Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Bush Divorce Rumors
So I read a rumor online recently that speculated that the President and the first lady would be getting a divorce after his term is over. On YAHOO answers a lot of people had voiced their opinions on this matter and one person stated this
"First off if ( and this is a big if) they are having marital problems it is not my business. Not yours either. Secondly if they were to get divorced it would not be the end of the world. It would not change my opinion of him or of Laura. It also would have no effect on how I feel about his presidency. I would feel very sorry for both of them as divorce is a very painful thing especially in a long term marriage. Sure makes me glad I don't read the tabloids."
While I agree many things are not our business, if it is not our business why were all these same people up in arms when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs from Lewinski? Why does Bush get to pass a law about homosexual rights to marry because of his beliefs in the "sanctity of marriage"? I know rumors are just that, rumors. But when in America are we going to look at the laws and rule out the grays? The law should either be black or white, right or wrong. How does the separation of church and state=we get to say who can love who and how and why because some religion says we can or can't? Why can Pamela Anderson get married and divorced and subject her children to a multitude of trashy dads and not be penalized? Is that not disrespecting the sanctity of marriage? And don't even get me started on Britney Spears 16 year old sister getting knocked up.
It's late and this probably doesn't make too much sense, but sometimes just wonder where we will be in 20 years?
"First off if ( and this is a big if) they are having marital problems it is not my business. Not yours either. Secondly if they were to get divorced it would not be the end of the world. It would not change my opinion of him or of Laura. It also would have no effect on how I feel about his presidency. I would feel very sorry for both of them as divorce is a very painful thing especially in a long term marriage. Sure makes me glad I don't read the tabloids."
While I agree many things are not our business, if it is not our business why were all these same people up in arms when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs from Lewinski? Why does Bush get to pass a law about homosexual rights to marry because of his beliefs in the "sanctity of marriage"? I know rumors are just that, rumors. But when in America are we going to look at the laws and rule out the grays? The law should either be black or white, right or wrong. How does the separation of church and state=we get to say who can love who and how and why because some religion says we can or can't? Why can Pamela Anderson get married and divorced and subject her children to a multitude of trashy dads and not be penalized? Is that not disrespecting the sanctity of marriage? And don't even get me started on Britney Spears 16 year old sister getting knocked up.
It's late and this probably doesn't make too much sense, but sometimes just wonder where we will be in 20 years?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Makes you wonder...
Brad and I are watching a show on the food network about Holidays at Walt Disney World. I know that it is the most magical place on Earth and all but when people are starving in the world, do we really need to create an actual entire life sized house made of gingerbread and a village made entirely of chocolate? I mean, you know no one eats that. I bet some starving people would even eat that month old gross display.
And when I say starving people, I am not even thinking of our own backyards. This year Cleveland was rated one of the poorest cities in America. I think I can say I am grateful for the fact that we managed to stay afloat this year, and I think if we have another year like this one anytime soon, we'll be out of here. Maybe we'll move to Florida and live in that discarded gingerbread house.
On another note, I am working again the next two weeks so that should be chaotic, but good with Christmas coming and all. I still need to find new daycare for Trey starting in January and will be working on that this week too. I am looking forward to the New Year and hopefully the stability it will bring, if there is one thing we learned this year, it is to always expect the unexpected!
And when I say starving people, I am not even thinking of our own backyards. This year Cleveland was rated one of the poorest cities in America. I think I can say I am grateful for the fact that we managed to stay afloat this year, and I think if we have another year like this one anytime soon, we'll be out of here. Maybe we'll move to Florida and live in that discarded gingerbread house.
On another note, I am working again the next two weeks so that should be chaotic, but good with Christmas coming and all. I still need to find new daycare for Trey starting in January and will be working on that this week too. I am looking forward to the New Year and hopefully the stability it will bring, if there is one thing we learned this year, it is to always expect the unexpected!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
9 month check-up
Trey went to see Dr. Kherani last week for his 9 month check-up. He is right on track for average in the 50th percentile across the board. Trey continues to be super happy all the time which makes life a lot easier for me. He is learning to wave, crawling like crazy, standing up with the aid of something to pull up on, "cruising" around the furniture, and calling everyone "daddy." He is quickly out growing the baby food, and although he still LOVES fruit, much more enjoys feeding himself at dinner time. He eats pasta, veggies, turkey, and chicken, and it is nice that he can eat what we eat and when we eat. He has 4 teeth already and has earned the nickname "slimer" from his dad because of all the snot and drool. We are excited to see what he learns next and looking forward to Christmas!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Trey Laughing
Trey is so funny when he laughs. For some reason when Caycee catches popcorn that Brad throws, it drives him into a tizzy.
Brad is enjoying his job immensely, which is good, because my assignment ended early. I am still going to do work there here and there, but until the new year, I will be hanging out at home, catching up on some stuff. I'm kinda looking forward to it, but don't tell Brad ;)
Brad is enjoying his job immensely, which is good, because my assignment ended early. I am still going to do work there here and there, but until the new year, I will be hanging out at home, catching up on some stuff. I'm kinda looking forward to it, but don't tell Brad ;)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Much to be Thankful for...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry I've been quiet for awhile.
We've been up to a lot over here at the Hall household and have had some things in the works that we couldn't talk about. Brad has gotten a new job, which is fantastic. He's getting into something he has been thinking about for awhile and is looking forward to the new opportunity. The only downside is he will now be driving 40 miles to the east while I continue going 60 to the south.
On the upside, we have slightly different schedules so it should work out well for Trey. Trey has been enjoying daycare and it is fun to see all the new stuff he is learning from all the other kids and Miss Hilary.
We are off to the Hall's for thanksgiving, where we will be joined with my parents and 2 dogs. Once again, I cannot express how thankful I am for my family and friends and I am looking forward to a fun weekend of seeing some of you!
Happy Thanksgiving, don't eat too much :)
Sorry I've been quiet for awhile.
We've been up to a lot over here at the Hall household and have had some things in the works that we couldn't talk about. Brad has gotten a new job, which is fantastic. He's getting into something he has been thinking about for awhile and is looking forward to the new opportunity. The only downside is he will now be driving 40 miles to the east while I continue going 60 to the south.
On the upside, we have slightly different schedules so it should work out well for Trey. Trey has been enjoying daycare and it is fun to see all the new stuff he is learning from all the other kids and Miss Hilary.
We are off to the Hall's for thanksgiving, where we will be joined with my parents and 2 dogs. Once again, I cannot express how thankful I am for my family and friends and I am looking forward to a fun weekend of seeing some of you!
Happy Thanksgiving, don't eat too much :)
Monday, November 05, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I didn't need that job, it needed me. F*ck you, F*ckers!
As you can tell, I am totally feeling better and enjoying my new job. I got my first paycheck too so that made it even better.
Trey cried all evening and is now finally passed out. His pjs say "I pulled an all-nighter" on the front and I hope that will not be the case. I think he is getting some teeth. We were blessed with the first round, as I didn't even know he was getting teeth. We were on the way down to Atlanta on the plane and he bit me when I let him suck on my finger to help pop his ears. I looked inside and to my surprise there was not one, but two little sharp nubbies in there. This time around, I don't think we are going to be so lucky, but I hope for his sake, it is over quickly...until then, bring on the tylenol.
We are looking forward to our "Hallo-weekend", pumpkin carving at the Surface's and then our Spooktacular Brunch with Bloody Bloody Mary Bar and Mummyosas-YUM! Trey is going to be so cute, I can't wait to post the pics next week.
As you can tell, I am totally feeling better and enjoying my new job. I got my first paycheck too so that made it even better.
Trey cried all evening and is now finally passed out. His pjs say "I pulled an all-nighter" on the front and I hope that will not be the case. I think he is getting some teeth. We were blessed with the first round, as I didn't even know he was getting teeth. We were on the way down to Atlanta on the plane and he bit me when I let him suck on my finger to help pop his ears. I looked inside and to my surprise there was not one, but two little sharp nubbies in there. This time around, I don't think we are going to be so lucky, but I hope for his sake, it is over quickly...until then, bring on the tylenol.
We are looking forward to our "Hallo-weekend", pumpkin carving at the Surface's and then our Spooktacular Brunch with Bloody Bloody Mary Bar and Mummyosas-YUM! Trey is going to be so cute, I can't wait to post the pics next week.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Get up, stand up
Well, the Tribe let us down. It was a good season with a predictable Cleveland ending. We went down to Columbus with the Thomas' this weekend and least to say, Saturday was a nail biter. The Buckeyes started out strong and struggled a little towards the end of the 3rd quarter. Before the game, we got to check out Thatcher's new house and catch up with some of my high school friends. It was really too brief of a visit, but it seems everyone is doing well down there. I really miss everyone and I always appreciate the warm welcome. It seems like such a different world down there. After the game, we tailgated for awhile at the garage to wait for the traffic to clear out and headed over to the hotel to check in and figure out where to watch the game. Least to say, other then the company, the night was pretty much a wash.
Trey stayed with Nonni and Grandpa at our house. They were instructed to entertain the kid and kill the mice, which they did. And yes, I said mice, not mouse. I am taking back my house, nature. Stay away! You stay out and I will stay in, although that will be hard with our current beautiful weather.
Trey is pulling himself into the standing position now. I will upload the video that Brad took when he caught him doing it for the first time when I get a chance to dowload the camera. I'm glad we have the means to tape things as I feel like I miss everything now that I am working again and so far away.
Trey stayed with Nonni and Grandpa at our house. They were instructed to entertain the kid and kill the mice, which they did. And yes, I said mice, not mouse. I am taking back my house, nature. Stay away! You stay out and I will stay in, although that will be hard with our current beautiful weather.
Trey is pulling himself into the standing position now. I will upload the video that Brad took when he caught him doing it for the first time when I get a chance to dowload the camera. I'm glad we have the means to tape things as I feel like I miss everything now that I am working again and so far away.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Deep Dark Secret
I can't believe I am admitting this, but we have a mouse in our house.
I have been in denial for about 2 weeks now. We found some potatoes in the cupboard that had some little nibbles out of them, I cleaned out all the lower cabinets with bleach (CLOROX hard surface spray, I love you), threw away the food, made sure all the snacks were in tins and tuperware. As an animal lover, I guess I hoped that he (she? God forbid-them?) would be dismayed by the lack of food and go back to the wild. And happened.
I was making cookies for the OSU tailgate tomorrow, and by making cookies, I mean opening the pre-made dough package and placing them on the cookie sheet, when I saw a blur out of the corner of my eye. I stopped what I was doing and looked over by the garbage can and there IT was. Grayish and quick, it darted behind the can and to God knows where behind the wall. I am terrified and disgusted, which is probably the way it feels about me.
In a panic, I called Brad, because you know even being clear across town, he should come home and KILL THAT MOUSE DAMN IT! After offering me the sage advice of trying to trap it under a can or bucket, I decided to make the dog come in and guard me while I finished up what I had to do in there and have avoided that room for the rest of the night. I have been assured that traps will be set and the problem will be solved. I really don't want to kill them but they can not be in here. I just can't have it. I am grossed out because even though I am not the neatest person, we were never DIRTY around here. Clutter yes, food particles and garbage, no. But now underneath it all, we are dirty. Dirty with little mouse feet all over the house. I think I need to go take a shower.
I have been in denial for about 2 weeks now. We found some potatoes in the cupboard that had some little nibbles out of them, I cleaned out all the lower cabinets with bleach (CLOROX hard surface spray, I love you), threw away the food, made sure all the snacks were in tins and tuperware. As an animal lover, I guess I hoped that he (she? God forbid-them?) would be dismayed by the lack of food and go back to the wild. And happened.
I was making cookies for the OSU tailgate tomorrow, and by making cookies, I mean opening the pre-made dough package and placing them on the cookie sheet, when I saw a blur out of the corner of my eye. I stopped what I was doing and looked over by the garbage can and there IT was. Grayish and quick, it darted behind the can and to God knows where behind the wall. I am terrified and disgusted, which is probably the way it feels about me.
In a panic, I called Brad, because you know even being clear across town, he should come home and KILL THAT MOUSE DAMN IT! After offering me the sage advice of trying to trap it under a can or bucket, I decided to make the dog come in and guard me while I finished up what I had to do in there and have avoided that room for the rest of the night. I have been assured that traps will be set and the problem will be solved. I really don't want to kill them but they can not be in here. I just can't have it. I am grossed out because even though I am not the neatest person, we were never DIRTY around here. Clutter yes, food particles and garbage, no. But now underneath it all, we are dirty. Dirty with little mouse feet all over the house. I think I need to go take a shower.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Gift of Gab
I'm glad even though I talk "too much", my friends are always there and keep listening...
This weekend I had a girls sleepover with 3 of my best friends. We traveled down to C-bus for the OSU game, did a little tailgating, a little football watching, a little shopping, some eating, Indians watching, wine drinking, and a lot of talking. It was a good old fashioned pj party and I am glad now that I am in my 30's we can still do that.
Of course I missed Trey and Brad, but when I got back on Sunday we went out to Burton for the Apple Butter festival. We met the Hall's and it was a beautiful day. It is so fun to watch Trey experience new things. He really liked the bubble machine, ponies, music, and kite display and I can't wait until next year when he is out twirling and dancing in the field among the bubbles.
Moments of clarity come at weird times. I have decided I am ready to move on with my life and focus pretty much soley on my friends and family. I feel like I have been really obsessed and angry the last few years and I know almost all of it had to do with my job. I love my friends and family and I don't want any more. I am ready to be satisfied with my life and live it to the fullest. I want a job where I go there, focus on work, and come home and have the all the comforts and contentment one person could have. I am done with the drama.
This weekend I had a girls sleepover with 3 of my best friends. We traveled down to C-bus for the OSU game, did a little tailgating, a little football watching, a little shopping, some eating, Indians watching, wine drinking, and a lot of talking. It was a good old fashioned pj party and I am glad now that I am in my 30's we can still do that.
Of course I missed Trey and Brad, but when I got back on Sunday we went out to Burton for the Apple Butter festival. We met the Hall's and it was a beautiful day. It is so fun to watch Trey experience new things. He really liked the bubble machine, ponies, music, and kite display and I can't wait until next year when he is out twirling and dancing in the field among the bubbles.
Moments of clarity come at weird times. I have decided I am ready to move on with my life and focus pretty much soley on my friends and family. I feel like I have been really obsessed and angry the last few years and I know almost all of it had to do with my job. I love my friends and family and I don't want any more. I am ready to be satisfied with my life and live it to the fullest. I want a job where I go there, focus on work, and come home and have the all the comforts and contentment one person could have. I am done with the drama.
Monday, October 08, 2007
So I start my new gig on Wednesday. It will only be 10 days since I was "let go" and I think that may be a record of some sorts. I'll let you know how it goes.
We went to Fremont this weekend and it was a good time. My friend from HS had a housewarming party and they have a beautiful house located on the outskirts of Fremont. Being outside in the backyard with the stars so clear and plentiful made me miss "country" living a little bit. That and the fireworks display that here in Cleveland would have had the cops there in 2 seconds. We watched the game and were glad the Buckeyes won.
I briefly was flipping channels today and Rachel Ray was on. I don't normally watch her show but she was talking about an open casting call for BabyGap models. Brad and I know we are biased but I might upload a picture of our little angel just to see what happens. What do you think?

We went to Fremont this weekend and it was a good time. My friend from HS had a housewarming party and they have a beautiful house located on the outskirts of Fremont. Being outside in the backyard with the stars so clear and plentiful made me miss "country" living a little bit. That and the fireworks display that here in Cleveland would have had the cops there in 2 seconds. We watched the game and were glad the Buckeyes won.
I briefly was flipping channels today and Rachel Ray was on. I don't normally watch her show but she was talking about an open casting call for BabyGap models. Brad and I know we are biased but I might upload a picture of our little angel just to see what happens. What do you think?
Friday, September 28, 2007
So now we are both unemployed. Can you believe it? Because we can't.
Everyone who knows me, knows I hated my boss. So it is for the best. I am ready to move on with my life and start taking care of what matters to me, my family. I plan on doing some freelance, looking for some full time work, and cleaning out my closet. I look forward to spending time with my husband and my son, and maybe even going as far as getting back to the gym.
Until then, I'll keep you all updated. I just want to say we appreciate all our friends and family, especially those who told me how I was too good for that place and for all of you who are thinking of us. Much love.
On the Trey front, he is getting his pictures taken tomorrow at jcpenney. I can't wait and I hope they turn out as half as cute as he is. :)
Everyone who knows me, knows I hated my boss. So it is for the best. I am ready to move on with my life and start taking care of what matters to me, my family. I plan on doing some freelance, looking for some full time work, and cleaning out my closet. I look forward to spending time with my husband and my son, and maybe even going as far as getting back to the gym.
Until then, I'll keep you all updated. I just want to say we appreciate all our friends and family, especially those who told me how I was too good for that place and for all of you who are thinking of us. Much love.
On the Trey front, he is getting his pictures taken tomorrow at jcpenney. I can't wait and I hope they turn out as half as cute as he is. :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
How sweet it is...
We just got back from the Bay, Put-in-Bay, that is. Our best friends Meghan and Kevin had a beautiful wedding weekend. The weather was unbelievable and we had so much fun! It was a lot of work but turned out fantastic. And to top it off, the Buckeyes trounced on Northwestern.
Trey stayed in Fremont with Grandmere and Poppy. And of course it happened, he is crawling. I cannot believe my baby is on the move already. I missed him so much but it was nice to spend some adult time with Brad and our friends. Trey is getting his first pictures taken this weekend, but my mom got busy early. Check out this cute shot of him ready for the game on Saturday...what a little chub-a-dub!
Trey stayed in Fremont with Grandmere and Poppy. And of course it happened, he is crawling. I cannot believe my baby is on the move already. I missed him so much but it was nice to spend some adult time with Brad and our friends. Trey is getting his first pictures taken this weekend, but my mom got busy early. Check out this cute shot of him ready for the game on Saturday...what a little chub-a-dub!

Friday, September 07, 2007
Rockin' and Rolling
Trey is getting ready to crawl. He is up and rocking. We'll let you know when it happens.
Speaking of rock, my newest guilty pleasure is Rock of Love with Brett Michaels. It is so bad, it's good. They are down to the finale and I can't wait to see who "wins"!
OSU football season has started, and we are big fans. Brad is going down to the game tomorrow with the boys. Trey and I are going to go to Fremont to visit his grandparents as we can't watch the game anyways. I figure I may be able to catch some of it on the radio on the way there. I think tomorrow I will take Trey to the pool, which will be easier now that he can wear sunscreen.
Brad is still looking hard for a job, if anyone knows of anything, let him know. We are willing to relocate! Well, to Columbus, at least. That's all for now, I have been busy with work and we just finished a major event last night, now onto the next. When do I get to have summer vacation??
Speaking of rock, my newest guilty pleasure is Rock of Love with Brett Michaels. It is so bad, it's good. They are down to the finale and I can't wait to see who "wins"!
OSU football season has started, and we are big fans. Brad is going down to the game tomorrow with the boys. Trey and I are going to go to Fremont to visit his grandparents as we can't watch the game anyways. I figure I may be able to catch some of it on the radio on the way there. I think tomorrow I will take Trey to the pool, which will be easier now that he can wear sunscreen.
Brad is still looking hard for a job, if anyone knows of anything, let him know. We are willing to relocate! Well, to Columbus, at least. That's all for now, I have been busy with work and we just finished a major event last night, now onto the next. When do I get to have summer vacation??
Friday, August 31, 2007
Name: Bradley Miller Hall III aka Trey
Age: 6 months
Height: 27 inches
Weight: 17.5 lb
Eye Color: Blue/Gray, like Daddy's
Hair: what he has is Blond
Favorite Food: Sweet Potatoes, Ice
Drink: Formula and water (from the sippy cup!)
Likes: rolling around on the floor, fisher price aquarium, staring at the dog, eating, riding in the car, long walks and meaningful conversations, putting things in mouth that don't belong there (mom's hair, the remote, basically anything within reach)
Dislikes: being ignored, bed time, peas
Last seen: drooling and playing in the Gymni
Prefers right hand, equal opportunity thumb sucker
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
More Trey Video
Trey started laughing a few weeks ago and we took this video. He loves being zerberted on the belly. Brad is taking Trey to the doctor tomorrow with Nonnie so we should have some idea of his weight and height by then. He is working hard to crawl and we think the doctor will be very impressed with his activity level.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Well, I took the leap and let everyone know about my silly blog. Welcome! If anyone wants to check out Trey and the Hall's I hope you come back often :)
Trey will be 6 months old on August 27th. I can't believe summer is almost over and it has been six months since we had him! Time is really flying. Trey is on formula and baby food now, he gets a fruit and rice cereal in the morning and has a veggie at night. He really likes eating and cannot get enough. Takes after his parents that way, I guess.
The big Trey news this week is that he has a tooth! Right in the front on the bottom. I found out when we went down to Atlanta to see the Leeth family, upon landing the only thing that would calm him down was sucking on my finger. And that's when I felt it. It is coming in pretty steadily now and is super sharp. He goes to the doctor next week so we should have some idea then of his weight and height but he is very healthy and feels like a sack of potatoes.
On the Erin and Brad side of things, Brad is looking for work now and is staying at home being the "manny". I love it because who wouldn't want to come home to a nice cooked dinner and clean house, but we will need the money in the near future so I hope he finds something soon. I am still working at the same place, and freelancing when I can get it. We keep busy with my volleyball and other things, and are getting ready for Meghan and Kevin's wedding coming up quick in September.
It's time to start the weekend! Have a good one.
Trey will be 6 months old on August 27th. I can't believe summer is almost over and it has been six months since we had him! Time is really flying. Trey is on formula and baby food now, he gets a fruit and rice cereal in the morning and has a veggie at night. He really likes eating and cannot get enough. Takes after his parents that way, I guess.
The big Trey news this week is that he has a tooth! Right in the front on the bottom. I found out when we went down to Atlanta to see the Leeth family, upon landing the only thing that would calm him down was sucking on my finger. And that's when I felt it. It is coming in pretty steadily now and is super sharp. He goes to the doctor next week so we should have some idea then of his weight and height but he is very healthy and feels like a sack of potatoes.
On the Erin and Brad side of things, Brad is looking for work now and is staying at home being the "manny". I love it because who wouldn't want to come home to a nice cooked dinner and clean house, but we will need the money in the near future so I hope he finds something soon. I am still working at the same place, and freelancing when I can get it. We keep busy with my volleyball and other things, and are getting ready for Meghan and Kevin's wedding coming up quick in September.
It's time to start the weekend! Have a good one.
Technologically Advanced
If Aimee can get video on her blog then I can too. Here is my test of Trey eating peas.
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