Thursday, November 06, 2008
MTv for Old People
After years of working in bars that the music was too loud, cranking the itunes on my headphones at work, and driving around with Howard Stern blaring at full volume, I think my hearing is going on strike. The main problem with this, other than saying "What?" every other sentence, is that it is seriously cutting into my television time. Now this is embarrassing to say, but I am a 31 year old who likes to watch reality television, Mtv, and shows on The-N. Engaged and Underage, America's Next Top Model, Degrassi, I like them all. For some reason on these shows every scene must have a musical back drop making it virtually impossible to hear the mumbling teenage characters in these shows. No wonder why kids have ADD. Between the music, the drama, and the scrolling ads running along the bottom of the screen, I am losing my mind. Maybe it's time to grow up...I never have any issues watching Law and Someone please invent a way to fade these out! Or MTv, turn the music down so I can hear already! Or maybe I should just give up and go to the store and buy some depends already ;)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I'm so tired
This was taken at a craft fair in Columbus that we went to with Jack and Kate. I am sure Trey gave them some things to think about for when they have babies (extra pants, anyone?).
I am very pleased with the way the election went last night. Regardless of your choice of candidate, you have to be glad we live in a country where you get to choose and your vote counts! I am also excited that Trey will never know of a time when only white people could have that job. I think the most important thing for children is to have dreams and to think they can achieve those dreams, and that goes for all children, of all colors. My fingers are crossed for a better tomorrow...but that may take some time. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of people disgruntled when there aren't immediate results, but Rome wasn't built in a day, lol.
I went to Fremont for a slumber party with my girls this weekend and that was fun. We bought matching pjs and drank and laughed too much. Although it was just one night, it was what i needed.
Trey has been busy this fall, pumpkin patch visit(s), pumpkin carving, halloween brunch, costumes. Here he is at the pumpkin patch in fremont and as "Trey-ger Woods" at the brunch, and as a monkey at Boo at the Zoo with Grandmere.
Brad and I are keeping busy with work, winterizing the house and yard, and planning trips to columbus, chicago, memphis in may, and trying to get back down to Florida again. It is mainly a wishlist now as we are really trying to catch up on bills and get some padding as who knows what the future may hold. Until then, we'll be here, enjoying fall in cleveland.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I don't know...
I guess I was saving the 100th post on this blog for something special.
My grandfather, Dan H. Lease, passed away today. He was strong and for the most part healthy. He had a girlfriend, he loved his cars, his horses, and all things sports and ohio state. He touched many lives and was well known in our small community.
I am still in shock as I just can't believe it. And I am worried, because things in my life that have always been a constant will change. His house was always a place where you could drop by and someone was always there. The door was always unlocked. My aunts in the kitchen. Cooking and bitching. And laughing. Christmas with hot toddies. Smoking cigarettes, drinking a beer, playing Skip-bo. This man was the glue that held this all together.
So I guess I am sad for two things...the loss of my grandfather and the loss of my childhood favorite traditions. RIP, Grandfather.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Catching Up
So a lot has happened around here in the last few weeks! We have been busy!! I'm going to start with a few weeks ago and work my way up slowly...Trey went for his first OFFICIAL hair cut in the beginning of May. Nonnie and I took him to Snip-it's, a children's hair cut place that is super cute, but super expensive! He got to watch a video while getting the cut and then when it was all over, he got to put the old hair in a chute and pull the lever and out came a toy ducky! He loved it and looked like a little man. Brad and I have enjoyed using the silly spiker we bought to give him mohawks to all occasions too. At 25 dollars plus tip though, I don't think we will go back but it was fun for a special occasion. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hanging out at home...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Florida Trip
Man, sometimes I am slow at posting these things. I can blame it on being busy or waiting until the camera is full so I can download all the pictures at once, but I know it is just me, finding the time, but the weather finally turned nice, I am only working 2 days a week, preparing for a baptism and party, garage sale, and my sister coming to town, and getting to spend all kinds of time with Trey. Can you blame me?
A couple of weeks ago we went to Florida for Fred's (one of my best friend from high school) wedding. Trey got to go too and it was his 3rd time on an airplane but his first time flying with daddy. We left Cleveland on a rainy day and headed to Orlando, where it was 80 and beautiful. Trey was good on the plane (in fact on the way there and back we got a lot of compliments on his behavior...that kid will do anything as long as there is food involved-I should be careful because maybe he will become an overeater!!) We met my mom and dad for lunch and they took Trey to their house, about 2 hours away on the gulf side, while we traveled on to Jacksonville Beach.
Brad and I enjoyed some time at the beach, went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, ate oysters for lunch, drank at inappropriate hours, slept late, enjoyed adult conversation, and had a great time at the wedding! It was nice to have some time apart but of course I could not help wondering how Trey was doing and what he thought of the beach...luckily Grandmére emailed me some photos so I could get my fix...haha.

On Sunday we drove to my parents neck of the woods and met up with them at an oyster bar for dinner. We got to see their new place, and their even newer place! We did a little shopping, enjoyed eating fresh tuna steaks off the grill, and drinking margaritas. We went to the drum circle, the pool, and the beach, and out to dinner at an awesome italian restaurant.

Wednesday we took Trey to downtown Disney before our plane left. We were glad we decided he was too young for Disney World as he was scared to death of the animatronic gorillas inside the Rainforest Cafe. He liked his dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets though! He also got his first Mickey Mouse.

Overall, we crammed a lot of stuff in but it was still relaxing! We can't wait to go back.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Florida for Fred's (one of my best friend from high school) wedding. Trey got to go too and it was his 3rd time on an airplane but his first time flying with daddy. We left Cleveland on a rainy day and headed to Orlando, where it was 80 and beautiful. Trey was good on the plane (in fact on the way there and back we got a lot of compliments on his behavior...that kid will do anything as long as there is food involved-I should be careful because maybe he will become an overeater!!) We met my mom and dad for lunch and they took Trey to their house, about 2 hours away on the gulf side, while we traveled on to Jacksonville Beach.
Brad and I enjoyed some time at the beach, went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, ate oysters for lunch, drank at inappropriate hours, slept late, enjoyed adult conversation, and had a great time at the wedding! It was nice to have some time apart but of course I could not help wondering how Trey was doing and what he thought of the beach...luckily Grandmére emailed me some photos so I could get my fix...haha.
On Sunday we drove to my parents neck of the woods and met up with them at an oyster bar for dinner. We got to see their new place, and their even newer place! We did a little shopping, enjoyed eating fresh tuna steaks off the grill, and drinking margaritas. We went to the drum circle, the pool, and the beach, and out to dinner at an awesome italian restaurant.

Wednesday we took Trey to downtown Disney before our plane left. We were glad we decided he was too young for Disney World as he was scared to death of the animatronic gorillas inside the Rainforest Cafe. He liked his dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets though! He also got his first Mickey Mouse.

Overall, we crammed a lot of stuff in but it was still relaxing! We can't wait to go back.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Good News!
Today I once again marveled at and it's lack of good news. So I googled good news and here is what I found! Websites dedicated to just good news (although a lot of it is good news out of bad news-survivors of things and etc.). Check it out...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What's New?
The old adage no news is good news has been instilled in me from an early age…but does it apply to the media?
My friend Zanna told me about a year ago that she used to get up every morning and watch the news while getting ready for work. Day after day the news was depressing and sad, children starving, people fighting, jobs lost. So one day, she changed the channel. She now watches cartoons every morning and said they start her day off on a much better note.
I read everyday at lunch and periodically throughout the day. As you can probably tell from my post on child abuse, I too am tired of bad news. It seems these days there is no good news, and if there is, it normally stems from bad news, ie., a child surviving from having a butter knife stabbed into his skull, a lady walking through a gun fight and managing not to get shot (and not even noticing the gun fight), someone coming back from war, physically safe (but who knows about mentally?). It is hard to turn a blind eye to the bad news, after all it seems it is what makes up our society these days. But is it bad to be too educated on these tragedies, or would I feel better (or make it easier to see some bad news as good news) if I knew all the gory details?
I am ready for some good news. From now on when I post I will try to find something good, and maybe that will brighten my day and hopefully yours. Until then, I am going to keep working on my own good news…enjoying my life, and working towards a better tomorrow.
Good News of the Day: Economic Stimulus checks!
Disclaimer: there actually was no good news on today that did not revolve around bad news or celebrities. I decided to include this link seeing that today is tax day, however, while reading about the checks we will be getting, ignore the sidebar of bad news about why we are getting the checks. I can’t win sometimes, but I am still trying
My friend Zanna told me about a year ago that she used to get up every morning and watch the news while getting ready for work. Day after day the news was depressing and sad, children starving, people fighting, jobs lost. So one day, she changed the channel. She now watches cartoons every morning and said they start her day off on a much better note.
I read everyday at lunch and periodically throughout the day. As you can probably tell from my post on child abuse, I too am tired of bad news. It seems these days there is no good news, and if there is, it normally stems from bad news, ie., a child surviving from having a butter knife stabbed into his skull, a lady walking through a gun fight and managing not to get shot (and not even noticing the gun fight), someone coming back from war, physically safe (but who knows about mentally?). It is hard to turn a blind eye to the bad news, after all it seems it is what makes up our society these days. But is it bad to be too educated on these tragedies, or would I feel better (or make it easier to see some bad news as good news) if I knew all the gory details?
I am ready for some good news. From now on when I post I will try to find something good, and maybe that will brighten my day and hopefully yours. Until then, I am going to keep working on my own good news…enjoying my life, and working towards a better tomorrow.
Good News of the Day: Economic Stimulus checks!
Disclaimer: there actually was no good news on today that did not revolve around bad news or celebrities. I decided to include this link seeing that today is tax day, however, while reading about the checks we will be getting, ignore the sidebar of bad news about why we are getting the checks. I can’t win sometimes, but I am still trying
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Family Update
It has been awhile since I have posted about Trey because I keep meaning to download our photos and can never seem to find the time. So now that I have finally done it, I will make this a catch-up photo post of the last few months! When Trey and I went to Atlanta in February, we not only celebrated Brielle's b-day but I also painted the Leeth's guest bathroom. I enjoy painting and wish I had just one more day to paint because I was a little sloppier than usual. I am sure Tim enjoyed cleaning the paint off of the ceiling in 4 places after I was done. It turned out pretty good though, check it out.

Then came St. Patrick's day, which we celebrated with the Surface's for the 3rd year in a row. We made Corned Beef and Colcannon and even ended the evening with a whiskey pie, which turned out pretty good. How can you go wrong with caramel, chocolate chips, walnuts, and liquor?

We can't believe it is almost April already and are looking forward to going to Florida to see my mom and dad's new house and to attend Fred's wedding...oh and the warm weather ;)

After we got back from Atlanta, We went to Cooper Thomas' baptism, where Brad and I served as God parents. Trey got some holy water thrown on him and we hope that will hold him off until Aunt Aimée and Uncle Tim get up here and we get him baptized.

Right after that, Trey and Brad got sick and we had a blizzard (17 inches of snow, it took us (well, Brad) 2 hours to dig both cars out and luckily then he flagged down a guy with a plow who was kind enough to finish the job for 30 dollars). Brad had the flu, Trey had crazy high fevers (105˚+ and 2 trips to the hospital), and I was losing my mind. After a week worth of being terrified and worried, Trey got this crazy rash all over and we discovered the culprit, a virus called Roseola. Basically cold like symptoms and high fevers, then a rash when it is all over. Poor T. Still cute even when covered with a rash.

Then came St. Patrick's day, which we celebrated with the Surface's for the 3rd year in a row. We made Corned Beef and Colcannon and even ended the evening with a whiskey pie, which turned out pretty good. How can you go wrong with caramel, chocolate chips, walnuts, and liquor?
On Easter weekend, we went to Fremont on Saturday to visit Aunt Christy, The Hudsons, Uncle Charley, and Grandpa. We also had lunch with some of my friends from High School, Thatcher and Gerner at the restaurant I used to work at, the Time Out. On Sunday, Trey got his first Easter basket at home, and we went to brunch out at the Hall's where Trey had fun throwing the Easter grass around. On the way home we stopped at the Brede's and got to see all the kids and especially Landry, who is 5 months younger than Trey and bigger already!
Other than all the stuff we have had going on, Trey really enjoys home time and his favorite food right now is definitely ravioli. Here he is enjoying his leftovers from going out to dinner with Poppy at Carrabas. I also gave him his first haircut with my stampin's scissors, the curls were cute but we decided the mullet had to go.

We can't believe it is almost April already and are looking forward to going to Florida to see my mom and dad's new house and to attend Fred's wedding...oh and the warm weather ;)
Friday, March 28, 2008
With my own two hands
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't read about a child or baby being killed or abused. I see Trey in every face of every child in these stories. What is wrong with people these days? Why would you think for two seconds that it is okay to hit a child? It breaks my heart. I don't know what I can do to help these children, but if anyone knows anything, tell me. It makes me want to vomit thinking that there is a child out there, locked in a closet, being held underwater in a bath tub, being burned with cigarettes, thrown off overpasses, stabbed by their own parent, and I could go on, which is really fucking sad.
These people deserve the death penalty. There is no excuse for abusing a child. All those people that stand out on Center Ridge Road protesting people getting birth control (not abortions, I don't know why they can't figure out that that particular Planned Parenthood is not an abortion clinic and that PP is trying to prevent it from getting that far by providing free birth control), need to go protest outside these people's homes. Maybe it would be better for that child to have never been born at all then to be put in a situation of suffering and abuse? They are fighting for children's rights to live, let's fight for the ones that are already alive.
I know it is a cliche to say you want to change the world. But if there is one thing I could change it would be this. How can we make a difference?
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Little Pink Houses

Tonight after work I braved the weather and headed out to vote. And for those of you not in Ohio, braving the weather is no joke! We got some crazy freezing rain and sleet tonight that made the drive home a wreck, and it is supposed to be worse tomorrow morning. But voting today was important, it is the first time we got the chance (if you are a Democrat) to vote for a woman or black man that could be the potential president.
Voting brought back memories of a time when I was in elementary school. The big election of 1988 was underway, George Bush Sr. vs Michael Dukakis, a Massachusetts senator and son of Greek immigrants. The school divided into the two political parties, Elephants vs. Donkeys (hey, I was in elementary school. It all comes down to which animal is cooler, and let's face it, donkeys just don't cut it, especially against elephants). All the cool kids were Elephants. We had a mock debate (really what did we know??) and went to the "polls". The Elephant party won by a landslide. When I got home that evening, I remember watching TV and in particular a special on Dukakis. I found myself feeling guilty that I voted against him simply because he was a donkey. And that my friends, was my first tentative toe dip into the Democratic pool.
Politics was never forced on me in my house growing up. For years I was not sure how my parents voted and I still don't ask, it seems like prying. We have had some fun discussions, especially with my aunts, and we love to tease my cousin for not following the family (donkeys, sheep, we're all alike). I find it interesting how discussing who you are voting for has become somewhat taboo. Today at work, we all talked about voting, but of course no one dared utter their candidates name. My friends really don't even discuss who they are voting for. Well, camaraderie or not, there comes a time when we all need to make our own decisions. I am comfortable with mine, I was really okay with the outcome either way. We are just ready for a change up here in struggling Cleveland.
If you really want to know who I voted for....highlight to read: Hillary, or should I say Billary. I was a big Clinton fan, despite the blow job scandal. She's got the experience, and I can't say that the thought of a President, and an ex-President, and a man and woman at that, making the decisions is a bad one. If she loses, I will jump on the Obama train and look to the future.
btw...American Idol commentary-Danny Noriega looks just like Jessica Alba, agree or disagree?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
My two Brads
My guys are sick. Trey went to the Dr. today and we found out he has a cold in his eye (conjunctivitis) and the beginnings of an ear infection. To top it all off, he got shots too so he was miserable. Brad has the flu, he is aching all over, freezing, and exhausted. And me? a splitting headache so far and exhausted trying to keep up with these two!
Right now we are all lying in our bed, both the Brads finally asleep. Brad number one collapsing in a heap and Brad number 2 crying in my arms while I rocked him and sang until finally giving into motrin induced sleep. Let's hope tomorrow brings a better day.
I was sad tonight watching AMERICAN IDOL. I really liked Alexandrea and thought she would go far. Instead, eliminated. Also in television viewing tonight, I remembered why I don't watch the Celebrity Apprentice any more. As I was flipping past, I saw they were working on ads for new dial soap with yogurt. The designer in me found their naked cowboy and in the sheets ads very boring. I would have used the slogan, What's good for your insides, now great for your outsides. How hard is that?
Right now we are all lying in our bed, both the Brads finally asleep. Brad number one collapsing in a heap and Brad number 2 crying in my arms while I rocked him and sang until finally giving into motrin induced sleep. Let's hope tomorrow brings a better day.
I was sad tonight watching AMERICAN IDOL. I really liked Alexandrea and thought she would go far. Instead, eliminated. Also in television viewing tonight, I remembered why I don't watch the Celebrity Apprentice any more. As I was flipping past, I saw they were working on ads for new dial soap with yogurt. The designer in me found their naked cowboy and in the sheets ads very boring. I would have used the slogan, What's good for your insides, now great for your outsides. How hard is that?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Mixed Emotions/Trey's Birthday

It's hard to believe it has been a year since the first time I "met" Trey. I still have a hard time thinking that I am someone's MOM. It has been a crazy 12 months and because of that little guy, I would not trade it for the world. Yesterday, Brad and I were watching Trey walk around the living room, occasionally stopping to feed himself a goldfish cracker. We marveled at the fact that just one year ago he was a helpless little baby, refusing to breast feed, miserable to be out of the warm womb and into the cold, bright world. Now he changes every day, developing his personality, likes and dislikes. He smiles with his 8 teeth (and Grandmere says he smiles with his eyes), he babbles and sometimes even says a word (momma, caycee, ball, and his favorite; daddy). He is so happy and so beautiful it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

We celebrated Trey's birthday with an early (February 10) birthday party, and tonight we went out to dinner with the Thomases (it's Larry's birthday too-kindred spirits those two). Trey goes to Nonnie's tomorrow for his first swimming lesson and then Brad is taking him to the Dr's for his 12 month checkup. This weekend we will travel to the Tooman's for Dominic's first birthday, where I am sure Trey will enjoy playing. Here is a video of Dominic and Trey at Trey's birthday party. Apparently the way babies communicate is by shrieking and head shaking. CUTE!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Brielle's Birthday
Here is a video of Uncle Tim taking Trey down the slide at Brielle's 4th birthday party at Pump it Up. Trey had a good time, and I am sure when he is more mobile we will try it out again in Cleveland. Brielle had a great birthday, the kids went crazy and they really enjoyed the cupcake cake.
This morning we went to Baby Power which is like My Gym, a gym just for kids. There is lots of things to crawl, rock, and balance on. Trey liked jumping on the trampoline, rocking on the horse and crawling over the foam blocks and going down the slide. He really is very adventurous and I have to keep a close eye on him because what he sees, he does!
I am having a good time visiting my sister, yesterday she was nice enough to drive me out to Villa Rica to visit my friend Eric and his family. I was a little afraid of the Atlanta traffic and it was good company for the hour long drive. We had dinner at a fun mexican restaurant, checked out their new house, and headed back. Tomorrow we are going to Imagine It! The Children's Museum of Atlanta and then onto the airport for me and Trey.
I found out today that I am going back to Akron on Thursday. I wasn't really sure about my new assignment, and I guess they realized that they needed someone with more of a AV/video background, so things worked out good that my previous client was looking for someone now for the next month. So once again, without missing a beat, I have changed directions. Other than the drive, I really am looking forward to going back there again!
We miss you, Daddy
Here is a video of Trey, TJ, and (a little of) Brielle jamming out to the party mix we made for Brielle's birthday. In case you are dying to download the catchy tunes featured here, they are available on iTunes and are "Bounce" by Aaron Carter and Brielle's favorite, the always popular, "Who let the dogs out?" by the Baha Men. Enjoy!
Friday, February 08, 2008, no, no
Maybe it is all the talk of celebrities in rehab lately or because I feel asleep last night to "True Life: I'm Going To Rehab," but I had a really strange dream this morning. It was much more vivid when I woke up (they always are), but basically in the dream, I was in rehab. It was stark white like a mental facility and I was tied to a cold steel table with wrist restraints. There was plenty of activity going on around me, but when I tried to speak it was as if my mouth was glued shut. As I struggled to communicate with my eyes, screaming inside my brain, I felt like I was about ready to burst with rage because I was unable to speak. That feeling remained with me when I woke up. I laid there for a minute, trying to process what just happened. Either I just channeled Britney Spears or I really need to stop snacking before bed.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Accidents will happen?
So today on my way home from work I was minding my own business when the huge black chevy suburban in front of me skidded to a halt. The pavement was wet because it has been raining all day. My antilock brakes grinded as I pushed down on the pedal. At last my car came to a stop about 3 feet behind the suburban. I was so relieved and then I heard it, "crunch". The sickening sound of plastic bumper grinding against metal. I quickly realized how lucky I was to have avoided the accident, as the suburban in front of me had rear ended the car in front of them.
As fast as it happened, I watched in horror to see the suburban's reverse lights come on. I laid on the horn, but it was useless. The SUV came back so fast and I sat there in disbelief as it came up on to the hood of my car and then screeched off down a side street. I was the victim of a hit and run. It was bad enough that the guy rear ended someone but then to cause yet another accident while trying to run from the crime??
Luckily, this all happened in Fairview so the cops were there in about 2 minutes. They spread the word, and it seemed impossible but they caught the guy about 10 minutes later. He denied being part of an accident, despite witness reports, identifications, and the damage to both ends of his car. The police scraped paint off of the vehicles and asked the other woman involved in the accident to take her car down to the station where they were holding the suburban and it's driver. It took 1 minute to identify the damages to both cars fit together like a sadistic puzzle. My car was patiently waiting for the tow truck, leaking fluid all over the ground and awaiting it's transportation to the garage for the diagnosis.
Even more luckily, Trey was not with me. I was on my way to pick him up when all this went down. I don't think he would have been hurt, but the stress of worrying about that would have horrible. So I thank God for that.
So tomorrow, the third day of my new job, aka one week until I leave for Atlanta, aka 5 days until my baby's HUGE birthday party, I am hitching a ride to work with my husband and then picking up a rental car, AGAIN. I will also be wondering once again why me, and what happened to yet another one of my new cars?
As fast as it happened, I watched in horror to see the suburban's reverse lights come on. I laid on the horn, but it was useless. The SUV came back so fast and I sat there in disbelief as it came up on to the hood of my car and then screeched off down a side street. I was the victim of a hit and run. It was bad enough that the guy rear ended someone but then to cause yet another accident while trying to run from the crime??
Luckily, this all happened in Fairview so the cops were there in about 2 minutes. They spread the word, and it seemed impossible but they caught the guy about 10 minutes later. He denied being part of an accident, despite witness reports, identifications, and the damage to both ends of his car. The police scraped paint off of the vehicles and asked the other woman involved in the accident to take her car down to the station where they were holding the suburban and it's driver. It took 1 minute to identify the damages to both cars fit together like a sadistic puzzle. My car was patiently waiting for the tow truck, leaking fluid all over the ground and awaiting it's transportation to the garage for the diagnosis.
Even more luckily, Trey was not with me. I was on my way to pick him up when all this went down. I don't think he would have been hurt, but the stress of worrying about that would have horrible. So I thank God for that.
So tomorrow, the third day of my new job, aka one week until I leave for Atlanta, aka 5 days until my baby's HUGE birthday party, I am hitching a ride to work with my husband and then picking up a rental car, AGAIN. I will also be wondering once again why me, and what happened to yet another one of my new cars?
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Blind Item
What Kamms Corner Socialite was seen at Tremont hot spot Parallax last night celebrating the big 3-1 and enjoying the company of a former American Greetings big wig, Miss Downtown herself, Put-in-Bay royalty, Lake County's hottest couple, and the Rock Star turned literature expert with his adorable vintage gal pal? It's rumored that there was the gifting of diamonds, one too many martinis and a good time had by all.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Word of Advice
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Road Trip

We went down to Columbus this past weekend to visit my cousins, Jack, Kate, & Katie. We had a really good time and with everyone being in Florida or Georgia, it is nice to have some family close by. Jack and Katie are my closest in age cousins, and I always loved when we would get together and visit, there was never much to do at our grandparents so it took a lot of imagination to entertain ourselves! Captain Caveman and Cousin, the penny game, Rodney Reindeer, family salad and funeral brownies are all things I am sure we will pass on to our kids. On Saturday we headed out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner, Trey was a little piggy and ate everything in site, but was otherwise on his best behavior. On Sunday afternoon we headed out to COSI (Center of Science and Industry). COSI was a favorite of mine as a kid. When I was a girl scout we used to go there on a weekend overnight and it was always a blast. It was fun checking out the new space and exhibits. Trey enjoyed the Little KidSpace, an area just for infants to toddlers with lots of fun things for him to play with.
Here is a video of him experiencing the slide for the first time, luckily Jack was there to catch him so Brad could work the camera.
He also enjoyed this light tube, his mohawk from the water area makes it look like he is getting electrocuted!
On my front, I got a job. Weird how things happen when you are not expecting it. I was minding my own business doing freelance and ended up getting an interview at a company in Cleveland that has an awesome reputation and has been written up in Forbes for how well they treat their employees! Of course, after my last full time job experience, I am a little wary but let's hope for the best. I will miss spending time with Trey, but it shouldn't be too bad in the beginning because we are going to Atlanta in two weeks together. I am sure after the flight alone with him I will be ready to send him back to daycare :)
We are headed out to dinner this weekend to celebrate my birthday. I am looking forward to seeing all of my friends and a large martini!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
What is going on around here?
We had many changes last year, and 2008 seems to be no different. As Trey approaches his first birthday at a rapid pace, the changes keep coming. Trey is starting to walk, he has been "cruising" for awhile, and now he is taking those first brave stumbles forward. He crawled at an early age, so I am not sure when he will become a bipedal, because he really has no problem getting around now. He has been talking a lot (like his mother) but so far none of it makes sense (also like his mother). Brad and I really enjoy him though, everyday he is a delight and a really good baby. He's always doing something new or cute, for instance, his new trick is that he likes to sit on the floor radiator and let the air blow his hair around.
Last night we took him to a bar (only from 7:00-8:00, don't judge) because my friend from high school was in town with his girlfriend who is a singer. Trey loved the performance, clapping his hands and jumping around. He really is a big fan of music!
This weekend we are going to Columbus to see my cousins and take a trip to COSI. I think it will be fun to take Trey on a little overnight and hopefully he will enjoy the science center. I've got a lot of stuff planned for this week too, it may be my last week of freedom for awhile, but I'll talk more about that later.
Last night we took him to a bar (only from 7:00-8:00, don't judge) because my friend from high school was in town with his girlfriend who is a singer. Trey loved the performance, clapping his hands and jumping around. He really is a big fan of music!
This weekend we are going to Columbus to see my cousins and take a trip to COSI. I think it will be fun to take Trey on a little overnight and hopefully he will enjoy the science center. I've got a lot of stuff planned for this week too, it may be my last week of freedom for awhile, but I'll talk more about that later.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Holidays
They were good and we survived. We managed to see both sets of parents and that was nice. Now they are both in Florida, playing golf and laughing at us up here freezing to death. It actually has been pretty nice for December and January, even despite the slushy snow that started dumping today. I may be biased but it is hard to complain when you look at this adorable baby everyday!

Trey got his picture taken with Donald Sutherland Santa at Beachwood Mall before Christmas. Both Nonnie and Grandmere came and I think he was overwhelmed because my normally happy supermodel clammed up and freaked out a little bit. I think the picture is funny because if it was in black and white it would pretty much be impossible to tell the date. See?

After the picture taking, he joined the ladies for a big boy lunch at Maggianos, where he had grilled chicken and showed off his wonderful table manners.
Trey's birthday is coming up so fast! It's not until the 27th, but we are having the party early because Grandmere and Poppy are coming to town. I can't believe a year almost has gone by and before that 9 months. Which means I have had thoughts and ideas about trey for over a year and a half now. Things have changed in our lives, we are too busy to do anything. I see why people say time flies, and I think adding more kids to the mix would just make it wiz by.
On the upside...I am super excited as Trey and I will be visiting Aunt Aimée, Uncle Tim, Brielle and TJ in February. Brad has consented to let us go as a birthday gift to us and I am sure he will miss us, but I think he needs a rest too! I hope to get the camera cable way before then so I can post lots of pictures with the cousins!

Trey got his picture taken with Donald Sutherland Santa at Beachwood Mall before Christmas. Both Nonnie and Grandmere came and I think he was overwhelmed because my normally happy supermodel clammed up and freaked out a little bit. I think the picture is funny because if it was in black and white it would pretty much be impossible to tell the date. See?

After the picture taking, he joined the ladies for a big boy lunch at Maggianos, where he had grilled chicken and showed off his wonderful table manners.
Trey's birthday is coming up so fast! It's not until the 27th, but we are having the party early because Grandmere and Poppy are coming to town. I can't believe a year almost has gone by and before that 9 months. Which means I have had thoughts and ideas about trey for over a year and a half now. Things have changed in our lives, we are too busy to do anything. I see why people say time flies, and I think adding more kids to the mix would just make it wiz by.
On the upside...I am super excited as Trey and I will be visiting Aunt Aimée, Uncle Tim, Brielle and TJ in February. Brad has consented to let us go as a birthday gift to us and I am sure he will miss us, but I think he needs a rest too! I hope to get the camera cable way before then so I can post lots of pictures with the cousins!
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