bag of plaintain chips and took off at a brisk 45 sometimes 25 miles per hour which meant we were really making good time. The next thing I knew we were at MM 20, and that my friends, is the home of Mangrove Mama's. This was a favorite of mine when I lived down there. Distinct keys style-mismatched chairs, pink, purple, and teal paint, cutesy signs all over the walls. We stopped, I had a margarita and some stone crab claws...YUM.

We also had some smoked fish dip which is a real treat as we don't have that any where around here. My dude had a jerk shrimp ceaser salad. The tequila gave me a good buzz and my excitement of driving into Key West itself overwhelmed me...We're at Stock Island! We passed the tattoo parlor where I got my tat, the golf course and we were there...the last 3 miles of US 1.
To be continued!!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Money for Nothing...
I was excited today because I got a check in the mail for my first ever invoice I sent out on my own as a freelancer. In the past I have piggy backed onto other companies and in turn got paid through them. So, hurrah! Hopefully the start of something good!
One week and counting til my vacation. I am super psyched and I hope to be able to have some time to post from down there via my wireless at a Starbucks. My dude and I are addicted so he shouldn't mind a little extra time in there. And then my reader (supposed to be singular...hahaha) can check up on our trip. I also think it might be nice for myself to read through later on.
My birthday was this past weekend, hard to believe I am 29. Where has the time gone? We celebrated in the proper way, eating eating and more eating. Fat Cats on Friday, then on to Zanna and Chris', the next night out with mom and dad to Ponte Vecchio...YUM! Super Bowl I lazed around while my dude went out with his buddies. This friday we continue the extravaganza at the Melting Pot...fondue...mmmmm.
I played volleyball last night with my old boss. I am sore today. I guess 29 makes me an old lady. haha. There were 2 leagues going on at the same time, the A league-ers all looked like straight out of highschool/college with their long thin legs, buns (super as short hot pants like things), and killer spikes. I am used to ruling the school when it comes to co-ed but those girls would put a whipping on not only me but any dude. I am looking forward to playing more in the upcoming weeks, hopefully I will get back in A-League shape! Until then, I'll have to relive my glory days playing "hit me with your best shot" on my itunes.
*side note...i think my sister reads this sometimes. At first when I thought she might be, I worried what she might think. I mean, only 3 of my friends have seen this site and less then half of my total friends even knows I write online, let alone knows what a blog is. But now that she is gone, I like to think she is reading this. I miss you and I miss seeing you everyday. It makes me feel good that you are a part of my everyday life. So if you are there...welcome :)
One week and counting til my vacation. I am super psyched and I hope to be able to have some time to post from down there via my wireless at a Starbucks. My dude and I are addicted so he shouldn't mind a little extra time in there. And then my reader (supposed to be singular...hahaha) can check up on our trip. I also think it might be nice for myself to read through later on.
My birthday was this past weekend, hard to believe I am 29. Where has the time gone? We celebrated in the proper way, eating eating and more eating. Fat Cats on Friday, then on to Zanna and Chris', the next night out with mom and dad to Ponte Vecchio...YUM! Super Bowl I lazed around while my dude went out with his buddies. This friday we continue the extravaganza at the Melting Pot...fondue...mmmmm.
I played volleyball last night with my old boss. I am sore today. I guess 29 makes me an old lady. haha. There were 2 leagues going on at the same time, the A league-ers all looked like straight out of highschool/college with their long thin legs, buns (super as short hot pants like things), and killer spikes. I am used to ruling the school when it comes to co-ed but those girls would put a whipping on not only me but any dude. I am looking forward to playing more in the upcoming weeks, hopefully I will get back in A-League shape! Until then, I'll have to relive my glory days playing "hit me with your best shot" on my itunes.
*side note...i think my sister reads this sometimes. At first when I thought she might be, I worried what she might think. I mean, only 3 of my friends have seen this site and less then half of my total friends even knows I write online, let alone knows what a blog is. But now that she is gone, I like to think she is reading this. I miss you and I miss seeing you everyday. It makes me feel good that you are a part of my everyday life. So if you are there...welcome :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Why Don't You Love Me?
Dear Job,
I've been here for about a year now and despite the ups and downs I was really starting to feel like I know you. I still haven't gotten to the point where I was with my last job, when I would dread getting up in the morning, and I thank you for that.
I think we need to have a talk, though.
Here's the thing, I think you're tolerable, I really do. And I really like the money you get me. Folding things and watching Oprah, I mean that part is awesome. The busy work you give me makes the days fly by. And you know I love designing things for you, just for you. I especially love it when you let me go home early and I appreciate the fact that when I do go home I don't think about you until the next day and you don't call me.
It's just, this is really hard for me to say, but I feel like your smothering me.
I'm sorry! I feel like you need to hear this though. All of the advertising you make me call about, and the deadlines, and the events along with people not responding until the day before, it's really bogging me down. I am getting chest pains and starting to stress royally. You promised me you would be unstressful and I like a fool believed you. I need some "Me" time. I hope you understand. I want to continue seeing you, I really feel like we are starting to connect.
All I'm asking is that you back off a little. I don't want to be with someone who is needy and co-dependent, okay? I know you are a major chunk of my life, I spend more time with you then anyone else. I'm just asking you to be a little more pleasant and stop making me feel like I am losing my shit.
So just think about what I said. I'm counting down the days til my vacation. I know you won't blame me.
I've been here for about a year now and despite the ups and downs I was really starting to feel like I know you. I still haven't gotten to the point where I was with my last job, when I would dread getting up in the morning, and I thank you for that.
I think we need to have a talk, though.
Here's the thing, I think you're tolerable, I really do. And I really like the money you get me. Folding things and watching Oprah, I mean that part is awesome. The busy work you give me makes the days fly by. And you know I love designing things for you, just for you. I especially love it when you let me go home early and I appreciate the fact that when I do go home I don't think about you until the next day and you don't call me.
It's just, this is really hard for me to say, but I feel like your smothering me.
I'm sorry! I feel like you need to hear this though. All of the advertising you make me call about, and the deadlines, and the events along with people not responding until the day before, it's really bogging me down. I am getting chest pains and starting to stress royally. You promised me you would be unstressful and I like a fool believed you. I need some "Me" time. I hope you understand. I want to continue seeing you, I really feel like we are starting to connect.
All I'm asking is that you back off a little. I don't want to be with someone who is needy and co-dependent, okay? I know you are a major chunk of my life, I spend more time with you then anyone else. I'm just asking you to be a little more pleasant and stop making me feel like I am losing my shit.
So just think about what I said. I'm counting down the days til my vacation. I know you won't blame me.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Let's get SIRIUS
Howard Stern broadcasted from his new channel today. Yeah, baby! Unfortunately for me (or possibly fortunate) my commute to work is only about 20 minutes so I just got the little taste of it. Sounded like the same old Howard with the f word thrown in here and there. I'm looking forward to hearing more.
This weekend I went to Columbus to visit some friends and attend a going away party for my friend Jenn* who is moving to Arkansas, down to the land of Wal-mart. Now, I don't think I have ever really confessed my hatred of Wal-mart to Jenn and I will probably continue to hide it for her sake, but I am not a supporter. I used to design retail packaging and I have seen first hand their goal of driving out all small business in America just to get the consumer rock bottom prices, even if that means strictly only buying from china, Mexico, and Pakistan. I know everyone is all about getting the best deal, but don't cry to me when you can't find a job. Our economy is like a hamster on a wheel and it will be interesting to see what it takes to make it better again. People don't get paid enough so they have to bargain shop. Bargain shopping drives down the need for American made (ie. Union) goods. So they in turn get laid off for trying to save money.
It was good seeing Jenn and all my high school friends though. Sometimes I feel more like I fit in down there then I do with my friends up here, but we don't live there and I think seeing anyone in small doses is better then all the time. I'll miss her. Now onto this week's worth of good-byes, I am seeing my niece tonight for the last time before their big move. I'm going to try not to be too sad but we shall see. Brad has promised to fill the void and entertain me whenever I need it. Plus I just got a bunch of new stampin' up stamps to keep my busy. Filling to void with shopping. If I had a therapist they would be proud.
*the story of Jenn:
Jenn and I met when we were 4. Her mom came over for welcome wagon when my parents moved to Ohio. We emptied out the toy box and Jenn's mom thought Jenn should stay and help clean up and least to say she never left. All the way through out college and until now we have retained that friendship. I like to tell her she is one of the handful of people that HAS to love me. She claims she doesn't have to, she just does. Whatever the situation is I am grateful to be loved by such a wonderful person. Oh and I get free doritos out of the deal too. :) Just kidding.
This weekend I went to Columbus to visit some friends and attend a going away party for my friend Jenn* who is moving to Arkansas, down to the land of Wal-mart. Now, I don't think I have ever really confessed my hatred of Wal-mart to Jenn and I will probably continue to hide it for her sake, but I am not a supporter. I used to design retail packaging and I have seen first hand their goal of driving out all small business in America just to get the consumer rock bottom prices, even if that means strictly only buying from china, Mexico, and Pakistan. I know everyone is all about getting the best deal, but don't cry to me when you can't find a job. Our economy is like a hamster on a wheel and it will be interesting to see what it takes to make it better again. People don't get paid enough so they have to bargain shop. Bargain shopping drives down the need for American made (ie. Union) goods. So they in turn get laid off for trying to save money.
It was good seeing Jenn and all my high school friends though. Sometimes I feel more like I fit in down there then I do with my friends up here, but we don't live there and I think seeing anyone in small doses is better then all the time. I'll miss her. Now onto this week's worth of good-byes, I am seeing my niece tonight for the last time before their big move. I'm going to try not to be too sad but we shall see. Brad has promised to fill the void and entertain me whenever I need it. Plus I just got a bunch of new stampin' up stamps to keep my busy. Filling to void with shopping. If I had a therapist they would be proud.
*the story of Jenn:
Jenn and I met when we were 4. Her mom came over for welcome wagon when my parents moved to Ohio. We emptied out the toy box and Jenn's mom thought Jenn should stay and help clean up and least to say she never left. All the way through out college and until now we have retained that friendship. I like to tell her she is one of the handful of people that HAS to love me. She claims she doesn't have to, she just does. Whatever the situation is I am grateful to be loved by such a wonderful person. Oh and I get free doritos out of the deal too. :) Just kidding.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Four for Four
Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays...not too thrilled to be back at work today. My sleeping pattern is all messed up and I am one tired chicky. Plus I started the Abs diet today and although I am not even hungry there is always that moment of panic when you worry there will be nothing to eat. Well hopefully it will pay off...and now for your enjoyment, a "quiz".
Four Jobs You’ve Had in Your Life:
Waitress/Bartender in Put-in-Bay, OHIO
Waitress/Bartender in Key West, FL
Graphic Designer
Project Manager-sounds the most glamorous but by far is not :(
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Stand by Me
Forest Gump
Billy Madison
I am such a girly girl except for that last one.
Four Places You’ve Lived:
Fremont OH-shout out F-town
Bowling Green, OH
Key West, FL
Cleveland, OH
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
Any reality show on MTV.
Four Places You’ve Been on Vacation:
Disney World
NYC, Baby
Four Websites You Visit Daily:
City Rag
Socialites Life
Four of Your Favorite Foods:
Filet Mignon
Tuna steak
Four Places You’d Rather Be:
At home sleeping
Anywhere with a beach
In my car listening to Howard 100
Four Albums You Can’t Live Without:
How about bands, you can limit me to the greatest hits compliations if you are really going to take away all my music...
The Beatles
James Taylor
Four Jobs You’ve Had in Your Life:
Waitress/Bartender in Put-in-Bay, OHIO
Waitress/Bartender in Key West, FL
Graphic Designer
Project Manager-sounds the most glamorous but by far is not :(
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Stand by Me
Forest Gump
Billy Madison
I am such a girly girl except for that last one.
Four Places You’ve Lived:
Fremont OH-shout out F-town
Bowling Green, OH
Key West, FL
Cleveland, OH
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
Any reality show on MTV.
Four Places You’ve Been on Vacation:
Disney World
NYC, Baby
Four Websites You Visit Daily:
City Rag
Socialites Life
Four of Your Favorite Foods:
Filet Mignon
Tuna steak
Four Places You’d Rather Be:
At home sleeping
Anywhere with a beach
In my car listening to Howard 100
Four Albums You Can’t Live Without:
How about bands, you can limit me to the greatest hits compliations if you are really going to take away all my music...
The Beatles
James Taylor
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