Here is my mad libs Dear Santa letter. If you want to make your own, go here....
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl.
It really wasn't my fault what happened at Zanna's Office party. It was Brad who spiked the punch with too much Martini. I can't help it if I drank 90000000 glasses. It was so good---smelled and tasted just like poo.
I thought it was funny when I put Meghan's shirt on my head and danced the macarena on the chaise lounge while singing `You Shook Me All Night Long'. I didn't mean to break Zanna's ipod and don't know why Zanna would accuse me of streaking.
I don't remember calling Eric's wife a silly chicken---even though she looked like one with red eye shadow and blue lipstick!
And when I threw up on Aimee's husband's elbow, it was only because I ate too much of that macaroni and cheese.
After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired. So I fell asleep on my way home and drove my SUV through my neighbor's roof. I don't think that was any reason for my neighbor to call me a dumb dog and have me arrested for public intoxication!
So, I sit in my jail cell on Christmas Eve, all stupid and friendly. And I'm really not to blame for any of this cute stuff. Please bring me what I want the most---bail money!
Sincerely and boldly yours,
Erin (Really a nice girl!)
P.S. It's only 5 bucks!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The "List"
Remember that episode of friends when Ross and Rachel made lists of celebrities they would be allowed to sleep with if given the opportunity? Well, here's mine. Sorry I did not have time to laminate it.
Tried and True, although I would take the late 90's version over this new and unimproved one...

You all know how I feel about this guy:

Lenny is someone I always thought was hot even though I know he's a shorty. I just remembered how hot he is at the Aerosmith concert on Sunday where he rocked it out as the opening act. Not sure about that whole being married at one time to Lisa Bonet thing but i could get over it. YUM!

And a new front runner....straight from nip/tuck thanks to my netflix, Dr. Christian Troy himself.

Still looking for that number 5, I am sure he is out there somewhere, so many to choose from. :) I'll have to interview Brad and see what his choices are but it will be hard to decipher who "that one chick with the big boobs" is. Until then...
Tried and True, although I would take the late 90's version over this new and unimproved one...

You all know how I feel about this guy:

Lenny is someone I always thought was hot even though I know he's a shorty. I just remembered how hot he is at the Aerosmith concert on Sunday where he rocked it out as the opening act. Not sure about that whole being married at one time to Lisa Bonet thing but i could get over it. YUM!

And a new front runner....straight from nip/tuck thanks to my netflix, Dr. Christian Troy himself.

Still looking for that number 5, I am sure he is out there somewhere, so many to choose from. :) I'll have to interview Brad and see what his choices are but it will be hard to decipher who "that one chick with the big boobs" is. Until then...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
We will return after these messages

I have thought of coming here many times over the last month. I had nothing to write about. Is blogging a fad for me? Am I over it like I was my Cabbage Patch Kid, my Care Bear, my Glow Worm and my Pogo Ball? As I age do I have less to talk (bitch) about? Is careless broadcasting of my private life a figment of my misspent youth? I am still into the idea of it...even though as I type, I always worry what other people reading it are thinking. But then I remind myself, no one else reads this. I guess if I can entertain one bored cube monkey I have done my good deed for the day. Not to mention, this seems to help my typing and spelling skills (even as I typed that I misspelled the word spelling-oh the irony!).
Well, on to the show. Not much is new here, I already got my dose of the flu for this year and let me tell you it was not pleasant. I can't believe Christmas is coming and it is already the middle of November. I spend my days at work tolerating my boss and selling (and buying unfortunately) things on eBay. I am obsessed. My plan is to sell enough stuff that I can pay for our trip to the Keys in February. This weekend I am going to Columbus for a baby shower so I get to hang out with all pregnant ladies who love to talk about how they can't fit into their size 4 200 dollar jeans anymore and isn't it just a travesty. All my normal (sized) friends have some how found something else better to do that day. I knew I should have scheduled better...
I really can't complain, all this is trivial and over all things are going well. I am actually excited to unpack the decorations and get on with the holidays already.
BTW...I still have that Care Bear :)
Friday, September 23, 2005
Meet my new Grandma
So my Grandfather has a girlfriend. Which is weird, but you know who really cares in the long run? I mean I think he is like 80. But anyways she is town this weekend and I may or may not get to see her. Isn't it weird to think of old people dating and falling in love or worse yet being a player or getting dumped? Just like being 13 all over again.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Like, Oh My God, Y'all!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Inlaws and Outlaws
Brad's birthday is this weekend. I got him a dvd for his birthday, The Dancing Outlaw. ( It is a documentary our friends Z & C had us watch that is CRA-ZEE. Hillbilly-ville. Well Brad was so into it and he totally wanted to see the follow up. This will be a classic in our family for years to come. I didn't spring for the "Limited Addition". Not sure what is in that bonus track, but I don't think it is worth an extra $50.00. Here is a description:
"Nestled deep within the heart of the mountains of Boone County, West Virginia reigns a King. The King - Jesco White, The Dancing Outlaw. Jesco is a living legend. The last of the Mountain Dancers, his style is unique to the mountain culture. Resembling tap dancing, it's a tradition passed down from father to son - as were his dancing shoes. His dance floor? An 8 by 4 piece of plywood or the roof of his canine companion Duke's doghouse.
His venue? The front yard, the den of Jesco's and Norma Jean's trailer, or any place the spirit moves.
But dancing isn't the only phenomenon that emanates from the cabin. On quiet nights, legend has it, you can hear the echoes of vintage Elvis tunes careening off the walls of Jesco's Elvis room and through the mountains of Boone county. Jesco belts out Elvis tunes as only a true King can."

My friend Jenn came to town last night and we went to dinner and sushi-ed it up. It was good to see her.
On the ebay front, I bid on an ottoman/coffee table that was most perfect yesterday.

I waited until the last 10 minutes it was up for auction and there was a frenzy. I was given a second chance to bid today, because I think the seller is a manufacturer and they have tons of them in stock. We shall see. Brad told me it was my last purchase of '05. :( Good thing it is september already!!
PS. Is everyone surprised I didn't talk about the finale of Six Feet Under? It was phenomenal. And the song in the end, Breathe Me by Sia, awesome. I actually found a place to download it off the internet, damn you itunes. Couldn't get it there, because you can't just buy that one song, big mistake. Some people thought the ending was cheesy, but I liked it because there was closure. Now to wait for the Sopranos....
"Nestled deep within the heart of the mountains of Boone County, West Virginia reigns a King. The King - Jesco White, The Dancing Outlaw. Jesco is a living legend. The last of the Mountain Dancers, his style is unique to the mountain culture. Resembling tap dancing, it's a tradition passed down from father to son - as were his dancing shoes. His dance floor? An 8 by 4 piece of plywood or the roof of his canine companion Duke's doghouse.
His venue? The front yard, the den of Jesco's and Norma Jean's trailer, or any place the spirit moves.
But dancing isn't the only phenomenon that emanates from the cabin. On quiet nights, legend has it, you can hear the echoes of vintage Elvis tunes careening off the walls of Jesco's Elvis room and through the mountains of Boone county. Jesco belts out Elvis tunes as only a true King can."

My friend Jenn came to town last night and we went to dinner and sushi-ed it up. It was good to see her.
On the ebay front, I bid on an ottoman/coffee table that was most perfect yesterday.

I waited until the last 10 minutes it was up for auction and there was a frenzy. I was given a second chance to bid today, because I think the seller is a manufacturer and they have tons of them in stock. We shall see. Brad told me it was my last purchase of '05. :( Good thing it is september already!!
PS. Is everyone surprised I didn't talk about the finale of Six Feet Under? It was phenomenal. And the song in the end, Breathe Me by Sia, awesome. I actually found a place to download it off the internet, damn you itunes. Couldn't get it there, because you can't just buy that one song, big mistake. Some people thought the ending was cheesy, but I liked it because there was closure. Now to wait for the Sopranos....
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Selling stuff, not myself
So yesterday I went down to Tower City to get some lunch. I stopped in the music store to check and see if they had a cd for my dude's b-day coming up (Eurotrip soundtrack-it is so wrong I have to buy a whole cd just to get the song Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra). There I am, wandering around, and then this:
"Hey girl, you got some pretty blond hair."
Me: *?* "Uh, thanks."
"I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you sure look good, girl."
Me" "Ummm. My colorist must do a great job!" *Just keep walking, Erin*
"Hey, come back here, I gotta question for you."
Me: *starting to panic*
"What's your name?"
Me: "Uh, Erin?" *I couldn't even think of a fake name*
"You look like a Stephanie"
Me: *???????*
Here is my future boyfriend:

I know that is Fat Joe, but I didn't really want to excite the guy more by asking if I could take his picture. You know, for under my pillow at night, and stuff like that.
So the car is still for sale. The bidding on craigslist has gone into a frenzy. I am amazed by how many people keep offering me cash. That's some crazy shit. The original offer-ee emailed me today, he came from Cali and maybe he appreciates a good German luxury vehicle. He is going down there today to check it out. Fingers crossed, peeps.
Speaking of money, money, money. I gotta get rid of these U2 tickets. They are burning a hole in my pocket. Check them out on ebay hopefully next week. Bid!! See you at the show.
"Hey girl, you got some pretty blond hair."
Me: *?* "Uh, thanks."
"I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you sure look good, girl."
Me" "Ummm. My colorist must do a great job!" *Just keep walking, Erin*
"Hey, come back here, I gotta question for you."
Me: *starting to panic*
"What's your name?"
Me: "Uh, Erin?" *I couldn't even think of a fake name*
"You look like a Stephanie"
Me: *???????*
Here is my future boyfriend:

I know that is Fat Joe, but I didn't really want to excite the guy more by asking if I could take his picture. You know, for under my pillow at night, and stuff like that.
So the car is still for sale. The bidding on craigslist has gone into a frenzy. I am amazed by how many people keep offering me cash. That's some crazy shit. The original offer-ee emailed me today, he came from Cali and maybe he appreciates a good German luxury vehicle. He is going down there today to check it out. Fingers crossed, peeps.
Speaking of money, money, money. I gotta get rid of these U2 tickets. They are burning a hole in my pocket. Check them out on ebay hopefully next week. Bid!! See you at the show.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I know everyone is tired of hearing it.
I am very depressed about the finale of Queer As Folk. The ending was fine, it is just the fact that it is over. I can't take it. I don't know if it was because I don't know anyone else that watched it so I have no one to talk to about it or what. I confessed to Brad last night that I was very very sad about it still and he told me I was pathetic. I can go back and watch all the episodes on Showtime InDemand. I can buy the dvds off of ebay. I even heard there were books that someone wrote (fan-fiction). I downloaded some songs from iTunes from the soundtrack.
"Cue the Pulse to Begin" Burnside Project
"Proud" Heather Small
They are in constant rotation on my iTunes. Am I making it worse on myself? I need to move on. I need something better. How did a television show become so much of my life? More over than that, the character of Brian Kinney (see my post L-O-V-E). At work sometimes when we are folding stuff, I watch Oprah. I can't stand it when those women in the beginning go ape shit and are screaming like they just saw Jesus. But you know what, I would probably do that if I ever saw Gale Harold. Sad, so sad. Sometimes I think there is a direct correlation between my time in Key West and the show. When I left there and moved here, that show was the one thing that let me visit there once a week from my own snowy living room. I know QAF takes place in Pittsburgh, but the club scenes reminded me so much of that time in my life.
Well, I am going to look for another hobby. I've got some stained glass that needs finishing and then there is the whole stamping thing, and the house. Maybe I needed it to end so I could do what they did in the end, move on with my life. Find vindication, make myself proud. Make myself "the best homosexual I can be". Ha.
I look into the window of my mind
Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
Still so many answers I don't know
Realise that to question is how we grow
So I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
We need a change
Do it today
I can feel my spirit rising
We need a change
So do it today
'Cause I can see a clear horizon
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
'Cause you could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today
You could be so many people?
Just make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
Friday, August 05, 2005
100 Things I Like
1. fortune cookies
2. sushi
3. edamame
4. Pretty much all things asian!
5. breezy days
6. fall time
7. osu football
8. the beach
9. crystal blue water
10. wet sand between my toes
11. the smell of clean laundry
12. a freshly mowed lawn
13. veggies from the garden
14. homemade salsa
15. being alone at work
16. the internet!!
17. ebay
18. garage sales
19. my husband's kisses
20. sleeping in
21. an ice cold dirty martini
22. my dog
23. puppies
24. stampin' up!
25. my niece's emerging personality
26. my parent's house
27. my parents
28. my sister and brother in law
29. my friends
30. all things apple/macintosh
31. cell phones
32. suvs
33. electric hybrids
34. empty trash cans
35. clean house
36. reality television
37. mtv
38. queer as folk
39. cable programming
40. harry potter
41. mcdonald's
42. getting my hair cut
43. getting my nails done
44. flip flops
45. tattoos
46. george clooney
47. gale harold (see last post)
48. silence
49. loud music
50. venus hum
51. the beatles
52. adobe products
53. not waiting in line
54. smelling the roses
55. flowers
56. eliptical trainers
57. rib offs
58. bbq
59. vacations
60. key west
61. sunsets
62. margaritas
63. cornonas
64. bloody marys
65. put-in-bay
66. great restaurants
67. booths
68. rubber boots
69. tank tops
70. hipster underwear
71. red bull
72. starbucks!
73. van gogh
74. don li leger
75. sledding
76. warm winter jackets
77. old navy
78. sun dried tomato wheat thins
79. down filled pillows
80. cake
81. smores
82. speeding
83. passing a cop and not getting pulled over
84. being free
85. lying in the grass
86. throwing things away
87. short car trips
88. matinee movies
89. popcorn
90. no phones ringing
91. my wedding ring and what it means
92. lying on the couch
93. allman brothers
94. itunes
95. living in the city that was built on rock and roll
96. being able to say cleveland rocks and mean it
97. indians games
98. working downtown
99. going out to lunch
100. being me
2. sushi
3. edamame
4. Pretty much all things asian!
5. breezy days
6. fall time
7. osu football
8. the beach
9. crystal blue water
10. wet sand between my toes
11. the smell of clean laundry
12. a freshly mowed lawn
13. veggies from the garden
14. homemade salsa
15. being alone at work
16. the internet!!
17. ebay
18. garage sales
19. my husband's kisses
20. sleeping in
21. an ice cold dirty martini
22. my dog
23. puppies
24. stampin' up!
25. my niece's emerging personality
26. my parent's house
27. my parents
28. my sister and brother in law
29. my friends
30. all things apple/macintosh
31. cell phones
32. suvs
33. electric hybrids
34. empty trash cans
35. clean house
36. reality television
37. mtv
38. queer as folk
39. cable programming
40. harry potter
41. mcdonald's
42. getting my hair cut
43. getting my nails done
44. flip flops
45. tattoos
46. george clooney
47. gale harold (see last post)
48. silence
49. loud music
50. venus hum
51. the beatles
52. adobe products
53. not waiting in line
54. smelling the roses
55. flowers
56. eliptical trainers
57. rib offs
58. bbq
59. vacations
60. key west
61. sunsets
62. margaritas
63. cornonas
64. bloody marys
65. put-in-bay
66. great restaurants
67. booths
68. rubber boots
69. tank tops
70. hipster underwear
71. red bull
72. starbucks!
73. van gogh
74. don li leger
75. sledding
76. warm winter jackets
77. old navy
78. sun dried tomato wheat thins
79. down filled pillows
80. cake
81. smores
82. speeding
83. passing a cop and not getting pulled over
84. being free
85. lying in the grass
86. throwing things away
87. short car trips
88. matinee movies
89. popcorn
90. no phones ringing
91. my wedding ring and what it means
92. lying on the couch
93. allman brothers
94. itunes
95. living in the city that was built on rock and roll
96. being able to say cleveland rocks and mean it
97. indians games
98. working downtown
99. going out to lunch
100. being me
Monday, July 25, 2005
In L-O-V-E
Friday, July 22, 2005
Alone and I like it
Now that my temper tantrum is over...
So I think it is pretty funny that my boss doesn't tell me when he's not coming in. I get here this morning and I have had no phone calls or any sightings of him. I think he does it because God forbid if I know he isn't going to be here, I'll come in drunk or throw like a party or something. HAHA. Actually it IS better being here alone, I have the Neil Young cranked up, I am getting tons of work done, and I can blog! At my last job (cubicle factory), my manager was always riding me with a whip and crop demanding me to work more! harder! Telling me I was a slacker when I was doing 3 times the work of my co-workers. She always told me it was the same stress and pressure and pay as everywhere else. Well I hate to break it to you, I make more now, I work less hours, I have my own office and someone who could care less how much I am on the internet or working on my own stuff as long as what I need to do for him gets done first. I know I have bitched about this job, but I can't think of a better work environment for me. Oh, except if my office was in the middle of my living room. I can dream, can't I?
Tonight I am off to a Jell-O Shot, Flip Flop party. My mom told me on the phone last night not to get drunk, but with less then a cup of liquor for 35 shots, I don't think that will be an issue. (Except for that sixer of Corona I am taking with me!) I have never made Jell-O shots before, so I decided to get crafty and make my own recipe up...I'll share it with you, my guinea pig (Brad) said they turned out A-OK. I maybe could of added more rum, I was scared because I thought they wouldn't gel.
Strawberry Daquiri Jell-O shots
You will need:
little plastic cups, or if you want to go crazy, make it in a big dish
1 large packet strawberry flavored gelatin
2 cups boiling H2O
3/4 cup Captain Morgan's rum, I bet Bicardi or whatever would work too
3/4 cup cream
1/2 cup cold H2O
Add the boiling water to the Jell-O powder, stir til melted, add in the Capt. Morgan's and the cream, whisk it up. Add in 1/2 cup cold water, pour into little cups, put in fridge. When these solidify, the top half will be creamy pinkish and the bottom will be clear red. Not sure why this happens. Top with whip cream and a strawberry. Eat whole batch and maybe you will catch a buzz. And it is fat free!! Enjoy!
Here is a picture I found of Jell-O shots on the internet. So that is what the lids are for! Easy transport. So do like the picture and get lids.

Love, E
So I think it is pretty funny that my boss doesn't tell me when he's not coming in. I get here this morning and I have had no phone calls or any sightings of him. I think he does it because God forbid if I know he isn't going to be here, I'll come in drunk or throw like a party or something. HAHA. Actually it IS better being here alone, I have the Neil Young cranked up, I am getting tons of work done, and I can blog! At my last job (cubicle factory), my manager was always riding me with a whip and crop demanding me to work more! harder! Telling me I was a slacker when I was doing 3 times the work of my co-workers. She always told me it was the same stress and pressure and pay as everywhere else. Well I hate to break it to you, I make more now, I work less hours, I have my own office and someone who could care less how much I am on the internet or working on my own stuff as long as what I need to do for him gets done first. I know I have bitched about this job, but I can't think of a better work environment for me. Oh, except if my office was in the middle of my living room. I can dream, can't I?
Tonight I am off to a Jell-O Shot, Flip Flop party. My mom told me on the phone last night not to get drunk, but with less then a cup of liquor for 35 shots, I don't think that will be an issue. (Except for that sixer of Corona I am taking with me!) I have never made Jell-O shots before, so I decided to get crafty and make my own recipe up...I'll share it with you, my guinea pig (Brad) said they turned out A-OK. I maybe could of added more rum, I was scared because I thought they wouldn't gel.
Strawberry Daquiri Jell-O shots
You will need:
little plastic cups, or if you want to go crazy, make it in a big dish
1 large packet strawberry flavored gelatin
2 cups boiling H2O
3/4 cup Captain Morgan's rum, I bet Bicardi or whatever would work too
3/4 cup cream
1/2 cup cold H2O
Add the boiling water to the Jell-O powder, stir til melted, add in the Capt. Morgan's and the cream, whisk it up. Add in 1/2 cup cold water, pour into little cups, put in fridge. When these solidify, the top half will be creamy pinkish and the bottom will be clear red. Not sure why this happens. Top with whip cream and a strawberry. Eat whole batch and maybe you will catch a buzz. And it is fat free!! Enjoy!
Here is a picture I found of Jell-O shots on the internet. So that is what the lids are for! Easy transport. So do like the picture and get lids.

Love, E
Friday, July 15, 2005
Artsy Fartsy
This is a fun site:
It is amazing at how many of those postcards you can identify with. Makes me think about making my own someday.
Congrats to Z on the new job, although without email, I will be pretty bored at work. Hey! more time to blog!
On another note, we are heading to the country this weekend, it is my 10 year high school reunion. I am sure I will have lots to post about when I get back...
It is amazing at how many of those postcards you can identify with. Makes me think about making my own someday.
Congrats to Z on the new job, although without email, I will be pretty bored at work. Hey! more time to blog!
On another note, we are heading to the country this weekend, it is my 10 year high school reunion. I am sure I will have lots to post about when I get back...
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Some Vacation Haikus
I can't wait anymore
Sit on the beach by the shore
North Carolina
The annoying noise
Of cell phones ringing loudly
Replaced by seagulls
Salty taste and smell
Sea, magaritas and sweat
On my lips and skin
Better wear sunscreen
Bronzed goddess with tan limbs or
Red dry peeling skin
Week-long rented house
Maybe I will not return
Screw work and Cleveland
Sit on the beach by the shore
North Carolina
The annoying noise
Of cell phones ringing loudly
Replaced by seagulls
Salty taste and smell
Sea, magaritas and sweat
On my lips and skin
Better wear sunscreen
Bronzed goddess with tan limbs or
Red dry peeling skin
Week-long rented house
Maybe I will not return
Screw work and Cleveland

Monday, June 13, 2005
Have you ever seen a dead body?
I have only seen a dead body in pictures or at the funeral home. I often go to or it's sister site, (check it out, it is pretty funny sometimes). These two sites have tons of pictures from police files and curious bystanders. Pictures of dead bodies, crazy accidents, pictures of limbs with no torso, torso with no limbs, heads with no brains, heads with no bodies, okay you get the picture (literally, is it forming in your head right now??). I think it is amazing how you become desensitized to something like that. I am so curious to look, I am grateful for the pictures so I can sit and stare closely at every detail. It is also crazy how the body takes on the essence of a manequin almost, like it is not real and I am in some wax museum. I think if I came upon a dead body in it's first and natural state, my feeling would be different. My 2-D safety net would be broken and I think I might throw up or run away even. Isn't it weird how if it's a picture of something you can convince yourself that it is not real, some how staged? Is it the smell? The lingering heat of the body? The feel of the spirit in the air? Even at funerals, you look at the body with the waxy skin and too much make up and think "that's not real". To me, they never look like they are "sleeping". Maybe it is the knowing of the ins and outs now that I am older (and thanks to too much CSI & 6 Feet Under), the stitches that hold together the mouth and the eyes, the skin taught, the muscles and limbs stiff and unbending with rigor mortis. Just like anything that is dehydrated, dried, and in that stage right before decomposition, when you realize how important water can be. When I die, I would love it if I was just allowed to rot back into the earth like nature intended. Fuck the embalming, God forbid some freak will try to get busy with my corpse. Desecrate my body, but not my soul because it will be gone. An empty vessel, waiting for the fire that will engulf it and turn it into what it was from the beginning, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
"After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
there was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love"
"After nine days I let the horse run free
'Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
there was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love"
Friday, June 10, 2005
Why doesn't Britney Spears wear a bra? She is so disgusting. I know you are pregnant and all but they are all over the place. Support the Twins! You'll regret it later! Oh wait, you'll just get another boob job...
Here are some great pictures of her and her boobs.
(under the starbucks post)
And on another note...MEXICAN FIESTA TIME TONIGHT!
Here are some great pictures of her and her boobs.
(under the starbucks post)
And on another note...MEXICAN FIESTA TIME TONIGHT!
Monday, June 06, 2005
Someone put a mickey into my drink...and I liked it.
My husband brought me flowers on Saturday. We did all kinds of stuff in the yard, attended a BBQ, and in general enjoyed each other's company. I think someone drugged him.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Why is it when I am at my desk and I feel the need to go to the bathroom, I continue to sit here like it's going to go away? I am killing my kidneys. It must have been all those times my mom locked me in the closet for days and told me if I wet myself I would have to drink it.
Just kidding.
Actually, I chalk it up to waitressing. Can't pee until the break, folks. And breaks are few and far between. Maybe it isn't that. Maybe I am so god damn lazy that I can't even get up to stop working to go to the bathroom. Oh, that's it then. I am a dedicated employee. Ha.
Whatever it is, I gotta quit doing it and get me some depends. I give up.
Just kidding.
Actually, I chalk it up to waitressing. Can't pee until the break, folks. And breaks are few and far between. Maybe it isn't that. Maybe I am so god damn lazy that I can't even get up to stop working to go to the bathroom. Oh, that's it then. I am a dedicated employee. Ha.
Whatever it is, I gotta quit doing it and get me some depends. I give up.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
This weekend was pretty good. My dude went to a NASCAR race in NC with his dad. WHY? Don't ask me. The important thing was I was not expected to participate. I'm all for some camping, but not in the middle of a race track with 165,000 drunks running around and that horrible race car noise for 6 HOURS STRAIGHT. That's right. How can anyone sit there for 6 hours and listen to that noise? But, they liked it. They may even go again next year. All in all, my husband came back with a neck that was just a little bit redder then before...he blamed it on the sun, time will tell!
So onto my weekend. I was alone most of the time which was not necessarily a bad thing. I spent some time with my sister, I bought plants, I mulched the beds. On Saturday, I went to my friend Zanna's house for a cookout which was awesome and spent time bitching about how much I hate George Bush, which is one of my favorite topics. I drank two bottles of Pinot, got some hiccups, and went home and passed out. GOOD TIMES! a special favor to all you (2) readers, my girl Z had an adventure on Thursday. Here it is in her own words...
EMAIL from Z sent on 5/24/05.
"Listen to what happened to me yesterday!!! I was driving home from work on Route 2 on the shoreway less than a mile from my exit, coming around a couple of curves and I see cars ahead of me swerving and slamming on brakes. Just about when I started wondering what was going on, I see a bunch of men running across the highway and one of them was right in front of my car!! At that moment, I KNEW there was nothing I could do! I slammed on my breaks from 50 miles an hour, covered my face to shield it, and thought "I'm about to kill a man! Right now! With my car! I'm killing somebody!!!!" It took what seemed like an eternity- for a split second I thought I missed him - but then I heard him hit! I opened my eyes and still saw cars swerving, people running up to us, and the other guys run off towards the woods on the other side of the soap box derby. I stayed in my car completely FREAKING out, but I saw the man I hit was up and staggering around, so I knew I didn't kill him - THANK GOD! I saw a woman in what looked like a nurse's uniform talking to him telling himto get on the ground and not to move. I called 911. Then I got out of my car to make sure everyone was ok. I'm still shaking typing this. The woman who was talking to the guy I hit was a physical therapist, so she knew better what to do with the guy than I did. He was trying to smoke a cigarette. He was a vagrant and smelled like alcohol. I went up to a guy -a witness - and he started telling me how he saw the whole thing and that there was no way I could've avoided hitting that guy. The vagrant and his buddies ran across three lanes of traffic on the highway during rush hour. The witness said there were two other guys with him and they ran off
towards the woods with a cooler. We waited for the ambulance and the police. The guy I hit was put in a neck brace and taken on a board into the ambulance. Before they put him in, he looked me right in the eyes and said "I'm sorry ma'am. It was all my fault." His nose was bloody and broken. The police showed up and said I wasn't in trouble. They were going to the hospital to cite the man. They sent me home. My car has two dents in the hood and the windshield is cracked like crazy. I took off work today because of the car, and because I didn't get much sleep last night. I am OK. I am still shaken up."
Can you believe that? Now that is a great story if I ever heard one. I decided she needs a t-shirt that says "BUM KILLA" so I photoshopped her into one so she can hang it by her desk at work and all the drones can come by the cube and get the old autograph.
Now back to my (non) exciting weekend. I rounded it out with some laundry and cleaning. My dude got home right on time for us to make the Rib Off for dinner, which I will be paying for shortly, probably in another 20 min. HAHA. That's all folks. I'll try harder next time.
So onto my weekend. I was alone most of the time which was not necessarily a bad thing. I spent some time with my sister, I bought plants, I mulched the beds. On Saturday, I went to my friend Zanna's house for a cookout which was awesome and spent time bitching about how much I hate George Bush, which is one of my favorite topics. I drank two bottles of Pinot, got some hiccups, and went home and passed out. GOOD TIMES! a special favor to all you (2) readers, my girl Z had an adventure on Thursday. Here it is in her own words...
EMAIL from Z sent on 5/24/05.
"Listen to what happened to me yesterday!!! I was driving home from work on Route 2 on the shoreway less than a mile from my exit, coming around a couple of curves and I see cars ahead of me swerving and slamming on brakes. Just about when I started wondering what was going on, I see a bunch of men running across the highway and one of them was right in front of my car!! At that moment, I KNEW there was nothing I could do! I slammed on my breaks from 50 miles an hour, covered my face to shield it, and thought "I'm about to kill a man! Right now! With my car! I'm killing somebody!!!!" It took what seemed like an eternity- for a split second I thought I missed him - but then I heard him hit! I opened my eyes and still saw cars swerving, people running up to us, and the other guys run off towards the woods on the other side of the soap box derby. I stayed in my car completely FREAKING out, but I saw the man I hit was up and staggering around, so I knew I didn't kill him - THANK GOD! I saw a woman in what looked like a nurse's uniform talking to him telling himto get on the ground and not to move. I called 911. Then I got out of my car to make sure everyone was ok. I'm still shaking typing this. The woman who was talking to the guy I hit was a physical therapist, so she knew better what to do with the guy than I did. He was trying to smoke a cigarette. He was a vagrant and smelled like alcohol. I went up to a guy -a witness - and he started telling me how he saw the whole thing and that there was no way I could've avoided hitting that guy. The vagrant and his buddies ran across three lanes of traffic on the highway during rush hour. The witness said there were two other guys with him and they ran off
towards the woods with a cooler. We waited for the ambulance and the police. The guy I hit was put in a neck brace and taken on a board into the ambulance. Before they put him in, he looked me right in the eyes and said "I'm sorry ma'am. It was all my fault." His nose was bloody and broken. The police showed up and said I wasn't in trouble. They were going to the hospital to cite the man. They sent me home. My car has two dents in the hood and the windshield is cracked like crazy. I took off work today because of the car, and because I didn't get much sleep last night. I am OK. I am still shaken up."
Can you believe that? Now that is a great story if I ever heard one. I decided she needs a t-shirt that says "BUM KILLA" so I photoshopped her into one so she can hang it by her desk at work and all the drones can come by the cube and get the old autograph.
Now back to my (non) exciting weekend. I rounded it out with some laundry and cleaning. My dude got home right on time for us to make the Rib Off for dinner, which I will be paying for shortly, probably in another 20 min. HAHA. That's all folks. I'll try harder next time.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Wish there was something I could say...
Not only have I not posted in awhile but one of my favorite people of all times lost his mom this past week. The weather and the church ceremony could not have been more beautiful on saturday. Friends gathered from afar to pay respects. I was not close with his mother, but what a wonderful woman to have raised such a wonderful son. Everytime I looked at him and even now as I type this I cannot help crying. I feel so bad. I love you, baby. If you need something, call. It can only get better, right?
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Sorry I don't call, I don't write. There really has not been anything going on. I got a card in the mail today from a friend thanking me for being a good friend. That was nice. I was alone today at work, which constituted not getting much done besides answering the phones and taking messages. Right now I am watching "Show Dogs Moms and Dads". I really think that woman that owns "Chelsey" needs a xanex.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
My dog got her own website. She is on at Make sure you leave her a treat, she will love you forever for it :)
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Pope-ing around
Not much going on. I feel guilty if I don't post because of all the blogs I read, I get mad when someone doesn't post for a couple of days...not that there is anyone else reading this besides me. However, I think it is good to write down your thoughts, kind of a mental purging if you will.
So the weather here is finally starting to clear up. Last week it was 70 degrees and then all the sudden this weekend it FUCKING SNOWED, giant wet heavy flakes. Now Mother Nature is teasing us again with gorgeous 65 degrees, hopefully here to stay this time. I have a lot of painting outside to do so I am looking forward to nice weather.
So the Pope died. Which is crazy because I am 28 so we have had the same Pope basically my whole life. I'm not catholic so I am not really into the Pope, but I am fascinated with the fact that he is so highly regarded and held in society. And he actually was not bad looking for an old man. Is that bad to say that? I'm not saying I'm hot for Pope, I am just saying he was pleasant to look at. I saw that Pope when I was in Italy in 1995. It was a Saturday in Rome and there was a children's day and the Pope came out on a golf cart type thing and they drove him around. It's pretty brave of him to not use the Pope-mobile after he got shot like that. But it was nice because he was waving at the kids and touching them and they were all singing and waving those giant foam fingers. But my friend that I was with (3rd corral back) got shit on by a bird while we were there, and I was like "Dude, that is not a good sign." Haha. I also thought it was hysterical that you could buy t-shirts not even 90 feet away from the Pope that said "I like the Pope, the Pope smokes dope." Maybe he has one. :)
So the weather here is finally starting to clear up. Last week it was 70 degrees and then all the sudden this weekend it FUCKING SNOWED, giant wet heavy flakes. Now Mother Nature is teasing us again with gorgeous 65 degrees, hopefully here to stay this time. I have a lot of painting outside to do so I am looking forward to nice weather.
So the Pope died. Which is crazy because I am 28 so we have had the same Pope basically my whole life. I'm not catholic so I am not really into the Pope, but I am fascinated with the fact that he is so highly regarded and held in society. And he actually was not bad looking for an old man. Is that bad to say that? I'm not saying I'm hot for Pope, I am just saying he was pleasant to look at. I saw that Pope when I was in Italy in 1995. It was a Saturday in Rome and there was a children's day and the Pope came out on a golf cart type thing and they drove him around. It's pretty brave of him to not use the Pope-mobile after he got shot like that. But it was nice because he was waving at the kids and touching them and they were all singing and waving those giant foam fingers. But my friend that I was with (3rd corral back) got shit on by a bird while we were there, and I was like "Dude, that is not a good sign." Haha. I also thought it was hysterical that you could buy t-shirts not even 90 feet away from the Pope that said "I like the Pope, the Pope smokes dope." Maybe he has one. :)
Friday, April 01, 2005
A Night In...Tomorrow Out?
I think I am getting sick. I felt terrible tonight. All I did was lay on the couch with a blanket over my head at times literally crying because my skin hurt so bad. I was so cold and now I am sweating to death. I must have overcome whatever it was (I think the secret ingredient was the orange (sunrise) Crystal Light, full of vitamins-please pronounce vit-a-mins like you are a brit, thanks). Which is good because tomorrow I have a night planned to go out with my girlies. I am pretty excited, we will be dining and drinking in a downtown establishment and gossiping up a storm. Now, what to wear?
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Things I like right now
1. That song "True" by Ryan Cabrera. Don't ask me why. So cheesy. His hair is very intersting. So big, yet so tall. Ashlee Simpson must be some crazy fuck monkey to keep that boy.

2. U2 (but I like them all the time, does that count?)
3. The season finale of Carnivale. FANFUCKINGTASTIC. It was so good. Damn you HBO! Now I have to wait like 3 years to find out what happens to everyone next season.
4. The fact that 6 feet under is starting soon. YAY!
5. Electric Hybrid cars. We are seriously considering getting one when the lease is up on the Jeep. The only issue is there are no recharging stations around here like there are in Cali. We could go like 150 miles but where would we plug in at? Then you have to use gas and what is the point? Although I did find out you get a 1500 dollar tax return for energy conservation. I am thinking the Ford Escape Hybrid although I am hoping they come out with the Jeep Grand Cherokee version by then.
6. The paint color I chose for my office. It is called "Aggie" and is a Martha Stewart color courtesy of Sherwin Williams. It is like a dusty blue green.
7. My husband.
8. Coffee. Lately I can't get enough although I know it is bad for my teeth.
9. The anticipation of my new ring coming (hopefully) next week.
10. Spending time with my girlies this weekend.
11. Going out for lunch today!
12. Seeing my niece tonight.
I am sure there are a ton more, but that should tide over posting for now. Tomorrow *GASP* I will post some of the things I don't like, which should be easy because there are a ton of them.
2. U2 (but I like them all the time, does that count?)
3. The season finale of Carnivale. FANFUCKINGTASTIC. It was so good. Damn you HBO! Now I have to wait like 3 years to find out what happens to everyone next season.
4. The fact that 6 feet under is starting soon. YAY!
5. Electric Hybrid cars. We are seriously considering getting one when the lease is up on the Jeep. The only issue is there are no recharging stations around here like there are in Cali. We could go like 150 miles but where would we plug in at? Then you have to use gas and what is the point? Although I did find out you get a 1500 dollar tax return for energy conservation. I am thinking the Ford Escape Hybrid although I am hoping they come out with the Jeep Grand Cherokee version by then.
6. The paint color I chose for my office. It is called "Aggie" and is a Martha Stewart color courtesy of Sherwin Williams. It is like a dusty blue green.
7. My husband.
8. Coffee. Lately I can't get enough although I know it is bad for my teeth.
9. The anticipation of my new ring coming (hopefully) next week.
10. Spending time with my girlies this weekend.
11. Going out for lunch today!
12. Seeing my niece tonight.
I am sure there are a ton more, but that should tide over posting for now. Tomorrow *GASP* I will post some of the things I don't like, which should be easy because there are a ton of them.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Getting into the groove
I think I am getting the hang of my new job. I won't really talk about it or the people I work with because you never know when big brother is watching! Ha! But seriously...I was reading an article about people that have been fired for writing shit about their work in their blogs (check out Is this not like a "diary"? Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Am I not allowed to have my own thoughts?
Today I had a lunch meeting at a pretty expensive private club right here in the middle of downtown. The people there want us to have events there so they had us in for lunch to schmooze. I totally cheated on my diet and had (but did not finish any of it): Cup Lobster Bisque (too much red pepper), Tuna Tempura roll on field greens (a little "fishy" and not as rare as I would have liked), 1 and a half dinner rolls with that awesome sweet cream butter, a cappucino, and espresso creme brulee. YUM! I have pretty much been craving coffee lately, i think it is because it is the only thing I normally get that is not meat or cheese. Those things don't go great with coffee either. Back to the grind. I see you rolling your eyes there!
What the f is up with American Idol. I thought almost all of them sang awesome last night. I also like it that when they do the montage of them singing in the end you can basically be like "x!" (imagine that sound they used to make on family feud when someone got something wrong) on the ones you know are just wasting your time. I can't believe they are making them all sing again tonight. It will be interesting to see if any of them change the way they sang their songs.
On an up note, my friend from JAX (Hi, Fred!) may be coming up for U2 which would be hella cool and would verge on putting too many of my favorite things in one room at one time. Add a McDonald's cheeseburger and we are almost home, brothers and sisters (Sorry-too much Carnivale! and I can't wait til next Sunday!). Thank God for tivo. Tonight I am going "stamping" (no, not like those step groups-great visual though!, but with ink) so I will be able to catch up on my American Idol on Sunday when I do most of my tivo watching. Happy Tubing :)
Today I had a lunch meeting at a pretty expensive private club right here in the middle of downtown. The people there want us to have events there so they had us in for lunch to schmooze. I totally cheated on my diet and had (but did not finish any of it): Cup Lobster Bisque (too much red pepper), Tuna Tempura roll on field greens (a little "fishy" and not as rare as I would have liked), 1 and a half dinner rolls with that awesome sweet cream butter, a cappucino, and espresso creme brulee. YUM! I have pretty much been craving coffee lately, i think it is because it is the only thing I normally get that is not meat or cheese. Those things don't go great with coffee either. Back to the grind. I see you rolling your eyes there!
What the f is up with American Idol. I thought almost all of them sang awesome last night. I also like it that when they do the montage of them singing in the end you can basically be like "x!" (imagine that sound they used to make on family feud when someone got something wrong) on the ones you know are just wasting your time. I can't believe they are making them all sing again tonight. It will be interesting to see if any of them change the way they sang their songs.
On an up note, my friend from JAX (Hi, Fred!) may be coming up for U2 which would be hella cool and would verge on putting too many of my favorite things in one room at one time. Add a McDonald's cheeseburger and we are almost home, brothers and sisters (Sorry-too much Carnivale! and I can't wait til next Sunday!). Thank God for tivo. Tonight I am going "stamping" (no, not like those step groups-great visual though!, but with ink) so I will be able to catch up on my American Idol on Sunday when I do most of my tivo watching. Happy Tubing :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Baited Breath
I know you are all on the edge of your seats...8 tickets, baby! I rock! I went to ticketmaster at 9:30 (they went on sale at 10) and they were drawing for a lottery. I was 3rd in line and i got 6 tickets, behind the stage. My dude got on the internet at home and scored us 2 KICK ASS AWESOME seats right near the stage. Who loves me, baby? U2 here we come! Now, just to wait until December....
In the meanwhile, I am going to sell two of them on ebay, hopefully I can make enough money to pay for the others. :) WOOHOO! Sucess!
St. Pat's was cool, I was the last one there (work) but proceeded to get drunk as a skunk and then i went home and enjoyed girl scout cookies (Tag-a-longs). Those things are like crack! YUM! Back on FATKINS for the time being. :(
In the meanwhile, I am going to sell two of them on ebay, hopefully I can make enough money to pay for the others. :) WOOHOO! Sucess!
St. Pat's was cool, I was the last one there (work) but proceeded to get drunk as a skunk and then i went home and enjoyed girl scout cookies (Tag-a-longs). Those things are like crack! YUM! Back on FATKINS for the time being. :(
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Forgot to Mention
I have the iMac. It is beautiful. I love it and I will hug it and hold it and cherish it forever. It is literally just a flat screen with a stainless steel base. The screen is the computer, and there is a slot in the side where cds spit in and out. Insanity. What will they think of next? Oh, I forgot about the Mac Mini...

Off to get some sleep, I have a big day of work and then drinking ahead of me :)

Off to get some sleep, I have a big day of work and then drinking ahead of me :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Temper Tantrum
Tickets go on sale this Saturday, and even though I have a plan to send my dude to ticketmaster and I am going to try on line, I have a feeling I might not get tickets. The concert isn't til December. Do you know how jacked up the price is going to be by then? I will just die if I can't go. Die, I tell you. *sigh* I guess I should just wait and see...but that's no fun. Oh, the drama!
I am excited for St. Pat's. I am going to go out down here on our famous "W. Sixth". I don't know about green beer but I would love to drink some cider and some guiness. I'll think I'll stick to the vodka though, more FATKINS friendly. I have only lost 6 pounds. Which I think is a failure, but when I look at it, it's only been a week and a half so that is not bad. No more meat! AUGH!
I am excited for St. Pat's. I am going to go out down here on our famous "W. Sixth". I don't know about green beer but I would love to drink some cider and some guiness. I'll think I'll stick to the vodka though, more FATKINS friendly. I have only lost 6 pounds. Which I think is a failure, but when I look at it, it's only been a week and a half so that is not bad. No more meat! AUGH!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
My husband said it wasn't broken...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
No, the mac did not come yet, apparently it shipped from China so hopefully Thursday...
The awesome news is...
U2 IS COMING TO CLEVELAND!!!!!!! They released new dates today and they will be here December 10th! I am so going. And it is on a saturday night. WOOOOHOOOO! I think you can tell I am excited. I saw U2 in Philly in 2001 for the Elevation tour. It was un-fucking-believeable. I had chills the whole time. My husband doesn't get it I don't think but he's going too. I am going to make a believer out of him yet. Now, to wait til they go on sale and go wait in line at a ticketmaster. I hate that crap. It takes forever and you have to be prepared if they sell out. I couldn't accept that, I am going!! Here I come Bono baby!

And on a not so exciting note, I once again fell down my stairs this morning and managed to break some toes. I know you aren't sympathetic to that but my foot is twice it's normal size and all black, it is really bad at the base, where the toes connect to the foot. And it hurts like a bitch.
But...U2 is coming, so I can get over the foot. SMILES!
The awesome news is...
U2 IS COMING TO CLEVELAND!!!!!!! They released new dates today and they will be here December 10th! I am so going. And it is on a saturday night. WOOOOHOOOO! I think you can tell I am excited. I saw U2 in Philly in 2001 for the Elevation tour. It was un-fucking-believeable. I had chills the whole time. My husband doesn't get it I don't think but he's going too. I am going to make a believer out of him yet. Now, to wait til they go on sale and go wait in line at a ticketmaster. I hate that crap. It takes forever and you have to be prepared if they sell out. I couldn't accept that, I am going!! Here I come Bono baby!

And on a not so exciting note, I once again fell down my stairs this morning and managed to break some toes. I know you aren't sympathetic to that but my foot is twice it's normal size and all black, it is really bad at the base, where the toes connect to the foot. And it hurts like a bitch.
But...U2 is coming, so I can get over the foot. SMILES!
Monday, March 07, 2005
I'm back from outer space
So my mac is not here yet. *sigh* I am so lost without it. Where are you? Why are you taking so long? I will love you and hug you and play with you. I need you. I can't do my job without you. Damn PC and the damn keyboard. If you have ever used both you know the difference. This thing is hella hard to type on. And crappy to look at. I did use the Photoshop the other day though and it seems to be pretty much the same. But I will never use this computer for design. It is a matter of principle. I am such a mac dork that everytime I see one on tv (which is every show they ever show someone using a computer) I get all warm and fuzzy and I tell everyone (normally my husband, who has heard it a million times) "look, a powerbook/ibook/ipod!" just to prove that the world is/should be taken over by the coolest computers ever, macs.
So, I forgot to mention about my friend from JAX earlier, he can cook. And I'm not talking spaghetti o's from the can, I am talking yum yum awesome food. He's still out there, waiting for you, although he doesn't know it yet. Speaking of yum food, ha ha, i started FATKINS again last week and so far seem to be doing pretty good. My goal is to go until St. Patty's when I cheat on my diet all day and get ragingly drunk. And I bet I will gain back all the weight I lost from one fucking guiness. I can't win. But so far 6 lb. and it has only been 5 days.
I am getting a new wedding ring. And engagement ring. Don't worry, I am keeping the husband. My stuff was stolen a few months ago from the damn jeweler and we are just now getting the money (through my insurance!) so we have started on a new adventure. Just a note for anyone (anyone? beuller?) out there, if you fellas wanna get buckwild, insure your shit on your own. The jewelry store acts like they have no idea what to do. And this wasn't a shitty store, peeps. That was today's lesson. Tune in tomorrow and see if I write another one, oh and if I don't that is tomorrow's lesson...don't believe a word I say ;)
So, I forgot to mention about my friend from JAX earlier, he can cook. And I'm not talking spaghetti o's from the can, I am talking yum yum awesome food. He's still out there, waiting for you, although he doesn't know it yet. Speaking of yum food, ha ha, i started FATKINS again last week and so far seem to be doing pretty good. My goal is to go until St. Patty's when I cheat on my diet all day and get ragingly drunk. And I bet I will gain back all the weight I lost from one fucking guiness. I can't win. But so far 6 lb. and it has only been 5 days.
I am getting a new wedding ring. And engagement ring. Don't worry, I am keeping the husband. My stuff was stolen a few months ago from the damn jeweler and we are just now getting the money (through my insurance!) so we have started on a new adventure. Just a note for anyone (anyone? beuller?) out there, if you fellas wanna get buckwild, insure your shit on your own. The jewelry store acts like they have no idea what to do. And this wasn't a shitty store, peeps. That was today's lesson. Tune in tomorrow and see if I write another one, oh and if I don't that is tomorrow's lesson...don't believe a word I say ;)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Where am I?
The new job is good. Not too much going on yet, but I have a feeling things are going to speed up a little. The best part about my old (back-breaking) job is that compared to that everything else seems very S L O W. I have been cleaning out my office, which is tough because I have no fucking idea what everything is. But hey, it's an office! And it's mine. So I better get a big giant trash bin and start cleaning house. Nah, I'm not that brave. I'll box it up like a good girl and put it in the hall closet. I can't wait to paint. And to get my new desk. And my new Mac arrives either Friday or Monday. Feels good to be in a place where people want to do nice things for you, at least to try to keep you here...
Friday, February 25, 2005
Time for a Martini
So today was my last day at work. And it was very anti-climactic. So it is time for a drink. Onward and Upwards, right? Then again, I better start off with a shot...Here's to TNZ, you weren't worth much, but hey I got the experience. *sigh*
"I'll have the 1800..."
"I'll have the 1800..."
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Happiness is...
A honeybaked ham sandwich and knowing that you only have 2 more days left at this shitty job. And then you are FREE! FREE! FREE! Well, until Monday when you start your new (hopefully not shitty) job.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Cough Cough
So I have been sick for two weeks. My ears and my face (nose? head?) feel like they are going to burst. And now the coughing. And coughing. And coughing. And coughing. And the hoarse voice. I don't know what to do to make it go away, but I gotta get rid of this bug!
I am packing up my Mac tomorrow at work for transport to it's new home. I am going to miss it and I know it sounds weird but I am so attached to it. Not as much as my laptop but I looked at the thing everyday for the last three years. I think being a designer you tend to feel that way because without that computer and those files you are nothing. I guess I just have to accept that that is not my problem anymore, that is no longer my work. Oh and I already copied all my files anyways ;P
I am packing up my Mac tomorrow at work for transport to it's new home. I am going to miss it and I know it sounds weird but I am so attached to it. Not as much as my laptop but I looked at the thing everyday for the last three years. I think being a designer you tend to feel that way because without that computer and those files you are nothing. I guess I just have to accept that that is not my problem anymore, that is no longer my work. Oh and I already copied all my files anyways ;P
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Nuttin' Much
The game was good. I found out that the Hawks are from Atlanta, not Seattle (whoa, way off on that one) and that it is hard to properly admire the boots because the shorts are so baggy. I also learned that NBA basketball players are tall drinks of water. The shortest guy was 6'3", the tallest 7'3". My God, man! What are you feeding those guys? When you find out, let me know so I can make sure my future spawn gets a good injection cause Momma needs a new pair of shoes! Oh and the Cavs won.
On another note, one of my very best friends recently suffered a break up. And it makes me want to kick the girl's ass, even though he broke up with her, I hate to see anyone hurting. I know that doesn't make sense but I am biased, ok? And I admit it! My friend is awesome, and adorable, and he just needs a good woman. Any one who fits that description and is in the JAX area, or if you want to know more about him, give me a holla and I will try to set something up! I could be a matchmaker! *cue "Fiddler on the Roof" music* And he just hooked me up with a g mail account so there could be that benefit thrown in there too!
I am still a little sick, I have a scratchy throat and a slight headache. I am sure all the birthday chocolates and cookies I ate and the Mountain Dew (hey, it was at least diet- and I got a free song off Itunes! Well not really free because it cost 99 cents for the pop and I could have just bought a song for that...?) that I drank for breakfast aren't helping...but I will power through it. The weekend is almost here! YAY! Happy Birthday, Z! And many more :)
On another note, one of my very best friends recently suffered a break up. And it makes me want to kick the girl's ass, even though he broke up with her, I hate to see anyone hurting. I know that doesn't make sense but I am biased, ok? And I admit it! My friend is awesome, and adorable, and he just needs a good woman. Any one who fits that description and is in the JAX area, or if you want to know more about him, give me a holla and I will try to set something up! I could be a matchmaker! *cue "Fiddler on the Roof" music* And he just hooked me up with a g mail account so there could be that benefit thrown in there too!
I am still a little sick, I have a scratchy throat and a slight headache. I am sure all the birthday chocolates and cookies I ate and the Mountain Dew (hey, it was at least diet- and I got a free song off Itunes! Well not really free because it cost 99 cents for the pop and I could have just bought a song for that...?) that I drank for breakfast aren't helping...but I will power through it. The weekend is almost here! YAY! Happy Birthday, Z! And many more :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
When it rains...
Why is it that the day I accept a job, 3 other companies call me telling me that they want me to come in for an interview? *sigh* I'm just going to go with what I've got and thank the Jeezus for that opportunity.
So Valentine's day was good over all, my husband and I went to see Josh Groban, which = "zzzzzz...wake up!" Surprisingly it was me on the end of that. The man has a beautiful voice and he is a cutie, but whoa! 10 o'clock at night in a warm auditorium and call me sleeping beauty! I did get a really cute card from my dog (via my dude) that had 3 golden retrievers on the front and said "I thought love was only true in fairy tales...I'm a retriever." OK, so I am a cheeseball but I thought that was heart melting. It doesn't hurt that my baby doggie is just the cutest! I don't know how to post pics to this yet, but when I do, watch out world!
I sent out a mass email today telling everyone that my email will be changing next week when I leave my job and I got lots of nice feedback, about how people will miss me, and I did good work. It made me feel good, but I wonder why people don't tell you those things when you are still around?
This week is birthday extravaganza, my niece turns one on Wednesday and my girl Z celebrates her day on Thursday. Tomorrow, I am going to see King James and the Cavs take on the Hawks (where are the Hawks from? Seattle?). I have never been to a pro basketball game so I am interested in seeing what all the hype is about and checking out the players cute boots. Peace Yo.
So Valentine's day was good over all, my husband and I went to see Josh Groban, which = "zzzzzz...wake up!" Surprisingly it was me on the end of that. The man has a beautiful voice and he is a cutie, but whoa! 10 o'clock at night in a warm auditorium and call me sleeping beauty! I did get a really cute card from my dog (via my dude) that had 3 golden retrievers on the front and said "I thought love was only true in fairy tales...I'm a retriever." OK, so I am a cheeseball but I thought that was heart melting. It doesn't hurt that my baby doggie is just the cutest! I don't know how to post pics to this yet, but when I do, watch out world!
I sent out a mass email today telling everyone that my email will be changing next week when I leave my job and I got lots of nice feedback, about how people will miss me, and I did good work. It made me feel good, but I wonder why people don't tell you those things when you are still around?
This week is birthday extravaganza, my niece turns one on Wednesday and my girl Z celebrates her day on Thursday. Tomorrow, I am going to see King James and the Cavs take on the Hawks (where are the Hawks from? Seattle?). I have never been to a pro basketball game so I am interested in seeing what all the hype is about and checking out the players cute boots. Peace Yo.
Monday, February 14, 2005
And it has happened! I am so excited! After 3 months of looking I have managed to remain a working member of society. And the perfect thing is my company still has to pay me severance and vacation days, and I won't even miss a beat with the money and then to have all that extra money. I feel like I won the lottery. Unfortunately all that money will go to bills because I am poor. *sigh* But I got a job!! Woohoo! And to my special plutonic valentine Z, I will miss you so much, you don't even know. You made being here bareable, and I know it won't be long til you are free too. I look forward to our emailing and extra curricular activities. I am so happy you guys are now our "neighbors" and I can't wait til Jarts season. Lots of Love, bitches! :) I love valentines day!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
So you wanna be a Rock Star?
What is metrosexual? I know it is the term of the minute, saying that men can be interested in hygiene and shopping and other girly things without being flamingly gay. However, shouldn't everyone just be hygenic? I mean we aren't 5 years old anymore. There is not reason to not be hygenic other than if you are homeless, and even then most of those guys at least pour some vodka (or colt 45 or mad dog 20/20) on a rag and wipe their asses with it every once and awhile.
So back to the metrosexual thing. Gay guys that are flaming are called "Queens". Gay guys that are not flaming are apparently running around disguised as metrosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I love me some gays, but all you straight dudes masquerading out there...we're on to you. You are gay. Come out of the closet. It will make you and everyone around you feel better. Be who you are. I'm here for you.
So back to the metrosexual thing. Gay guys that are flaming are called "Queens". Gay guys that are not flaming are apparently running around disguised as metrosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I love me some gays, but all you straight dudes masquerading out there...we're on to you. You are gay. Come out of the closet. It will make you and everyone around you feel better. Be who you are. I'm here for you.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
The end of the beginning
I've tried this blogging thing before, but now that I am heading into unemployment I think it is a good time to try again. Hopefully every post won't be this boring, but let's start off on my favorite subject–me...
I am:
28 years old
a graphic designer
soon to be unemployed
slightly overweight
approaching my 10 year class reunion.
If that doesn't paint a picture of a desperate woman, I don't know what does. In all actuality, it's not really that bad and I am secretly looking forward to a few days off. Today, I have to leave early to take my dog to the vet. Here's to hoping this thing gets better!
I've tried this blogging thing before, but now that I am heading into unemployment I think it is a good time to try again. Hopefully every post won't be this boring, but let's start off on my favorite subject–me...
I am:
28 years old
a graphic designer
soon to be unemployed
slightly overweight
approaching my 10 year class reunion.
If that doesn't paint a picture of a desperate woman, I don't know what does. In all actuality, it's not really that bad and I am secretly looking forward to a few days off. Today, I have to leave early to take my dog to the vet. Here's to hoping this thing gets better!
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